Chapter 8


I sit in the meeting room at the head of a long mahogany table, the triplets are busy discussing amongst themselves all the tiny details of this land deal. It was slightly amusing to watch the way they bounced around finishing each other’s sentences.

I have reached my limit though. I can respect their thorough attention to detail but we have reworked this deal a million times over. Well, I guess when it comes to the interest of a country, even kings like us become stingy.

I clear my throat, “So, do we have an agreement?”

The triplets freeze and look at each other apprehensively…

“Ethan,” the rowdy-looking one begins. “This is far…”

“What I think my brother is trying to say, Ethan,” the tallest triplet interjects, “Is that we want this to be mutually beneficial for all parties.”

I sit back in my chair, “How is it not? In fact, I think you are getting the better deal.”

The rowdy looking triplet scoffs and turns his chair away from me. The tallest, Shawn, I believe, places his hand on the rowdy one’s shoulder. “Rafe, take a breath,” he whispers.

The most composed one, Eli, flashes me a diplomatic smile. “Ethan, maybe we have got ourselves off on the wrong foot. Please understand that as a kingdom, we are still recovering from the attack that killed our parents and robbed us of our sister…”

I interject, “If this is only about cost, I have been more than generous. I will not raise my offer.”

Kyle shifts his weight behind me. I can tell that he is nervous about the outcome of our negotiations but he knows well enough to say anything to me.


Shawn leans on the table, there’s a glimmer of aggression in his eye that I respect. “Ethan cut the crap. You need this coastal land. This is one of our largest ports. Your offer is generous, as you said. And yes, we do need the money. There is no lie. But you also need to expand your navy. Your kingdom is landlocked.”

Touché. I raise my eyebrow, these men have done their homework. “True but in five years, my kingdom will still stand but will yours? You’re barely keeping your head above water. Take my offer or not, it makes very little difference to me.”

I push against the table and begin to stand. We are allies, but all of us are here to maximize the benefit of our own



Chapter 8.

Rafe holds his hands up between Shawn and me. “Gentlemen, gentlemen, keep it in your pants. Sit down, this isn’t the time for a pissing contest.”

Shawn glares at me as I smirk.

“If you need more time, then think it over. But I think we all know that we are going around in circles,” I sit back in my chair.

Eli looks over to his brothers, his eyes are filled with concern and apprehension.

*Fine, fine, fine,” I reply in a false annoyance. I have another issue I want to discuss. It’s been on my mind all morning and I have been waiting for the perfect moment to bring it up. The triplets look over at me nervously, anxious to hear what I am about to say. “I’ll lower my price, but only on one condition.”

Eli and Rafe exhale a sigh of relief but Shawn stares at me skeptically, he’s no fool.


“What’s the catch?” he asks darkly.

“Shawn,” Rafe begins but Shawn shakes his head at him.

“I’ll lower the price,” I repeat. “In exchange for your sister’s hand.”

The room becomes silent and completely still. I can tell that the brothers are conversing amongst themselves via


“Absolutely not,” Eli finally says. His usually calm voice is now shaking.

The brothers share the same look of possessive anger.

My wolf can barely contain himself and I can feel him bubbling to the surface as I take a deep breath and try to regain control.

“Our sister is not a part of this

Shawn slams his fist on the table.

I stifle a small laugh if only they knew what is branded on her arm.

She’s mine. I shouldn’t have to barter for what is already mine.

“Or we can keep the original terms,” I say nonchalantly but my wolf has no time for this game.

“We just got our sister back,” Eli says softly. Rafe nods his head in agreement.

But this is what princesses do, secure allies and treaties through marriage. Eventually, they will have to marry her off, they are trying to delay the inevitable.


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escort the princess back to her room!”

Ariella simply nods her head and quickly leaves with the guards. I appreciate her cooperation. Given the circumstances, following instructions is the most helpful thing she can do for us. I’m glad she understands that and is doing what’s best for the situation.

“Mine, my wolf growls in my ear.

‘Enough,’ I command. ‘This is her brother’

Mine,’ he repeats.

I cross my arms against my chest and try my best to redirect my attention to anything else in the room. I turn toward Kyle and bark, “Why are you still standing here? Go now!”

He gives me a quick confused look, and I understand. My anger is not directed toward my Beta but I can’t direct it where it wants to go.

Eli drops his arm and looks over to Shawn, Rafe crosses his arms.

“What’s the catch?” Shawn finally asks.

I scoff, “Do you want my help or not? We are allies after all.”

Ariella’s eye bounces between me and her brothers. This moment is unnecessarily tense.

“We need all the help we can get, Shawn,” Eli says under his breath. His tone is pointed as he is torn between needing my help and being protective of his sister.

“Yes but it comes at a cost, doesn’t it?” Shawn asks bitterly through his teeth.

men +

Ariella takes a sharp breath as her hazel eyes plead with me to keep my word and not order my retreat. She has no idea what I had just proposed, no idea what I am willing to do to reclaim her.

“As a good faith offer, I have sent my men to your aid,” I say casually. “But my new terms are still on the table. Sleep on it and give me your answer in the morning

Heave before the brothers can say another word. No matter what, I will not take no as an answer. I can only hold on to her secret for so long.

11:20 Tue, 23 Jul