Chapter 28 
His question brings me up short and his eyes on me intensely. For a split second. I must tell him the truth that it’s be In pregnant. 
However, there is no way that I will tell him about the baby. Not yet. Because I don’t even know if this is his baby for 
Moreover, if the child is his, knowing Ethan, he would never all his heir to leave his side. This means I wouldn’t be confined here for merely a week; he’d never release me, potentily even sparking a conflict if my brothers attempted 
in back to Crystal River, 
Tm…I’m not sure, I tell him. It’s partly true. I couldn’t be sure that the baby is the cause of my changing my scent. 1 mran, nothing in life could ever be one hundred percent certain 
“Don’t he to me, he says. 
“Im not!” I answer hotly. “I don’t know what it could be.” 
He narrows his eyes at me. “Not even a guess?” 

I look away I know it’s a dead giveaway, but I can’t lie straight to his face. 
“No.” Ilie again, trying to make myself sound reasonable. “And I’m not in the mood to have a peaceful conversation wit someone taking me away against my will 
He smirks, “That’s not true.” 
“I didn’t take you away against your will. I asked you, but you didn’t answer, so I took it as a yes.” 
“You asked when I was asleep?” 
“Yep. And I swear y 
you didn’t say no.” 
Is he serious? 
Luckily, he stops pressuring me for an answer. 
“Anyway, the hot springs here can help a lot with healing. Some say blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. It’s a treasure m family has guarded for centuries. After your breakfast, I’ll take you there.” 
I nod my head quickly, glad that he seems to have forgotten about his question to me. Becaides, as much as I’m upset abou him taking me here, I do look forward to a relaxing day in a nice hot spring. 
After a few bites, he escorts me outside, guiding me down a flight of stone steps. The descent brings us into contact with the cold air, which is soon pierced by swirls of dense steam. At the bottom of the stairs, several small pools appear, shrouded in a gentle, warm mist. 
“Wow, I can’t help but comment, “This place is so nice and relaxing just by looking at it.” 
I take off my rope and reveal my bathing suit under it. Meanwhile, while Ethan starts to undress. 
“1” I clear my throat. “I didn’t know you’re getting into the water with me too?” 
Ethan turns to me, raising an eyebrow. “Unless you feel like drowning?” 
He’s right. I forget that I probably don’t have the strength to keep myself up in the water for long. 
Chapter 9 
“Drowning is mos she site!” 1 (dush 
My owa inadvertenly fix on his fuck, and a flush of heat races costes hours of training and bottle. His shoulders are broadl, that speaks a power and agility 
op drouding Avilla 
oss my face. The play of muscles under his skin hints at pering down to a narrow waist, outlining a classic V shape 
Thankful, his book is to me so he can’t see me fail to peel my eyes off him. 
“Read he asks 
Then three different shades of vest as he helps me into the water never once letting go of me, 
Bot my embarrassment des in the water, as the warm liquid washed over my body, warming me down to my bones. 
“Ahhh” I sigh, ahnost relaxing into his grasp “This feels sis good 
My wounds feel different in the water, the pain is so much less. And I know I’m healing fast. 
“Heyth my head to look at him. His face is a little blurry thanks to the warm steam. I say, “Thanks for this. It really help 
“You’re welcome,” he smirks “Since we are able to have a peaceful conversation, now can you tell me why your scent smells. different!” 

He catches me off guard again, but this time, a great idea pops into my head. “My scent is different because my wolf is 
“Pardon me?” He looks shocked. 
1 explain. “I don’t have many memories of anything that happened more than five years ago, but I’m pretty sure I should have a wolf, but I don’t. The healers back home said my wolf is dormant,” 
He looks at me, puzzled, and inquires, “But then, how are you able to heal so fast? If your wolf and powers are dormant, shouldn’t your self–healing abilities be impaired too? 
Oh Goddess! I hadn’t thought of that 
“I think,” I stutter. Damn it! What can I say besides ‘my baby is healing me? I quickly ome up with “I’m not sure, but I think it’s because even though the wolf lies dormant, she remains within me. Perhaps me being so close to death awakens her enough to lend me her aid.” 
Ethan is silent for a moment before he nods slowly, however, even I can hear that he isn’t entirely convinced himself. “How long has she been silent?“ 
I take a deep breath. 
“I honestly don’t know,” I tell him with perfect truth. “I only really remember the last five years. So I’m not sure how long it has been. Most likely whatever it was that happened to make me lose my memory probably also made her silent,” 
Ethan listens to me quietly. 
“If this water is as magical as you said,” I say, splashing the hot springs‘ water around playfully. “If it is blessed by the Moon, then maybe it can bring my wolf back out. Or at least let me talk to her. I don’t remember her, but I remember what it felt like to have her around. I just miss her so much” 
I looked up at him, the steam settling on his face, making it look like he was covered in dew drops. 
10.38 Tue, Jul 23 
Chapter 28 
“I am so sorry to hear that Ethan says softly. His ice–blue eyes pierce through me. “It must be tough.” 
“It’s okay… it’s not your fault.” 
“Come over,” he pulls me close without waiting for my answer. Before I know it, his powerful arms are already wrapped. around me and his piercing eyes fix on my face. “It’s going to be okay.” 
Just like that, my throat gets tight as tears rush to my eyes. 
His knuckle grazes up my cheeks and then dabs away my tears. I can’t look away from his gaze, and suddenly, all I want to do is melt in his embrace. 
I have to admit, I feel safe with him. 
What is wrong with me? Not even two hours ago, I wanted to rip his face off, and here I am now leaning ever closer to him. The heat inside me is indistinguishable from the heat of the 
Does he always have such nice lips, or is the steam messing with my eyes. It has to be. 
“It’s going to be okay” He says in a soothing low voice, “I’ll help you get your wolf back.” 
He gently strokes my cheek with his finger. My skin burns beneath his touch, yet I do nothing to protest. 
My heart beats frantically; it wants more. 
His voice trails off. His gaze remains fixed and intense. 
If I am meant to decipher his final thought then I have become ensnared in the iron wall that is his 
“Why?” I manage to ask, struggling to suppress the desperation in my voice. “Why would you help me?” 
My hand rests on his chest, feeling the solid strength of his muscles and the steady beat of his heart beneath. Do these waters also make people bold? 
He moves closer, our lips mere inches apart now. 
Why?” he murmurs, almost as if questioning himself. “Because you are mine. So is your wolf? 
Overwhelmed by a powerful, hormonal pull, I can’t resist any longer. 
Closing the slight gap filled with the heated air between us, I press my lips to the king’s, sealing the space with a kiss.