Chapter 47 
I jump back in shock and see Ethan standing before me. A stern look upon his face. 
“Ethan! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I clutch 
“Apologies,” but he doesn’t sound sorry at all. “It’s hard to remember sometimes that you can’t hear as well as the rest of us, but that is soon to change.” 
Thanks to you” 

He smiles graciously before his expression becomes stern again. 
“So what did Castor want from you!” 
“Uhm,” my heart beats faster, should I tell him now? No, I still need time. “He wanted to inquire about the necklace it is a priceless heirloom so he just wanted to make sure it’s still intact. 
Ethan looks me straight in the rye. “If you say so 
“Is that the only reason you came out here, Your Majesty?” 
“No,” Ethan begins slowly, lowering his voice. There is something else, something important that I need to speak to you privately about.” 
1 frown, why is he speaking so softly all of a sudden? He takes my arm and veers me down a different corridor. 
“It’s about Cassandra.” 
What about her? Is she all right?” 
“Yes, she’s fine, thanks to Castor.” 
Then what is it?” 
Ethan looks around again to make sure no eavesdroppers are lurking by 
“I don’t want to beat around the bush,” he sighs, “Here’s the thing she was involved in your kidnapping along with Lilith.” 
I freeze, trying to process his words. 
“I don’t understand,” I tell him. “She was kidnapped with me. How could she have anything to do with it? She only just escaped with her life 
Ethan’s expression was grim. 
“It was made to appear that way,” he says simply. “While Cassey might not be aware of all the details Lilith had planned following the kidnapping, she was, at the very least, an accomplice.” 
“No.” I shake my head. “No, that doesn’t make any sense. She’s lying in hospital with a gash in her chest that was meant for me. She saved me with her own life. Why would she do that if she wants to have me killed?” 
“I don’t think Cassey knew Lilith’s full intention,” Ethan says again. “But that doesn’t mean my sister, if at all possible, I wish none of that had ever happened, but we owe you the truth” 
n she didn’t play a role in the earlier kidnapping. Cassey is 
Ethan takes his phone out and plays a recording. It’s Cassandra’s voice, there’s no doubt. And her words are clear. 
I swallow hard. 
“So she has been feeling guilty, and that’s why she is all of sudden so nice to me?” I ask Ethan. 
“Is she?” Ethan sighs, “Perhaps. I’m not sure. I haven’t confronted her yet, but knowing her, she probably would want to make it up to you” “Who else knows about this?” I ask him. 
“Kyle,” he says simply. 
“So, this isn’t public news yet.” I raise a brow and ask him sharply. “Ethan, are you here today to plead for leniency on her behalf?” 
Even though a part of me knows I’m being unfair, bitterness still rises up. Does Cassandra mean so much to him that the ruthless and mighty Alpha King of Everstone is willing to plead for leniency on her behalf? 
Moreover, did he do so much to help me with my wolf just for me to return the favor by letting Cassandra off the hook? 
Chapter 47 
That realization suddenly knocks the air out of my lungs and infuriates me. 
What’s wrong with me? When I learnt about Cassandra’s wrong–doing, I was mostly surprised. But somehow, Ethan’s intent hurts me way more 
It’s absolutely illogical, but I just can’t help myself! 
“Of course not. Ariella” Ethan sighs, “I’m here today because I believe you should have a heads–up before this goes public. She will be handed over to the court to determine her punishment.” 
My eyes widen. “You’re handing your own sister to the court?” 

He nods. “Cassey.she might not have the worst intentions, but that doesn’t mean she gets to commit a crime and get away with the consequences, Ethan’s tone is level and I know he meant every word. So, everything he does for me has nothing to do with Cassandra? 
Stop that silly smile on your face. Ariella. Really, what the hell is wrong with you?! 
“Well, so much for the bad news. On a positive note, congratulations on your wolf. It’s definitely a good start. Now, do you want to head back to the dinner party?” he asks as he turns around, walking towards the banquet room, 
“Wait. Eth 
Ethan I grab his hand. 
Task. “Can I see Cassandra?” 
Ethan leads us to a door at the end of the hall, opening it to reveal a small room littered with herbs, medicines, and a small bed upon which Lay Cassandra 
She sits up an 
and smiles when she sees us, grimacing slightly as she does. 
“Leave us,” Ethan orders the maids. 
They all scurry our leaving the three of us alone. The door slams shut behind us 
Cassandra’s smile fades when she notices our grim expressions. 
“What’s wrong? Has something else happened?” She asks worriedly 
“Everything is fine.” I say: “You look like you’re healing well.” 
“Castor is great!” She then looks between us, “Hold on if nothing is wrong, then what’s with your faces?” 
“Cassey” Ethan goes straight to the topic, “We’re here to talk about something you did.” 
Cassandra gulped as Ethan took a heavy step towards her. She drops her gaze and looks extremely uncomfortable, “What what did I do?” 
Ethan replies bluntly. “Ariella’s kidnapping and attempted murder. And I know that you had a hand in what transpired.” 
Cassandra quivers and immediately bursts into tears, I sigh inwardly. Poor girl, she must’ve been nervous about this all these days. “1. I didn’t mean for her she tu 
turns to me for you to get hurt. Lilith promised it was just to scare you so that you would go home!” 
“It doesn’t matter what you thought would happen, Cassandra,” Ethan scolds her, “The fact is a royal guest was kidnapped and almost killed because you lured her out.” 
“I know,” she weeps, “I know_lin se 
so, so sorry. I truly am, Ariella!” 
Ethan’s face falls and his tone is cold. “Sorry doesn’t fix anything. Cassey. 111 hand you over to the court tomorrow.” 
She’s stunned and then her face ashens. For a moment, she just stares at Ethan, wordless. Finally, she shakes her head bitterly and asks Ethan tentatively, “I will go to the trial and take the punishment.But Ethan, please just don’t be mad at me any more. Please?” 
Honestly, her reaction takes me by surprise–in a good way. Ethan told me that deep down Cassandra isn’t a bad person, and now I truly agree with him 
I look at her, barely eighteen years old, admiring her step–brother like worshiping her god. Trying to scare away her potential love rival, she made a 
However, she also risked her own life in order to save me. For that, I owe her my gratitude. 
Chapter 47 
I clear my throat, getting the attention from the two of them. I ask Erhan, “Seeing as I am the one who was wronged, Your Majesty, do I have your permission to make two requests?” 
Ethan nods, “Go ahead, Princess Ariella.” 
Cassandra looks at me, her eyes teary and full of fear. “I’m rea 
“First, I request the Out–of–Court Seulement.” 
Ethan looks shocked, he urges, “Ariella, are you sure?” 
“I am sure.” I confirmed and smiled at Cassandra, “You saved my life. You could’ve run away, but you came back for me and almost got killed. I owe you my life.” 
Cassandra breaks down completely, her chest heaving with relief. “I don’t deserve your mercy, Ariella” 
“I’m not done yet,” I tell her, “Here’s my second request. I hereby request you to help us capture Lilith and bring her to justice. Only then will you be forgiven.” 