Chapter 65 
“You look absolutely celestial, Ari, Shawn exclaims warmly, hugging me tight. “Oh, I’ve missed you. We’ve only just got you back and now you’re leaving the nest.” 
“I missed you too, Shawn,” I hug my brother tightly. It feels like forever since I’ve seen him. And now with my memories back I can truly appreciate the reunion. “You got my message?” 
He pulls away and looks at me with sadness. 
“I did. I don’t know whether to be sad or enraged. What happened to you and our parents at the hands of that witch is unforgivable..but I am thankful to the Goddess that through it all we are here together. And I know justice will be dealt.” 
Shawn hugs me again, and this time both Rafe and Eli join in as well. I feel so small between the three of them. It’s always been like this, my big brother bears and 1 
“Okay, ahem, ahem!” Rafe coughs. “That is enough coddling for now; we’ll have plenty of tears to wipe away when the wedding starts.” 
“You mean you’ll have plenty of tears, Rale,” Eli snorts, “Shawn and I have never cried at a wedding before. You on the other hand have a very low 
tear threshold.” 

“I do NOTT 
We all laugh as Rafe and Eli go at it until the bell begins to ring. Straightening themselves up. Eli and Rafe go to stand at the altar while Shawn takes my hand. “Ready?” 
I take a deep breath and let it out. “Yes, I am!” 
Everything quiets down and music echoes in the air. Walking down the aisle, my attention is so focused on the man waiting for me at the end of the aisle that I don’t even know I get to the altar. 
As Ethan gently lifts my veil, his intense gaze sends my heart into overdrive. The officiant’s words float around us, but they barely register with me. Ethan recites his vows, his promise echoing deeply within me. I respond with my own, my voice trembling slightly. 
Finally, the officiant looks to us both, a smile spreading across his face as he announces, “I now pronounce you husband and wife, Alpha King and Luna Queen of Eversione!” 
“You seem more nervous now than at the temple, Ethan says. 
“There’ll be a lot of eyes on us, I’m not used to the attention,” I smile nervously, holding tightly onto his arm. 
“You’re the Luna Queen now, Ariella,” he kissed me on the cheek. “They’re the ones who will be nervous because it’s your approval that they’ll seek.” 
I take a deep breath and nod. “You’re rightTM 
Ethan smiles gently and offers me his arm. I take it and he leads me into the ballroom. 
King Ethan Striling 
Kyle sees us approach and begins to announce in a booming voice. “Now presenting your gracious and benevolent host, Alpha King and bride, Luna Queen Ariellla Loveta” 
We descend the stairs and are greeted by a lavish applause and cheers from the various lords and Alphas 
I recognize some of them from the party my brothers hosted. Gladly none of them seem to be Marcus or Lilith in disguise. 
After my first dance, people start to mingle. I’m pulled into quite a few of those small talks before I feel a tap on my shoulder. 
“May I have this dance?” Castor asks. 
“My pleasure,” I laugh as I take Castor’s hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. 
“I thought you could use a break from the constant rumblings of the nobility small talks at this kind of party can be dreary.” 

“Thank you,” I chuckle, “I was about to look for an escape if you hadn’t shown up. Thank you for everything else as well, it’s not lost on me how much you’ve done for me.” 
Castor smailes graciously, “I only wish that I can do more. And congratulations; I hope your future reign as Luna Queen is long and fruitful. Now, I have two pieces of advice for you 
I smile “What’s so scriver 
11:56 AM 
Chapter 65 
“First, I must remind you to get something to eat. You must be ravenous now. You and your baby both need energy! 
Like magic, two pieces of my favorite pastries appear in his hand. He leads me to a table at a relatively private corner. I take the chance to finish both pieces. “Thank you. I really needed them.” 
I didn’t realize how hungry I was until just now 
“Welcome,” Castor smiles. 
I ask, “So, what’s the second piece of advice!” 
Castor points at the comer not far away from us. “Look there. There’s someone who has been waiting for you.” 
ik walks out from the shadow. 
A figure wearing a cloak 
“Maya!” I exclaim and hug her. “I didn’t think you’d be here.” 
“Well, looks like I missed the wedding ceremony,” the witch smiles. “Congratulations!” 
“How did it go?” Ethan asks, his voice hopeful and filled to the brim with anticipation. I don’t even know when he gets next to me 
Maya reaches into her coat and produces a vial of strange liquid, identical to the one Evelyn used to cast the curse. 
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have a breakthrough.” 
I squeal and hug her again, even tighter. 
“Goodness, Your Majesty, not all of us are super strong werewolves,” Maya wheezes 
“Sorry.” I blush and let her go. “So when can we break the curse!” 
“I was hoping we could do the ritual tonight, while there’s a full moon,” she points to the sky. “Celestial events have a big impact on spells 
Ethan sends Kyle to gather my brothers and Castor in a private chamber. The room has a large window with a clear view of the moon, whose silver light is streaming in and lighting the room as though it is day time. 
Maya readies a silver bowl engraved with runes as everyone arrives. The initial excitement has passed and now there is anxiety and anticipation. 
However, I try to remain as positive as I can. 
Maya looks confident. That’s enough fo 
for me. 
“King Ethan and Queen Ariella, please step forward” she instructs. 
Erhan takes my hand and we do as she says. Maya uncorks the vial and pours the contents into the bowl. 
I almost gag! The smell is so utterly rancid that I’m certain the concoction will kill anyone if they ingest it. 
Maya raises her arms and begins to chant: 
“Oh you who dwell down in the deep, hear this song and on its harvest feast 
Let the the who swims in constellation, offer you more in consolation 
I give you blood. I give you bone. I give you scale. I give you stone. 
From this curse give sweet release, 
Release from death and burden of beast!” 
Bolts of crimson lighting crackle in her palm as she slams is into the vessel. A blast of powerful magic bursts forth, pushing as backward and shuttering the glass window. 
“Ahhhgg!” I scream, as tendrils shadow laces with lighting latch onto me. 
Maya grabs my hard and so does Ethan. Power flows through us and I am filled with overwhelming pain…… 
And then