Chapter 62 
I blink at him. What? 
“Well, I’m glad I asked Eli about your birthday then. Correct me if I were wrong. Based on your reaction, it doesn’t seem that anyone has celebrated it with you lately either.” 
He’s right.. I have no idea when my birthday is. The time I spent with Marcus, he never cared to celebrate anything with me. 
I stare at him, speechless, a mix of surprise and emotion flooding through me. “I—I had no idea. I guess I really did forget” 
Ethan’s expression softens. “Well, I’m here to make sure you’ll remember this one then.” 
the smell of the food alone is 
The aroma from the food is making my mouth water. I take a deep breath and smile, “Everything else aside, just the enough to make it memorable.” 
“Well, then what are you waiting for?” He says, “We have ginger glazed salmon–ginger’s great for settling the stomach. And this here,” he points to a colorful salad, “is full of folic acid, very good for both you and the baby 

I’m touched by his thoughtfulness. “You’ve done your research,” I chuckle. 
“I try,” he shrugs with a grin. “I’ve got to start stepping up as a husband and father. Please, enjoy it while it’s warm.” 
1 sigh sofily, a reflective pause in the light evening. “With everything that’s been happening, I’m still adjusting to the idea of being a 
The weight of the curse lingers at the back of my mind. I shake my head, dispelling the darker thoughts for now. 
As if he has read my mind, Ethan suggests, “Don’t not let what we can’t control ruin this delicious meal.” 
“You’re right,” I meet his gaze, a grateful smile finding its way to my lips as I pick up my fork and delve into the fish. The flavors burst in my mouth, tender and juicy. “This is absolutely delicious!” 
He toasts me with his glass, his eyes sparkling. “Glad you like it.” 
“Aren’t you going to eat?” I ask. His intense gaze makes my face hot 
He takes a sip of his drink and smirks, “There’s something more satisfying to enjoy than food here.” 
My face is even hotter. I lower my eyes and do my best to focus on eating because I don’t know how to respond 
By the time we finish the meal, I find myself stuffed. “I’m so full! I just couldn’t stop eating!” 
Ethan, with a slight nod towards the dusky sky, suggests, “How about a walk?” 
He helps me up and leads me through a path that winds through a grove blooming under the moonlight. Silver shadows dance quietly around us. Eventually, we come to a stop at a secluded overlook, the lights from the palace are distant and twinkling beneath us. 
“Ethan,” I say gratefully. turning to look at him. “Thank you.” 
Even if somehow things don’t work out between us, I will cherish memories like this for the rest of my life. 
“Hey,” he looks down at me, “If you want to thank me, then do me a favor.” 
I tilt my head, curious. “What’s 
From his coat, Ethan pulls out a small wooden box, its surface aged and etched with intricate carvings. My curiosity piques as he holds it up before. me, his usual stern demeanor softened by the evening’s serenity. 
“In this box is an heirloom of the Sterling Royal House, he begins, his voice a low rumble of reverence for the tradition he’s upholding. “It has been passed down from Luna Queen to Luna Queen for centuries.” 
I hold my breath, waiting for him to continue. 
He opens the box, revealing a ring nestled inside. Its craftsmanship is exquisite. Under the silver moonlight, the center diamond glimmers with an ethereal grace. 
Caught between the beauty of the artifact a 
et and the intensity of his gaze, I’m at a loss for words. 

“A few months ago, when I first saw you at the auction, my wolf would not allow me to look at any other women and every fiber of my being told me that I had to have you” he says, “At that time, I didn’t know what it was, but now, I do.” 
My heart beats frantically. 
Clupter 62 
“Would you do me a favor and put this on for me?” he asks. 
I stare at him. Does he mean what I think he means! Yes we’ve announced our wedding day, but is he proposing to me now! 
“Can you clarify? Do you mean to simply give me a family heirloom or “” 
“Do you really not understand, Ariella?” he asks 
“Say it.” I demand. 
He lifts my chin, his voice low but smooth bike silk. “Will you be mine, as my wife, my Luna, and my queen?” 
I look at him, at the ring, and then back to his eyes–those clear, commanding eyes that now await my decision 
“Ethan.” My voice trails off as I search for the right words, knowing that my next few words might just shape our destiny. Tearings stream down my face. I hear myself say, “Yes, it would be my honor to be your wife.” 
Ethan pulls me close, his hard muscles pressing against my chest, and his strong arms around me. 
I look up and my gaze locks with his blue orbs. Instantly, his lips crushes down, and his tongue enters my mouth. 
1 let out a moon. 
His hand combs through my hair, and he pulls my head back, exposing my neck. Softly, he places his lips against my pulse, kissing the skin and biting softly. He sucks the skin into his mouth, and I moan again 
I don’t fight back. I embrace this. My slowly awakening wolf wants this. And he knows L 
He kisses my lips again, deep and hard, his tongue ravishes through my mouth. And then his hands are on me, grasping, pulling at anything he can 
I answer his desperation without thinking. 
“Say that you’re mine,” he insists, and I hear the struggle in his voice, but he holds on “Say that you belong to me, Ariella, and I will give you whatever you want Just say it.” 
ounce of me, an 
1 can’t control myself. I have to have it. The stirring wolf inside me purrs with anticipation, eager to break free. I feel it in every ounce undeniable urge pulling at the core of my existence. 
Suddenly, a searing sensation ignites in my heart. He and I lock eyes, both startled. 
“Your chest- 
The golden light- 
It’s as though an invisible force is drawing us together. The golden glow emanating from his chest is so intense that I squint against the brilliance, yet I’m acutely aware that I’m the only one who can see it. 
Anticipation, enticement, and longing, stirring both Ethan’s wolf and mine to their depths. In a breathtaking moment, he leaps into the air and shifts mid–flight 
A magnificent wolf with fur as black as night lands before me, yet its coat shimmering with a golden aura. 
I step forward, my hand reaching out to touch the golden radiance at his heart. The wolf howls with desire, and simultaneously, a resounding voice echoes in our minds. 
The desire to shift is overpowering, burning me from the inside out. 
However, no matter how hard I try, my wolf struggles against an invisible barrier. She cries out in desperation to meet her mate. 
“Arghhhhh!” I scream out loud in pain. 
“Ariella” Erhan shouts out my name through mindlink, but I can’t respond. 
My body is as if it’s being split. My wolf is attacking the barrier of the curse with all her strength. The mix of longing, anger, and desperation culminating in an intensity too great to bear. 
Overwhelmed by the tumult of emotions and agony, I finally subcumb and faint.