Chapter 70 
I want to scream! How does this man keep showing up in my life! But before I can ask thai 
“What have you done to Maya?” I demand. 
“Ariella,” Marcus tries to speak, and I see nothing but lies dripping from his mouth. “You need to undertal, to 
“Really!” I raise an eyebrow at him. “And you expect me to believe that, after everything” 
“Yes” Marcus implores. “I do. I don’t bear you any ill will. Even though you tried to have me executed” 
There is no way that I believe a word he says. Not just after everything he put me through himself, but especially mother did to my parents, and to me. And what she tried to do to me that my mother protected me from. 
“The only way,” I begin to tell Marcus slowly. “That you can look like Ethan, not to mention walk. 
on fire and the air trying to strangle you, is if someone has cast a protective spell over you. And that wäch needi protection to keep up. So, I say, putting my hands on my hips. “Your lovely mother should be soxnewliere around 

I hear a loud, horrendous cackle from behind me. A sound I have heard far too many times at this point. I turn—pandand- with Lilith by her side. 
“Oh great,” I say. “The family’s all here” 
“I would say it’s lovely to see you again, Maya..but it isn’t,” Lilith sneers 
Then I notice Maya behind them, she’s bound and gagged and floating in the air. 
⠀ “Let her go, Evelyn“” I snarl. “She has nothing to do with this.” 
“She’s a witch who trespassed on my territory without an invitation. She knows what that means for her and she did 
It’s not just the gag. I spy bruises on Maya as well and I remember Lilith prefers having someone beaten with her kidnapping- 
“We just all had to come and make sure that you and your little witch friend don’t try anything like breaking any of my spells, she glint on her face. 
Despite the dire circumstances, with Evelyn having Maya tied up and Marcus and Lilith present to overpower me, I suddenly realize something 
“We’re on the ri 
right track, aren’t we,” I say with a victorious breath. “This will work, this will save me and my baby.” 
“It would have,” Evelyn acknowledges with a grimace. “The only thing Sal loves more than incinerating werewolves is having them cane crawlie to him for help. But you’re too late and we’re here now and that is something I definitely will not be allowed to do. You were supposed to carry mY grandchild- 
“Hey!” Lilith interrupts and I level her with a pitiful gaze. It must be tough knowing she wasn’t even the second best choice that Evelyne chose for 
her son. 
–but now I’ll settle for taking the one you’re carrying!” Evelyn continued like Lilith hadn’t even interrupted her. Like the woman wasn’t even a 
“I remember everything!” I hiss at her. “You’re a murderer! You killed my parents and you’re trying to kill met 
Evelyn waves her hands and I feel invisible binds wrap around me. 
“Your mother made you useless to me!” Evelyn screeches. “Marcus couldn’t even get close to touch you. All I needed was for you to be a hoodmare and you couldn’t even do that. You should just die now 
Evelyn comes closer to me, and she rests her hands on my swollen stomach. I want to pull my stomach out of her touch, I want to keep my baby away from her. But I can’t do anything to make my body move 
“But I will be able to use this,” she whispers softly. “Even if it’s not my blood, it’s royal blood from Crystal River, it’s his blood, and I can use it.. 
His She means my father. 
“You’re so delusional,” I tell her. “My father would never have chosen you. And instead of just accepting that fact, you’re trying to alter reality so you can convince yourself that you luave some part of him. My father died defending my mother from you! That is the truth!” 
Evelyn brings her hand up and hits me a 
me across the face. 
“Insolent girl!” She snarls like the is a wolf herself. “You father cost me aside, this isn’t some sort of sentimental way of having a part of him. This is about power and control, and tarnishing the legacy your parents left behind.” 
11:56 AM c 
Chapter 70 
I want to scream! How does this man keep showing up in my life? But before I can ask that, a dark realization comes over me. 
“What have you done to Maya?” I demand. 
“Ariella.” Marcus tries to speak, and I see nothing but lies dripping from his mouth. “You need to understand. I’m only here to protect you” 
“Really?” I raise an eyebrow at him. “And you expect me to believe that after everything?” 
“Yes” Marcus implores. “I do. I don’t bear you any ill will. Even though you tried to have me executed” 
There is no way that I believe a word he says. Not just after everything he put me through himself, but especially now that I know everything his mother did to my parents, and to me. And what she tried to do to me that my mother protected me from. 
“The only way.” I begin to tell Marcus slowly. “That you can look like Erhan, not to mention walk among these ruins safely without your skin setting on fire and the air trying to strangle you, is if someone has cast a protective spell over you. And that witch needs to be relatively close by for the protection to keep up. So,” I say, putting my hands on my hips. “Your lovely mother should be somewhere around here, shouldn’t she?” 
I hear a loud, horrendous cackle from behind me. A sound I have heard far too many times at this point. I turn around and see Evelyn behind me, 
ith Lilith by her side. 
Oh great,” I say, “The family’s all here.” 
“I would say it’s lovely to see you again. Maya, but it isn’t, Lilith sneers. 

