Chapter 49 
“Good morning” 
Someone is kissing my forehead, but I’m too tired to open my eyes, 
“Beautiful,” that voice coaxes me, “it’s time to wake up. 
“Um..” I whine, but my lips are met with another pair of lips, then my teeth are parted and a dominating tongue swipes across my mouth. 
I open my eyes and meet a pair of blue orbs, which are looking at me with amusement. 
Memories of last night floods back into my mind. I don’t remember how many times Ethan claims me, I only remember me begging him over and over again. 
Heat climbs up my face as he plants another kiss on my lips before saying, “As much as I want to taste that delicious pussy of yours again, we do have somewhere to be, remember?” 
His words sober me up and 1 quickly sit up from the bed. 

Yes. Marcus verdict will be announced in public today. 
When we arrive at the town square, a crowd has gathered. Among them: Espot a few members of the Midnight Moon pack, Marcus’s pack. One of them is Damon, Marcus‘ beta. Word travels fast. It’s only been two days since Marcus is captured, apparently, his pack has already gotten the news. My brothers are already there along with Castor 
Rafe waves at me. “Ari, come sit with us!” 
As I’m about to walk over, Ethan extends his arm to loop around my waist and draw me snugly against him as we 
stroll together. 
As we walk, he leans in and whispers into my ear, “Your brothers are very protective. I’m just glad that Shawn isn’t here. With his hot temper, if he finds out what I did to you last night, there surely will be a fight between me and him” 
I glare at him. “My b brothers won’t pick a fight for no reason.” 
“Is that so!” he chuckles and looks up to greet Eli and Rafe, “Good morning, gentlemen. I hope you don’t mind me joining you guys.” Castor instantly stands up and moves a couple seats down, leaving the two seats next to Rafe for me and Ethan. 
“Don’t you need to sit with the judge?” Rafe huffs. 
“Nope, I’m 
fine right here.” 
Rafe glares at Ethan, but Ethan just pretends he doesn’t notice my brother’s frustration and turns to discuss something with Castor. 
Rafe switches his attention to me, a concern flashes across his face. “Ari, are you feeling okay?” 
“Yes,” I tell him, but I’m confused. “Why?” 
“Well, it’s quite warm today, but you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt with a turtleneck. I thought you may be getting sick or something” “Um, I’m fine, Just in the mood for it, I quickly brush it off. I’m so embarrassed that I want to dig a hole! 
Damn it, Edun. You have to leave those hickeys all over my body, do you? 
Eli clears his throat and kicks Kafe in the calf. Rafe protests, “What? I didn’t say anything wrong!” 
Even though Ethan is still talking to Castor, I swear I see the corner of his lips curled up. Bastard heard our conversation! 
“Sh!” Eli hushes Rafe. They’re here.” 
As murmurs ripple through the air, I see Marcus being escorted towards the center platform. His once–proud demeanor is replaced by a haggard appearance. His unkempt hair lungs in greasy strands around his face, his clothes are tattered and stained. 
“Look at him, is that really an alpha?” 
“Used to be, at least 
Some onlookers cast disdainful glares at Marcus, while others shake their heads in pity. 
Chapter 49 
Castor looks at Ethan, who gives him a nod. With his king’s approval, Castor stands up and raises his voice, “Ladies and gentlemen!” 
Seeing he has successfully drawn the crowd’s attention, Castor continues. “I call upon you to gather here today for a matter of justice. We’re here to address the grievous offenses that have transpired within our midst. Let it be known that in this court of law, we seek retribution for the wrongs committed.” 
With a solemn expression, he gestures to one of the judges to proceed with the announcement. 
“In light of the crimes committed by Marcus Keenan of the Midnight Moon pack,” the judge begins, his voice ringing out across the square, “which include the attempted kidnapping and sexual assault on Princess Ariella Loveta of Crystal River, the attempted murder of Princess Cassandra of Everstone, and the act of disobedience, instigating conflict, and attempting murder on the King Ethan Sterling.” 

