Chapter 53 
“You can go see Ariella now.” I say to Eli and Rafe, who have been waiting outside, as I exit the room. “And Castor, do whatever you need to relieve 
her distress. 
With that, I head towards the dungeon. 
Although it’s baffling and frustrating why Ariella would ever want to leave my side once we get married, I guess I need to take one step at a time. 
There’s still plenty of time for me to change her mind. Worst case, we’ll cross the bridge when we get there. 
Right now, though, I have to focus on something more urgent–figure out where Evelyn is. 
My eyes adjust to the light in the dark and 1 sec Kyle. Marcus’s beta is ready for questioning. 

“Alpha,” Kyle greets me. “I think he knew you would order his arrest because he was rather hard to find. He bribed a barman to hide in his cellar.” 
I approach the man in the cell. His face is dirty and so is his clothes. Signs of resisting arrest show in the form of a large black eye. 
His eyes fill with fear when he sees me. 
“Your Majesty, please, I haven’t done anything I swear, I wimpers, “All I did was come witness Alpha Marcus verdict and bring the news back to the pack. That’s my duty!” 
“Quiet” I snap, “I ask a question, you answer. Any more speaking out of turn and I will leave and let you stew in here for the rest of your life. Am I clear?” 
“Yes, yes. Your Majesty.” 
“Your name is Damon, is it?” 
Damon nodi 
“Now tell me, did you have any prior knowledge of Evelyn’s plan to rescue her son!” 
Damon shakes his head vigorously. “No, Your Majesty Please, you’ve got to believe me, I didn’t know anything about their plans. I swear! I came to witness the execution, just like everyone else. I have no idea Alpha Marcus, I mean, Marcus‘ mother, is a witch until today!” 
I stare into his eyes, searching for a lie, but he seems to be telling the truth. 
“I need to find her, to bring her and Marcus to justice. Do you know where she lives?” 
“N–no,” he stammers, “Marcus told one of the young men, Kevin, to give his mother a message. But no one knows what the message was, neither does anyone else know where the message would be delivered. Only Kevin knew the exact location, but he..he never came back.” 
His words blurts out, clearly desperate to distance himself from the situation. 
I growl and clench my fists. 
“Kylet He’s fucking useless. Take him out,” I turn to face my Beta, and my tone is threatening, “If you waste my time like this again, you’ll be buried along with this piece of shit again.” 
Kyle lowers his head. “My mistake, Your Majesty. I’m sure someone else from the Midnight pack can provide us with more information. I’ll be right back after I take care of this trash first.”“ 
Kyle walks towards Damon, whose eyes filled with fear as he reels himself back to the corner of the cell. 
“Wait–wait!” Damon screams louilly and stammers, “Whil–while I don’t know exactly where the witch lives- 
I cut Damon off, “Kyle, are you deal? I said no more wasting my time!” 
“WAIT- Damon cries out as fast as he can as Kyle is dragging him towards the gate of the cell, “I do know the general direction! Please, Your Majesty! Don’t kill me! I have information! I can help!” 
I raise a hand to stop Kyle. 
“Did you lie when you said you didn’t know where the message would be delivered to?” 
2:10 PM 
Chapter 33 
“No, no, no, I didn’t lie! I swear I really don’t know where it is.” Damon’s voice trembles with panic, his eyes wide with fear as he pleads, “I was only guessing, but please, please hear me out.” 
“Go on.” 

He swallows hard. “There’s a hidden swamp on the Northeast side of our pack, right near the border with Crystal River kingdom. It’s hard to find, but I accidentally ran into it once and reported it to Marcus, Marcus warned me to never near that swamp. He said it’s because that’s too close to the border, and we don’t want to cause any fractions between Everstone and Crystal River. Thinking about it now, I think it must be because that swamp is the witch’s residence!” 
“Okay, how do we get there?” I ask. 
A cunning glint flashes in his eyes. He hesitates “Well 
I arch a brow, sensing he wants something. “What is it!” 
“Well, it is not easy to find it but your Majesty. I can lead you there! IT if I do that,” he says, bowing his head. “Your Majesty, seeing as Marcus is no longer Alpha and Midnight Moon needs a new one. As the beta 1 am the most qualified candidate, and I kindly ask you to make me the Alpha” 
I stare at this greedy piece of shit. He thinks I don’t know what he’s done to Ariella 
I raise an eyebrow and smirk, “Damon, something you must know. I’m not a merciful person and I’ll never forgive any betrayals. You lied to me once, and now instead of seeking the opportunity to fix your mistake, you dare to negotiate with me. How dare your 
Damon’s eyes widen as he collapses on the ground. 
I tum to my heels and start walking away while telling my Beta. “Kyle, he’s all yours.” 
“No-!” When Damon realizes what I meant, he bursts out crying. “Please, Your Majesty, I’m sorry, I’m wrong. I won’t do it again. Please! If you want to find the witch you need me!” 
As I turn the corner, I hear Kyle sighs, playing the good cop as I expect him to. “It’s too late now. You should’ve told His Majesty from the very beginning. Now not only do I have to kill you, His Majesty is also upset with me. 
I walk out of the dungeon, but Kyle has mindlinked me so that I can continue to hear their conversation. 
Darmon begs Kyle, “Please, Beta Kyle Please save me. I, I, I can help your 
“Like I say, it’s too late now. Look, I feel had for you. You had the chance to come our clean but you choose to play the game with the king,” Kyle sighs, “He normally is more patient, but today he’s in a bad mood now with the witch on the loose, you know, you’re just made it worse.” 
“Beta Kyle, you have a good heart!” Damon wails, “I’ve heard so many good things about’ve gotta help me! I have a wife and a son at home, and I can’t just die like this. Please.. Please give me one last chance to prove myself!” 
Kyle comments, “Well, I don’t see how you can.” 
*111 draw you a map! Please, if you give me your words to spare me, I can even lead you there to save time. As long as we can prove that Evelyne truly lives there, the King would know I’m not lying to him!” 
Kyle pretends to think the idea through. “’re right, if we do find the witch, His Majesty probably would spare you. Do you think you could draw me a map of where this swamp is exactly! I’ll send some scouts,” 
Damon urges. “Yes, yes! I can! Beta Kyle, you’re an angel!” 
“However,” Kyle says coldly. “If anything you said to me is a lie, I’ll be the first one to end your pitiful life!” 
“Yes, yes, I understand!” Damon quickly responds. 
About an hour later, Kyle pokes his head into my room, a newly drawn map in his hand. “Alpha, I got it” 
I scoff. “Took you long enough.” 
Kyle replies with a leveled tone. “However, one thing Damon did mention is that even though he’s seen that swamp before, when he or others tried to get closer, they were never able to. It was as if the swamp had an invisible barrier.”