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記事を読む Ads by PubFuture Chapter 1506Susan’s phone buzzed with a notification of a deposit, but before she could even crack a smile, her
nerves tensed up abruptly.
“Who’s looking for me?” Susan asked, warned.
In this world, Susan was alone. Her mother had followed her father in a suicide on the day of his
death. Her relatives and friends, knowing she had fallen on hard times and was practically living
hand to mouth, steered clear of her. How could they possibly be seeking her out?
She had been living in this rundown, dilapidated place for over two years, and not once had anyone
come looking for her.
Why would someone suddenly be asking for her now?
The old house was poorly insulated against sound, and the deep, narrow alleys echoed every word.
Even with voices not far off, Susan could hear them from inside.
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Callum glanced vigilantly towards the source of the voices, his voice a hushed whisper, “Did you tick
someone off today without realizing? Does Lysander strike you as the type to wait until the next day
to settle a score?”
Susan’s eyes widened in shock. Panicked, she was at her wits’ end, “Lysander sent someone after
me? Over Thalassa?”
“What else?” Callum replied, his gaze dripping with disdain.
Susan really had the audacity to pull a knife on Thalassa, even injuring her. She must have a death
wish!”Lysander’s supposed to marry Rosalind and use my hand to get rid of Thalassa, right?” Susan
mumbled, confusion clouding her thoughts. Then, like a lightbulb moment, clarity struck.
“Damn, I’ve been played! I need to bolt. Cover for me, will you?” Susan quickly pocketed her phone
and slipped out the back door.
One advantage of such old houses was their two exits. If the front door was compromised, the back
door was an escape hatch.
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Only now did Susan realize the truth. Lysander had tricked her into thinking Thalassa was
discarded. It was actually all a ruse to get her to spare Thalassa.
The hundred million she was supposed to get had been reduced to a mere pittance of 500,000
because of Lysander’s meddling, and it didn’t sit well with Susan when she thought it through.
But survival was paramount. Lysander was no Zephyr. She’d probably either get her arm or leg
broken and become a cripple.
Seeing Susan make a run for it, Callum acted swiftly by locking the front door from the inside and
following her out the back, making sure to secure it behind them.
They had barely been gone two minutes when two bodyguards dressed in black arrived at the door.
They were knocking politely at first. When no answer came, they knocked harder, still with no
Exchanging a glance, they sensed something was off and kicked the door down, sweeping the
interior only to find it empty. Noticing the back door, they realized Susan had fled that way.
“Let’s chase her!” they shouted, taking off after her.Susan wove through the alleys and made her way to the main road. She was about to break into a
sprint when Callum grabbed her arm.
“Let go!” Susan snapped with fury in her eyes, mistaking him for one of Lysander’s men. But upon
seeing it was Callum, her anger softened.
“Get in the car; I’ll get us out of here,” Callum said.
Glancing back towards the alley, though the bodyguards hadn’t caught up yet, Susan felt it was only
a matter of time. As a malnourished woman, she couldn’t outrun them. But it would be perfect if she
could escape with a car.