Then I notice Maya behind them, she’s bound and gagged and floating in the air. 
“Let her go, Evelyn!” I snarl. “She has nothing to do with tha 
“She’s a witch who trespassed on my territory without an invitation. She knows what that means for her and she did it anyway.” Evelyn says flatly. 
It’s not just the gag. I spy bruises on Maya as well and I remember Lilith prefers having someone beaten with her kidnapping. 
“We just all had to come and make sure that you and your little witch friend don’t try anything like breaking any of my spells,” she says, a wicked glim on her face. 
Despite the dire circumstances, with Evelyn having Maya tied up and Marcus and Lilith present to overpower me. I suddenly realize something. 
“We’re on the right track, aren’t we,” I say with a victorious breath, “This will work, this will save me and my baby.” 
“It would have, Evelyn acknowledges with a grimace. “The only thing Sol loves more than incinerating werewolves is having them come crawling to him for help. But you’re too late and we’re here now and that is something I definitely will not be allowed to do. You were supposed to carry my grandchild-” 
“Hey!” Lilith interrupts and I level her with a pitiful gaze. It must be tough knowing she wasn’t even the second best choice that Evelyne chose for 
her son 
–but now I’ll settle for taking the one you’re carrying!” Evelyn continued like Lilith hadn’t even interrupted her. Like the woman wasn’t even a consideration 
“I remember everything” I hiss at her. “You’re a murderer! You killed my parents and you’re trying to kill met 
Evelyn waves her hands and I feel invisible binds wrap around me. 
“Your mother nude you useless to met Evelyn screeches. “Marcus couldn’t even get close to touch you. All I needed was for and you couldn’t even do that. You should just die now,” 
you to 
be a broodmare 
Evelyn comes closer to me, and she rests her hands on my swollen stomach. I want to pull my stomach out of her touch, I want to keep my baby away from her. But I can’t do anything to make my body move 
“But I will be able to use this,” she whispers softly. “Even if it’s not my blood, it’s royal blood from Crystal River, it’s his blood, and I can use it.” 
Hist She means my 
means my father 
“You’re so delusional” I tell her. “My father would never have chosen you. And instead of just accepting that fact, you’re trying to alter reality so that you can convince yourself that you have some part of him. My fa 

father died defending my mother from you! That is the truth!” 

Evelyn brings her hand up and hin me across the face! 
“Imolem girl?” She stark like she is a wolf herself. “You father cast me aside, this isn’t some sort of sentimental way of having a part of him. This is about power and control, and tarnishing the legacy your parents left behind.” 
11:56 AM 
Chapter 20 
1 gasp as I’m lified into the air by an unseen force. 
“And just how will having my baby help you accomplish that? You cursed him to become a mindless beast.” 
“That I did. But a mindless beast makes the best puppet, I will be able to control his every move and through my curse? 
Evelyn waves her hand and walks towards the altar room. Maya and I float helplessly behind her while Marcus and Lilith follow. 
ance I’m dead. 
I can feel Lilith glare upon me. Her murderous intent is clear. My blood curdles thinking what she will do with my corpse once 
No! Don’t think like that I will be fine. We will be fine, we’ll find a way out of here. 
Evryln pushes us against a pillar. Dark tendrils of magic strap on to the stone structure. 
“Are you alright, Maya?” I whisper, my voice cracking. 
Maya nods. Tears streak from her eyes. Her brow is creased like she’s straining herself and I realize that she’s still using her powers to shield me from the radiation. The strain will kill her at this point 
“Maya, let go of the protective spell on mel 
She shakes her head. Dammiti 
Evelyn snaps her fingers and muutters an incantation. I feel a gut wrenching pain in my belly, like my insides trying to tear itself apart. 
Evelyn smiles. “You’re now in labor. You’ll be a mother soon or for a few minutes before you die.” 
Lilith looks on with glee. “You’ll finally get what’s coming to you.” 
“You should have just come back to me and none of this would have happened, Ariella. But you wanted to make this difficult. Marcus adds, trying to sound sympathetic 
Evelyn stands before me, looking at me like a proud mother. 
“Be happy, your son will live. I will reunite him with Ethan, making him think that his son is now cured. He will grow up like any other prince…until I have him kill Ethan and take his place as Alpha King. Then he will declare war on your idiot brothers and bring them to their knees. The entirety of Crystal River and Everstone will be under my control.” 
“Don’t forget your promise to me,” Lalith butts in, “We made a deal remember?” 
A brief look of annoyance washes over Evelyn’s face before being replaced by a sweet smile. 
“Of course dear, once we have both kingdoms, Marcus will be named Alpha King and you will be Luna Queen” 
Lilith smiles, but Marcus does not look that thrilled. However, he does not say anything 
“You’re insane!” I gasp. 
Then I scream as more pain shoots through me, seeing red. I want nothing more than to kill them, But I have to save 
“Look, Evelyn, you have me now, you’ve won. Just let Maya go. I plead with her. 
“And have her run to your mate, or cause some other disruption. You must think in a fool Evelyn grabs Maya’s face and looks intently at her. 
“She won’t,” I say, “I promise she won’t. She will leave and go about her life. I only hired her.” 
“Ob the will do everything in her power to get in my may, Evelyn chuckles, “I of all people should know my own daughter.” 