Chapter 42 
I keep the arrow aimed at his head 
“Let her go, Marcus! Or else III take out your eye!” 
Marcus laughs then, the strangest laugh I have ever heard from him. It’s almost like a cackle, loud and crowing. 
“I’m an Alpha,” he spits at me. “I can easily dodge a weapon, But if you want to try firing it and seeing what happens, then be my guest” 
I lower my crossbow and scoff, “An Alpha like you resorting to threatening a woman by holding another hostage? That’s really classy.” 
*Shut up, your pathetic bitch!” he spits. “Having to rely on tools just to hunt. I don’t know how I ever tolerated you even around me. I must have had so much pity for you 
“That’s rich coming from the man who so desperately wants me back now,” I retort 
He grows and tightens his grip on Cassandra. 

I chastise myself. This isn’t the time. He still has Cassandra by the throat. 
“Let Cassandra go.” I say, “She’s Lillith’s sister, in any case, you can’t hurt her” 
Marcus barks a laugh 
“I’ll make you a deal, little Ariella,” he says instead, his voice so condescending he could have been talking to a pet. “I will release her, on the condition that you submit to me and become my mate again.” 
Cassandra struggles and shakes her head in his arms before I can answer. “My brother and sister won’t be happy with you for hurting me,” she warns him. 
“In case it hasn’t been made very clear yet he snarls at her, “I don’t care what those sons of bitches want! I want Ariella, and I will do whatever is necessary to get it.” 
“If you want ine,” I tell him. “Then let her go.” 
“I’m still not seeing any sign of you submitting, my dear,” he grins toothily, his fangs yellow and bloody 
I pull back in disgust. Marcus has changed. Although he grosses me out, he at least used to maintain a handsome and well–kept appearance. Now, he’s completely unhinged and disheveled. 
“Fine!” I hiss and lower my weapon to the ground. 
“That’s a good girl,” my old mate rumbles, “Now come closer.” 
I step forward slowly, trying to figure a way out of this situation. 
Marcus hurls Cassandra to the ground and in the blink of an eye, he’s right in front of me. He yanks me close, inhaling deeply as if I were just a piece of meal. 
“Oh how I’ve missed your scent, darling,” he whispers hungrily in my car. I try my best not to gag from his sour breath. “I knew we would be together again.” 
“You’re delusional, Marcus!” I snap at him. 
He grips my arm so tightly I gasp in pain. 
“You’re the delusional one, Ariella! You belong to me! I’m the one who found you wandering around in the wild. I’m the one who took you in and gave you a home. I’m the one who married when everyone else in the pack said you were useless.” 
“And then you sold me, framed me for adultery and then tried to have me executed!” 1 furned, “Or is your memory so short! You fucking bastardi” 
He slaps me hard across the face, I taste my own blood in my mouth. 
“You’ve had too much time with the king. You’ll remember what you really are soon enough.” he begins to drag me across the clearing. 
I try to fight but I am no match for his strength. 
“Where are you taking me?” I ask as I struggle. 
“To my mother,” he says simply, “You and your baby could be very useful to us.” 
Chapter 42 

“No!” 1 scream, pull a small hidden blade from my sleeve and plunge it into Marcus’s shoulder. 
“Arghhhh!” he screams in pain and shock and I take the opportunity to break free, I diye to the ground, grabbing my crossbow and aim it straight at 
“You fucking bitch!” he roars, pulling the blade from his shoulder as he begins to shift. “If you won’t come with me willingly then I will drag you away in pieces. 
Then he shreds his clothes and shifts into a large but ugly wolf. His eyes are bright red, his claws are extended and elongated unnaturally, rifts of dark fur protrude from the sides of his face as his fur becomes a sickly gray. 
I steady my hand, fighting the fear swelling in me, and let loose bolt after bolt, aiming for his head and chest. 
However, true to his earlier boast, Marcus dodges each arrow with case, even catching the last one and snaps it in half with his now monstrous 
He grins and advances. 
But suddenly he is slammed by a slender dark brown wolf–Cassandra! 
Marcus howls, facing off against Cassandra in wolf form. They growl and lunge at each other. 
“Cassandra, be careful!” I yell as 1 aim at Marcus with my crossbow once more, 
Distracted by Cassandra, Marcus can’t react in time and howls in pain as my arrows pierce his hide. Cassandra takes advantage and lands a few blows against him, spilling blood on the forest floor. 
However, Marcus isn’t incapacitated. My arrows have only enraged him. 
He strikes Cassandra with brutal force, knocking her out of her wolf form, sending her crashing into a tree. 
I run to her but Marcus intercepts my path in the blink of an eye. 
My head suddenly shoots with pain and I crumple to the ground. I hear his voice in my head and realize he’s trying to force a mind link “Did you really think that two little girls could stand a chance against an Alpha?” the voice penetrates my head like a jagged rock 
I try my best to push him out as I back away, but the strain takes its toll on my body. 
Marcus’s gray wolf lumbers over me, snarling as he raises his claws to smite me. 
I close my eyes, and wait for the final blow but it never lands. 
A slirick of pain from Cassandra pierces my ears as I’m suddenly pushed aside, tumbling to the ground. Scrambling to regain my senses, I look up just in time to see Cassandra collapse in a heap. 
Beyond her, Marcus stands in a fierce, menacing pose, claws glistening with fresh blood. He has slashed across Cassandra’s chest. Just below her throat, four deep gashes are bleeding like a flowing river. 
Desperation grips my heart as I scream, “Cassandra—1′′ 
My knees buckle and tears rush out from my eyes, “Can you speak, can you breathe?” 
“Ariella Cassandra pants, her voice barely audible. “I’m, I’m so sorry.” 
“What are you talking about?!” I cry out loud while trying to support her body. “You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay!” 
However, Cassandra simply closes her eyes, her breathing growing fainter. 
Realizing what he has done, even Macrus looks stunned. But almost instantly, his face hardens back into a cruel, fierce expression. 
“Now, nothing can stand in my way, Ariella. You can cry all you want, but you know nothing is going to change.” 
He grabs my wrists, clamping them together and starts dragging me away from Cassandra’s lifeless body. I kick and struggle in vain, unable to break Marcus‘ strong grip, watching helplessly as Cassandra’s figure recedes into the distance. 
“No.” I sob loudly, my heart shuttering. I can’t bear to look at her body anymore and desperately shut my eyes 
Someone, please help….