Chapter 1511He gave Alaric’s shoulder a gentle pat.
Alaric’s gaze, previously fixed in a serious stare at Hertha, shifted away as he let out a sigh of
frustration, “Weren’t we here to discuss the design proposal with Donovan? The horseback riding
can wait. Let’s focus on work first.”
Thalassa remained silent, her suspicions confirmed – Ethan and Alaric were indeed the buyers this
Hertha, too, had an ‘aha’ moment, gasping in surprise. Her widened eyes darted between Alaric and
Ethan constantly.
Catching on to her train of thought, Ethan said with a smile, “Alaric is the director of Crawley
Jewelry’s development. He has the final say on the design proposals.”
With those words, Hertha’s attention snapped back to Alaric, noticing his now stern, slightly
annoyed expression.
Her heart was beating like a drum. Crap, she thought, she’d mess this one up again.
Earlier, she had tried to reassure Thalassa, saying losing a job wasn’t the end of the world – they
could always find another. But deep down, she knew that finding another job in jewelry design
wasn’t that simple. Besides, her family’s expenses were high, and without any savings, she couldn’t
afford to be unemployed, not even for a little while.
Losing her job meant she couldn’t even pay Bridget’s salary, let alone afford formula for the kids.
Looking at Alaric, she quickly changed her expression to one of eagerness, stepping forward and
saying to him, “Mr. Falconer, you must be exhausted. Want me to rub your shoulders?” she said as
she was already rubbing gently for his shoulders.Alaric glanced at her feigned enthusiasm, puzzled by her sudden eagerness. He gently pushed her
hands away, saying, “Keep your distance. I wouldn’t want your ‘brilliant’ ideas splashing over to me.”
With that, he turned and headed towards the lounge area.
Hertha paused but quickly realized this might not be the end of it.
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Alaric’s willingness to joke meant he wasn’t truly mad. Perhaps there was still a chance to make
“Mr. Falconer, wait up,” she called, following him.
Thalassa and Donovan trailed behind.
Upon reaching the lounge area, Hertha was all over the place, wiping down a chair for Alaric. Once
it was clean, she said in a servile tone, “Mr. Falconer, please, take a seat. Can I get you some
Alaric gave her a look, questioning, “What happened to your earlier confidence?
“Well, you were just having a bad dream before, Mr. Falconer. Now we’re back to reality. How about
some apple juice?” Hertha replied, her smile pleasing.
Ethan couldn’t stand it any longer and interjected, “Ms. Kensington, I’m the boss here. Are you sure
you’re sucking up to the right person?”
novelbin”But didn’t you say Alaric has the final say on the design proposal?” Hertha didn’t hold back her
response to Ethan.
“Who said the design proposal was going to Crawley Group?” From behind, a confident voice
chimed in.Everyone turned towards the source of the voice, only to see a man pushing a wheelchair forward
with a person seated in it, whose chiseled face was exuding an aura of nobility and grace.
Lysander had arrived!

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