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記事を読む Ads by PubFuture Chapter 1512Thalassa felt her breath tighten as David wheeled Lysander towards their group. Her body tensed,
and a sharp, yet subtle, pain ignited deep within her heart.
Seeing Lysander brought back the harrowing memory of being held at gunpoint by Susan just two
days prior. Lysander’s eyes were merciless, his handsome face cold as ice as he coldly urged
Susan to end Thalassa’s life. Only with her gone could the rift in Rosalind’s heart be healed,
allowing he and Rosalind to be together without reservations.
It was then Thalassa realized that, in Lysander’s eyes, her existence was nothing but a barrier to his
and Rosalind’s happily ever after.
The dull ache in her heart had somewhat eased over the past two days, but seeing Lysander now,
that suffocating, intricate pain resurfaced with a vengeance.
Thalassa only managed a fleeting glance at Lysander before averting her gaze, her eyes falling to
the tabletop.
“Lysander, here you are!” Ethan exclaimed with genuine warmth as he approached.
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Lysander was a close friend, and they had spent countless nights out at the Sapphire Skyline. With
Lysander having been in a coma for the past three years and Ethan focusing on his career, it had
been ages since the Starhaven quartet had gathered like this.
The sight of a now lucid Lysander filled Ethan with the joy of reuniting with an old friend.
Alaric quickly joined Ethan’s side as well.
Originally, Ethan had intended to take over wheeling Lysander from David, but Alaric beat him to it,
effortlessly dismissing David and taking charge of Lysander’s wheelchair himself.”Lysander, it’s been three years, but you’re finally back among us. Dr. Funke’s medical skills are
truly exceptional. It’s no wonder Thalassa agreed to all his unusual demands just to have him treat
you,” Alaric said, his voice filled with emotion.
At Alaric’s words, a frown marred Lysander’s brow, and he turned a sharp, penetrating gaze on
“What did you say?” he asked.
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Alaric momentarily faltered under the intensity of Lysander’s stare, worrying he had misspoken.
“Ah, sorry, I won’t mention your illness in public anymore,” Alaric quickly apologized, thinking
Lysander was concerned about his reputation being affected by the admission of his three-year
“It’s not that. Who did you say brought in Dr. Funke?” Lysander asked, his tone serious and
imposing, not missing a beat.
Hearing Lysander’s question, Thalassa’s heart skipped a beat, and she looked up at Alaric with
worry in her eyes.
Alaric chuckled, “It was Thalassa of course. She agreed to help Dr. Funke secure a highly capable
apprentice and even promised to find him a date on a dating site in exchange for his services. You
have no idea that Dr. Funke is quite the eccentric. Money alone won’t persuade him to treat
someone; it’s all about playing by his rules and the elusive factor of fate.”
So, it was Thalassa who had arranged for his treatment, not as his grandfather had told him—that
upon learning of his vegetative state, Thalassa had avoided him like the plague, never once
visiting?Lysander’s attention was solely on Alaric’s initial revelation; the rest of the conversation barely
registered. His deep gaze found Thalassa, who had been watching the scene unfold with surprise.
Their eyes met, and the intensity in his stare felt like a direct assault on her heart.
Thalassa’s heart fluttered, and she quickly lowered her gaze, picking up her water glass to sip and
mask her discomfort.
“Lysander, what brings you to the equestrian center today?” Alaric asked as he wheeled Lysander
toward the rest area.
David, following closely, chimed in, “I had a meeting with Donovan about some jewelry design
purchases. Mr. Sinclair is preparing to return to the Sinclair Group and came to oversee my