Chapter 68 
“Maya,” I him. “Damn it” 
Immediately all the pieces fall into place. If Maya is with her, it means they’re going to try something. 
“We need to catch up to her now,” I order Kyle. Kyle sees the look on my face, and he nods. I breathe a sigh of relief. We all turn away from the council member that I had just struck and head towards the war room, Cassandra following. 
I want to tell her to wait behind, but before I get the chance, Elder Brian, a member of the council, the whiney voice’s owner, approaches me. 
“King Ethan, I need to speak with you,” he says. 
It takes every ounce of my self–control not to strike him immediately, seeing the look on his face. He is clearly going to try and stop us from searching for Ariella. Other members of the council tow behind him. 
I try to ignore him but he speaks again. 
“King Ethan,” the man speaks loudly as he approaches me, not having enough sense to even do this in private, not the sense to recognize that this is not the time. I see in his eyes he wants to make a scene. 

“This is not the time, Elder Brian. I will speak with you at our next meeting.“” 
a matter of great concern; What is this we hear of that Princess running away again?” 
His words bring me up short for a moment. 
“First of all, she is your Queen; Secondly, Elder Brian, she is missing, not run away I tell him coolly. “And thirdly, what do you mean “again“?” 
The man stands up a little taller, well, he tries to 
“She abandoned her last husband, did she not?” The man presses on “Alpha Matthew or Mark or something. And now she is abandoning you, Your Majesty!” 
My eye twitches and I feel my rage building. Unbelievably, he senses nothing and keeps speaking 
“She is unfaithful,” Brian declares, making a judgment on Ariella. “She is not worthy to be our Luna Queen and 
I refuse to hear a single word more of this. It has already gone on for too long. Not just Brian, but the others before him. They were the ones who tried to talk me out of marrying Ariella, and now they are the ones who are trying to stop me from going after her. I won’t listen a moment longer. 
I reach into myself for a power I rarely use, one my father warned me against 
The Alpha’s Aura 
I level Brian with a look, and watch as my power comes over him. The effect is immediate. 
He bows to the ground, dropping to one knee and bowing his head so low it touches his raised knee. I hear him growl, but one of submission. I keep him there for a few moments. 
“You forget,” I snarl at him, and then turn to the room at large, sending my power wide and they all bow in a similar way. “You all forget. I am your Alpha King. It is not just a title handed down. It is a power within me. Had I not been given this power by the Moon, I could stand before you now, my father’s son, and it would mean nothing” 
I push the power out more, until it forces a mind link with all of them, so that they hear my words in their thoughts, too, 
“This is what this power means,” I snarl. “You are bound to mel. You obey me. And if necessary, you fear me. You forgot under my father, you forgot because he gave you power. You have forgotten how to fear and respect your Alpha King. But I will bring that fear back if necessary 
I contemplate before I tell them the next part. I don’t want my court to obey purely out of obedience and that’s why Father forbids me from ever using this power under normal circumstances. But right now, the council also needs to understand who Ariella is. 

*Listen, Luna Queen Ariella, is my mate,” I tell them, calmer than before. “Appointed and blessed by the Goddess. And all of my subjects will accept that, or face the consequences.” 
I leave them in that state as I turn to Kyle. The trance will fade eventually, and they need some time to think over what they have done. 
“Let’s go.” I tell my Beta, “I’ve wasted enough time!” 
Her and our baby. There is no doubt in my mind that she left, to save the child. I should never have suggested the abortion. 
“Where do you think they went?” Kyle a 
asks as 
s as we hurry to the garage. 
11:56 AM 
Chapter 68 
“The fact that Maya is with her means the witch has something up her sleeve, a way to save them.” 
“But why not just come to you, Alpha?” 
“Because whatever it is, Maya kept it to herself this long because it must be dangerous.” I grit my teeth. 
I need to find them both. 
“Ooph!” I groan and hold my belly tigh 
“Damn this road is insane“” 
“And you wanted to drive her by yourself,” Maya scoffs, “You can barely handle being a passenger right now.” 
I’m about to retort when we hit another hump. 
We had to resort to using less traveled dirt roads in order to avoid patrols or passers by. The last thing I wanted was Ethan finding out where we are and stopping us 
I look at the darkening sky. He probably knows I’m gone by now,” 
“He definitely does.” Maya says, “I’ve never known that man to let you out of his sight for this long. It’s a weird werewolf way. But someone definitely would have reported sering us by now 
Maya drives us down a road that leads us straight into dense vegetation. If there used to be a road here, there is almost no sign of it left. straight up to a metal fence laced with barbed wire, and a sign that says DANGER! DO NOT ENTER BY ORDER OF THE CROWN. 
Of course my witch friend has no qualms about making the fend evaporate into mist with a snap of her fangers 
My mind begins to wonder. “What is this place we’re going to that the Stirling Royal Family has fenced off?” 
We drive 
The car slows down as it reaches the edge of a cliff. I look out and see a sprawling mass of ruins in the valley below. I am sure I have seen pictures of this place before somewhere. 
“This is the ancient city of Selestia. What remains of it at least.” 
I look down in wonder, remembering no 
“It’s one of the last human cities in this region. It used to be the center of civilization_before_” 
“Before the Moon goddess, Selena, offered the people the power to defeat their enemies if they abandoned Sol and worshiped her instead.” 
“Many werewolves were once humans, and only became shifters when they accepted the Moon as their patron.” 
“So we’re here because this is the last place people worshiped Sol” 
“Correct, but we’ll have to continue on foot from here, Ariella?” 
Maya takes my bag from me and slings it over her shoulder. I feel queasy as 1 hop out of the car and start walking. The drive did my pregnant body 
no favors at all. 
“Can cast a spell to take away your fatigue.” 
“No, it’s fine,” I say heavily, “Save your energy for when we get to the altar.” 
The walk down is treacherous. Wild vegetation and loose ground make the journey down to the ruins dangerous. I have no idea how I would have managed without Maya here. More than once she saved me from breaking a limb 
“Ouch!” I hiss, feeling a sharp sting on my hand. 
“Nothing–probably just a ber- Ouch!” More pain, less of a sting and more like buming. 
I yell my entire body begins to feel like it’s on fire. My skin becomes reil. 1 can see smoke, I smell my own flesh burning 
11:55 AM 
Chapter 68