Chapter 30


I wake up to the mong du siring to thosh she fresh mountain fonges, of angered by it. In fact, Fwtually appreciate

window. This morning, Fin a surprised me the

or faniiful day are

The pain is still so my hosty, I tes my avin and the uns les still ho, but it is so much better dear before

Jahan had been right in us. Even if I dalt and never would re vell how he got me here, getting me here is defuinely doing wounders at ww

Balan! I think. I look around the bed but it’s empty. I feel the sheets and my food come up cold. He’d been gone for a


What happenes last night? Did we sleeps together agatu

I am naked beneath the sheets, and my body feels like something wonderful loppened last night. But I can’t be sure. And it we did sleep together, where is he? Why is he gone?

“Oh.” I groat, as I touch my aching heal. I needed to stop all this worrying and thinking it was doing meno favors in this


I pull the sheets off me and get out of the bed. I quickly head to the shower and then pull on some clothes

My checks thush as I remember our time in the springs, what he had done in there, what we died when we came into this room. How did I lose control like that last night? He might still be engaged to someone else for crying out loud! Fran’t let that happen again.

But still, I remember him pulling back. What had he said? Ols Cigildess, why is my brain so mushy? I can barely think straight.

Ethan stopped last night. Oh! He’d said my body was still too weak. That’s strange, I’ve never seen a side of him like that before. The Ethan I know would only take and take whatever he wants, including me.

But last night… he didn’t.

Still, I shake my head, I can’t lose myself like that again. Even if he is capable of kindness, even if he did promise to help me awaken my wolf… I can feel my resolve weakening already. No one has done for me what Ethan is promising

But Cassandra, I think sadly. He still hasn’t told me the full truth which means that he still has something to hide. And according to Cassandra, that something is that they’re getting married.

No, my mind is made up, I won’t lose myself around him again,

The door opened almost as soon as I’d made my decision, and fahan walked in carrying a tray of food.

“Good, you’re awake,” he speaks. “How is your body feeling?”

My cheeks became hot, and I hope I wasn’t changing color.

“Fine almost snap, but then keep myself in check at the last moment. “Hetter,” I say again calmly. “Thank you, the healing, springs have helped a lot,” I admit.

Ethan nods.

“Then I think a hike in the mountain trail is next,” he says calmly, placing the tray of food down on the small table by the window. “You’re recovering, but light exercises and some fresh air are going to help with the recovery”


Chapter 30

I blink at him. I wasn’t se sage that I was up for that. “Ulm,” I staller a little. “I don’t know if I have that strength yet”

“We won’t know until we try, Ethan says, gesturing for me to sit down and rat. “And if you are too tired to walk, I can always carry you

I swallow and my face is warm again. “Um, that won’t be necessary.”

“Here we are.” Ethan parks the car somewhere halfway on the mountain trial. “It’s a relatively short hike to the top of the mountain from here. Give me your hand”

I wobble a bit with each step. I hate to admit it, but it does feel good to move around. I walk slowly, but Ethan doesn’t show any impatience. What’s more, he’s been holding my waist the entire time.

Why does he have to smell so good?

Damn it, focus on your steps, Ariella.

“Woa!” I gasp when we get to the top. There’s a picnic blanket and blanket spread out on the ground.

“What’s this?” I ask before thinking,

“I sent someone ahead to set it up, Ethan answers casually. “Do you like it?”

Ethan guides me to the blanket and helps me sit. I eagerly take a bottle of water and gulp it down

?” he asks as he pops a grape into his mouth.

“So, how do you feel now?”

I focus on his lips as he chews and can’t help but think about kissing him the night before.

Get it together, Ariella! He’s still a d**k!

“Exhausted, but not in pain..” I flex my arms and squeeze parts of my leg…the bones are no longer broken and I don’t feel like I’ve been run over,


I see the ghost of a satisfied smirk on his face, as if to say “I told you about the healing hot spring, didn’t I?’

Two more days of the hot spring and you’ll be as new as ever.”

Ethan reached for a wooden box that laid on the blanket, opening it to reveal a small leatherbound book. Ancient by the looks of it

“And while you’re healing you can peruse through this.” he places the book on my lap. I can make out the faded title-The Lupine Genesis.

“This volume holds the most accurate recorded history of our kind. I had Kyle send it through. If there is anything regarding awakening dormant wolves, it will be in there.”

I am a bit taken aback as I take the book in my hands and flick through the handwritten pages.

“Isn’t this one of the most precious heirlooms of the Everstone royal family? I mean, I’ve heard about it before and shouldn’t it be presented somewhere on the altar in a Goddess Temple and be worshiped?”

“Yeah, but it’s still a book after all. What’s the value of it if it can’t be read?” He raises a brow and says casually, “Well, try your best not to tear it, of course.”

I really don’t expect him to help me, I thought that he was just trying to gain my favor and lower my guard. To seduce me. To make me forget what he did. But not only has he taken action to help me with my wolf, but he just handed me one of the


Tue, Jul 23

Chapter an

most sacred books in the world”

I don’t know how to feel shout it. It’s easier to deal with him as an adversary because then I at least know where to stand.

1 Esp through the pages in awe, setting free a few layers of dust as I do so. My heart beats rapidly with growing excitement

“Tum to chapter ten Ethan says with a smile, “There’s something there that will definitely be of interest.”

I follow his instructions and turn to the chapter titled “To Awaken the Dormant Wolf, and begin to read.

“The wolf is both a part of a werewolf and a separate being. It can possess desires and dreams that the human half seeks to deny, but can only be whole if one accepts,” I read “With that being said, it is also a reality that the wolf can become resistant to the will of its human counterpart, or even dormant through the experience of sickness or traumna”

“That sounds like me,” I mutter, a part of me relieved that thing, like this do occur,

“h happened more frequently in the old days, apparently,” Ethan remarks, “When werewolves first began to appear they found it difficult to reconcile with the reality of wolves living inside them, as part of their mind and soul.”

“You’ve read this book before?”

“A little bit while you slept. Further on it discusses rituals to help reawaken dormant wolves; one of which is the hunt of the Harvest Moor

I furrow my brow, remembering Marcus discussing something about a Harvest Moon years ago. I remember him leaving somewhere for a few days after that, returning and saying nothing about where he had gone. Did he keep it a secret from me because he knew it would have helped me?

Anger returns to my hands and 1 grip the book tightly.

“When is this Harvest Moon?”

“Five days from now. It’s not surprising that you don’t know, The Harvest Moon Festival is not something practiced or celebrated in your country but it is celebrated in my kingdom. If you stay instead of heading back to Crystal River with your brothers, it could help you get your wolf back. What do you say?”

He stares at

me, waiting for my y answer.

The thing is, if there is a chance I can get my wolf back then I are going to take it.

“I take your silence as a yes”

“Wait, I didn’t say

He interrupts me, “Come on, we can discuss the Harvest Moon more on the way,” he offers i feet.

I’m confused, “We’re heading back to the manor already?”

This is a rather short outing, we are barely here for twenty minutes.

me a hand and helps me to my

“Oh, no we aren’t heading back,” he says calmly. He picks up a large backpack that was left next to the picnic blanket. “We’re going to spend the next couple days camping along this trail.
