Chapter 6: We’ve Met Before
I swallow hard. The two men I’ve been doing everything I could to avoid tonight now stand in front of me.
“King Ethan!” Marcus gasps, letting me go.
Ethan stops between Marcus and me, shielding me as Marcus takes several steps back. I’m finally able to breathe, even though my whole body is still trembling from both anger and fear.
Ethan turns his head, his piercing blue eyes fixed on me for a moment. Then his eyes narrow as he turns back to face Marcus.
“Get. Lost!” he says. Although he isn’t loud, his tone carries a dangerous edge.
Marcus shrinks for a brief moment. But after a while, he lowers his head and says, “With all due respect, this is between me and my wife.”
Fury boils within me. My fists clench so tightly that they start to shake again.
“Your wife? I bet she doesn’t agree,” Ethan scoffs, and then he asks me, “Am I right, Your Highness?”

I grit through my teeth. “I have nothing to do with him!”
Marcus shifts his gaze to glare at me and lifts his chin stubbornly. “Your Majesty. My wife and I have had a small quarrel. We just need some time to sort it out. All couples fight, you know—”
Before he finishes his words, he’s already reaching his hands toward me before I can react.
But he isn’t able to touch me.
Ethan blocks his hand, grabs his arm, and pushes him back with force, sending him tumbling to the ground.
I stand there in awe. Ethan is no doubt powerful. But Marcus has been known to be the most skilled warrior in our region, and I can’t believe that he was thrown onto the ground by Ethan with such a simple push.
Ethan takes two steps forward and stands over Marcus, who is trying to get up. However, Ethan stomps his foot on Marcus’ face and slams Marcus’ head back on the ground.
“If you know what’s best for you, you will stay on the ground where I put you,” the king warns.
Marcus freezes and his face burns crimson under Ethan’s shoes. Yet, this time, he remains on the ground.
Ethan scoffs at him again. “That’s much better, you sorry piece of shit!”
Marcus’s eyes glitter with impotent fury. But he does not dare speak out against Ethan again.
“You deserve nothing but contempt. If any scrap of dignity remains in you, you will crawl away in shame and never show your face in this palace again,” Ethan continues. “But a worm like you has no dignity. Do you?”
Sputtering helplessly, Marcus tries to move away, but Ethan doesn’t let him.
“Get on your knees,” the king orders, releasing his foot from Marcus’ face. “Apologize to the princess for what you have done to her.”
Marcus looks as if he might refuse, but before he can make a sound, Ethan has grabbed him by the shirt collar and forced him into position on his knees in front of me.
The man that I spent five years with stares at me. His eyes reveal too many of his emotions–fury, embarrassment, greed, jealousy, and hatred.
Marcus grits his teeth in protest, but Ethan orders again, “NOW!”
It feels like centuries and finally, Marcus pushes his body up and gets on his knees. “I-I am sorry, Princess Ariella!”
Ethan grabs Marcus by the throat, cutting him off. He squeezes until Marcus’ eyes bulge.
“I think you can do better than that,” Ethan demands.
“Princess Ariella,” Marcus stammers through clenched teeth once Ethan releases him, “I humbly beg your forgiveness.”
“Tell her what a scumbag you are.”
Marcus hesitates, but Ethan demands, “Say it.”
“I am… a… a scumbag.”

“Tell her you will leave her alone.”
“I… I will… I will leave you alone.”
Ethan grips Marcus’ throat again and squeezes until he chokes, then he leans in closely and snarls, “Do not ever bother the princess again. You will crawl away in disgrace and pray your paths never cross again. Am I clear?”
Marcus’ jaw is clenched as Ethan releases his grip.
I let out a breath of relief as I watch Marcus gasp and stumble away while I’m still trying to control my trembling body.
“Come with me.” Ethan turns back to face me once Marcus disappears. “Allow me to escort you back to the banquet.”
His blue-eyed gaze lands on me. I have no doubt that he has seen through the veil.
Has he recognized me?
My breath quickens, and I lower my head even more, breaking eye contact. His scent of musky woods tinged with a touch of pine forest fills my senses. Fragmented memories of the night we shared flash in my mind.
“Thank you,” I whisper, not daring to meet his gaze.
His hand reaches out to me. Then the next moment, his thumb grazes the side of cheek through the veil, down my jaw line, and he lifts my chin up. I have no choice but to look at him.
“Your Majesty, please—” I can’t hide the panic in my voice. What is he going to do?!
I try to back away, but his other arm comes behind my back, blocking me from retreating.
“Your Highness, we’ve met before, haven’t we?” he interrupts me.
“No!” A shiver of shock passes through me and I look away. “I–I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He stops. “So it’s really not you?”
I shake my head violently. “No,” I insist. “You–you must be mistaken.”
“Is that so?” he stared at me.
I try to struggle from his grip. If he pushes me, I’ll call for guards!
But then he lets go of my chin.
“Well, I’m sorry then.”
What? He… he believes what I say?
With that, he turns on his heels and starts walking back to the banquet. “Are you coming?”
“Y-yes!” I catch up with him.
Did he really just let go of the topic so easily? Perhaps he really doesn’t have that many memories of that night, just like me.
For a moment, I can’t help but wonder, is it me who has mistaken him?
After we re-enter the banquet, Ethan gestures to me to go ahead emotionlessly, as if nothing has happened just now.
I pause and then call him, “Um, Excuse me, King Ethan!”
I hesitate for a brief moment and ask. “May I ask you to do me a favor?”
“It depends on what you’re asking.”
I take in a big breath and look him in the eye. “Please do not tell my brothers about Marcus.”
I don’t want my brothers to worry. They all have more than enough on their plates. If I can’t help them much right now, at least I shouldn’t add to their burden. Besides, even if they know, nothing will change.
All the pain that Marcus has put me through wouldn’t be diminished.
He stares at me, his blue orbs dark and deep. Just as heat starts to rise in my face, he nods. “Okay.”
I let out a breath I’ve been holding. “Thank you—”
“But I need something in return.”
I blink at him a few times, not sure how to take that. “What would you like in return, Your Majesty?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” he smirks, “but perhaps you’ll find out soon. Now, please carry on.”
Rafe waves at me from a distance. I slightly lower my head to bid Ethan goodbye.
Suddenly, something within my belly seems to tug me toward Ethan. What? Am I…?
No, it can’t be.
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