The crowd gasps in disbelief and anger as the severity of Marcus‘ offenses is laid bare. 
The judge continues, “it has been decreed that Marcus title as an Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack shall be stripped from him. 
“Furthermore, while it is fortunate that his assaults and attempted murders did not result in fatalities, we cannot overlook the depraved motivations behind his crimes. Marcus‘ actions were fueled by his greedy and reprehensible lust, therefore it is decreed that Marcus shall be subjected to castration!” 
As another wave of murmurs erupts in the crowd, a sense of numbness washes over me. Marcus‘ venomous gaze pierces through the chaos, searing me with its malice, and for a moment, 1 almost reel. But Ethan reaches for my hand, his grasp firm and reassuring, dispelling the wariness that had gripped me maments before. 
1 look away from Marcus and glance at the Midnight Moon park members. Beta Damon remains stoic and silent. He will become the next Midnight Moon Alpha by default as Marcus has no heirs or any possibility of them in the future. 
The judge asks Marcus, “Do you have anything to say, Marcus!” 
Marcus glares at him. “Fuck you!” 
The judge doesn’t react. He nods his head and one of the guards brings forward a goblet of smoking liquid. He holds it in front of Marcus’s lips. Dread and fear fills Marcus’s eyes. With a wild desperation, he kicks and fights against those restraining him. “No, your motherfuckers! You can’t do 
This to met 
However, no matter how frantic he is, he isn’t able to break free from the firm grips of his captors. His mouth is held open and the smoking liquid is forced upon his lips- 
An explosion of black and purple smoke sends the guards flying back. The crowd screams and scatters as a cackle of hideous laughter echoes. 
“Guards! Shift now!” Castor commands, and within a blink of an eye, ten wolves are circling the platform where Marcus is, ready to fight whoever is at the center of the smoke. 
“Get Ariella out of here!” Ethan instructs my brothers. 
Rafe grabs me but he suddenly freezes. Everyone freezes. I can’t move either. Ethan groans and gets to his feet, seemingly the only one who is still mobile. 
The smoke clears to reveal a deathly beautiful woman, black haired with sharp features. I recognize her immediately. We’ve met once before, at my wedding to Marcus five years ago, although she appeared more age–appropriate at that time.. 
“Evelyn!” I gasp 
“Hello Ariella,” she says like she’s genuinely happy to see me, “looks like things didn’t work out between you and Marcus.” 
“Ariella, who is she?” Eli asks, gasping for breath. 
“Thar’s Evelyn Keenan, Marcus’s mother!” 
you must be the king who was about to humiliate my son,” she says sweetly to Ethan. 
Ethan roars and charges but is thrown back by an invisible barrier. 
Evelyn approaches me with a sinister gleam in her eyes. “I see you’ve sought protection from the king” she sneers. “You pathetic little whore. Du you truly believe that carrying his baby will save you from me? You need to learn your lesson, Ariella” 
Time seems to 
ems to stand still as Ethan’s eyes widen. “What did you say! 
Evelyn cackles with amusement. “You didn’t know! You poor thing! She is pregnant with your baby!” 
Ethan jerks his head to look at me, but he’s too shocked to utter a word. Meanwhile, Evelyn produces a vial of dark liquid and shatters it on the ground. Instantly, an icy chill invades me, freezes me to the bone. 
She casts a disdainful glance over both me and Ethan. 
“You two brats attempt to sever my son’s bloodline, so you and your bloodline shall suffer she hisses, her eyes burning with malice. “I, Evelyn Keenan, curse this child in this very womb. It shall suffer the low of its mother upon its birth, and it will turn into a mindless beast when it gains its 
As her dreadful words come to an end, a sharp pain lances through my stomach, as though I’m being stabbed by a hundred knives 
Dark smoke swirls around Evelyn and Marcus and then they vanish. Gone. 
“What in hell’s name was that Rafe curses, finally able to move again. 
“Search the area!” Ethan commands urgently. They have to be close- 
Suddenly, I double over and throw up copious amounts of black 