Chapter 69 
“Ahh!” I scream, unable to keep the pain within me. 
I look at my skin and see that it is turning red, the pain feeling like a fire burning me from the inside out. The pain only grows as the redness spreads. I panic as small bods begin to form on my arms and legs 
I hear running, and then Maya is at my side. 
“Stay calm. Breathe,” she commands me. 
I hear her whisper some strange words, her hands spread out towards me. And almost immediately, the pan lessens and begins to fade. There is an unseen shower of cold air that settles on me, like light snow. It takes a moment, and then unbearable pain is gone along with the boils and rash 
1 take a deep breath and stand up with Maya’s help 
What I say 
I say, turning to Maya. “What in the world was that?” 

“These lands belong to Sol, Maya explains. “They were his for millennia before the Moon threw her power over it’s people. These lands only ever worshiped him, they belong to him still. And you and your kind are a testament of those that turned away from him.” 
“So the land doesn’t like me, I tell her dryly 
*In a manner of speaking,” she shrugs. “Either that or it’s radiation that only affects wolf shifter” 
“How will we be able to perform the ceremony if the ground doesn’t even wand me standing nin way for nothing! 
Task her desperately, huil we really come all this 
But Maya places an arm on me, reassuring. “I placed a ward around you for the time being Whatever anti–shifter magic lingers in the air will see you as human and won’t harm you.” 
1 sigh. “Thank you. but I’m starting to wonder why the Sun god will even give me a chance when his thackyand is trying to burn me alive! 
“When we start the ceremony.” Maya says. “We will be calling on Sol, Like any Cristal, he has a rather large ego and will most likely stop to listen” 
( myself to lose hope before it even begins.. 
I listen to her explanation and ned. I have to give this a chance, 
“Sounds like you have experience with deities” 
“I’ve had my fair share, magic sisers also have a celestial 
I thank her for saving me and we keep walking. We follow the path of the road, berading as to the temple that would be in the center of the old city. I don’t miss how the air gets heavier the closer we get to the Temple, and when we reach it, its a struggle to just breathe even with the ward around 
I glance over at Maya and see that she’s not struggling in the same way Another little challenge because I’m a wolf shifter, then. Perfect 
“This is it” Maya breathes, looking up at the ruins. “The Temple of Sol” 
I look at the ruins. It’s barely a temple any longer. But I can imagine the greatness that it once was. Maya takes out a scroll and begins scouring it. Probably checking which way to go from here. 
“Here,” Maya says, showing me the scroll, turning it so I can see. She points out one of the pictures. “Look for an altar that looks like this“. 
I look at the picture, making sure to take note of every piece of stone. 
“We’ll cover more ground if we split up.” I tell her. “Will this shield hold up even if you’re a distance from me!” 
Maya nods. “But don’t stray too far, this place has been abandoned for centuries, we don’t know what manner of creatures may lurk around here. Or what traps may have left.” 
We head off in different directions into the temple. The place may look dilapidated, but it’s still huge along with architecture I have never seen before. 
I shiver. for a moment, I feel like I’m being watched. 

I glance at the walls, there are engravings of the Sun everywhere. The Power of Sol. He knows I’m here, he must. Even if Maya’s shields can protect 
they can’t shield me from a God. And he won’t be fooled by a simple spell. 
I remember what Maya said. Gods have egos. They want people to call them. If that is true then he won’t smite me before that happens 
I turn away from the wall and see a stone carving a couple of feet away. Hope grows in my chest as I approach it and becomes elation when I reach 
Chapter 69 
“I’ve found it!” I call out immediately. Finally, the answer to everything is here. “Maya! I’ve found the Altar!” I call again, still to no answer. 
Something isn’t right. She shouldn’t be so far from me that she can’t hear me call her. She doesn’t have shifters‘ sharp hearing, but sound echoes along these walks and halls pretty loudly. I leave the altar and head in the direction that I remember seeing her walk down. 
But I don’t get far before I hear the sound of footsteps following me. I feel panic rising in me. It can’t be Maya, these steps are heavier and are definitely thick soled boots. I pick up my pace and I hear footsteps do the same. 
And then I run, outright and without caring. It’s difficult with my stomach so swollen but I push. I can hear the person chasing me. My foot hits the ground and I lose balance, I watch the ground as it comes towards me but it never does. 
Strong arms catch me and I look up to see Ethan holding me. I almost can’t believe my eyes. 
“Ethan!” I gasp. “What are you doing here!” 
How the hell did he get here so quickly? We left hours before he would have even known I left town. But here he is. 
“Do you think I’d let you just waltz into a dangerous place like this without me?” he asks, kissing my forehead. 
I frown, surprised and confused that he isn’t fuming with anger that I left without saying anything. Could it be he’s just happy to find me? 
I shake my head, I can worry about that later. We have Maya to find. 
“We have to find Maya,” I tell him, and explain the plan to save the baby and myself 
“I must say, I am impressed,” he matters. “To be honest, I didn’t even think of this as a possibility; most people have forgotten about this place. Trust a witch to know things no one else does ” 
We go chamber to chamber looking for Maya, but there is no sign of her. I am begin to worry.. 
But something else also begins to gnaw at me. 
Ethan..he’s acting strange. He’s almost chirpy Too agreeable. He didn’t once bring up the fact that I left town without telling him to come to a condemned ruin. Why hasn’t he tried to drag me away from here already! 
Not only that but our connection the light in his chest that only I can’s not there. 
“Yes, darling” he smiles, leaning close to me. 
“You seem to be in a good mood today. Did Kyle sing something funny again?” I lied 
“Of fcourse he did, he chuckles. “He made up stupid lyrics about a rabbit and two birds.” 
I step back, glaring at the imposter wearing Ethan’s face 
“Ari, what’s wrong? You look pale.” 
He tries to touch my face but I swat it away. 
“You’re not Ethan Who are you!” 
Ethan scoils. “If I’m not me then who am I? Come now Ariella, don’t be ridiculous.” 
“Am I” L 
by Ethan would know that his bera hates singing” 
“I hiss, “Surely 
Ethan sighs. “I guess the jig is up.” 
His entire form shimmers and melts away to reveal his real identity. 
Marcus Keenan 