Chapter 27 
Cassandra comes to see me early the next morning, even before the doctor. 
“I see you haven’t yet learnt the art of knocking and waiting for permission,” I joke with her. 
She offers a small smile, but I can see she is still weak. 
“Arrella. L” she stutters around her words. “Tm so sorry, I should have, I should have saved you? 
I reach over to her to touch her hand. 
“You tried.” I reassure her. “You did the right thing. We would ju have both been attacked if you’d stayed with me.” 
Cassandra bites her lip, I can see tears form in her eyes. Ethan had been right about her. She is just a spoiled little princess, but she doesn’t mean true harm. She would have been hne seeing me in this state if she did. 

“We weren’t friends” Cassandra admits. “But I would never want this-” she cuts herself off, choking back a sob. “Im so sorry, I should go.” 
Before she can leave, I call her, “Cassandra 
She turns around to look at me. 
I tell her gently. “Just focus on recovery, and I’ll try to do the same. Ethan will find whoever did this.” 
A panicked look crosses her face. 
“What do you mean?” she asks, her voice a note higher than before. “Ethan killed them. I saw him covered in their blood: Hasn’t he already killed them all?” 
“I thought so too,” I say to her, “But Ethan thinks that someone on the inside must have told the rogues about our trip. They knew where we would be and when.” 
“But, but,” Cassandra begins, her voice rising a little with more panic. “But couldn’t anyone have seen us leaving the Palace grounds? Or someone in the village could have seen us going into the Cafe? It doesn’t mean that someone in the Palace is responsible 
I feel a little sorry for her as she’s speaking, and I can understand her panic. She’s probably worried that someone she trusts betrayed her. 
“Their attack was too precise; they had to have planned it in advance, Ethan states as he enters my room. “They may be rogues, but they are very organized, and that is unusual” 
Cassandra starts crying then, tears flowing from her eyes. 
1, I should go,” she says, and then without another word, she legs out of the room. 
She will be fine. Ethan says as he takes the seat that she’d been sitting in. “This is just a lot for her, she’s never been kidnapped before. 
I get the feeling that there’s something more, but I don’t press. 
“How are her injuries?” I ask instead. 
“She’s healed,” Ethan answers. “She’s just still emotional. You should be more worried about yourself. I’ve talked to the 
Chips 2 
testers takes and third the then we can rebar the pain kille med wet rart physical therapy in a few days” 
k the eye withoen endemining on his recovery poster me emenning on his recovery ploster me 
“yon hoor inmeching to way? 

The pentru a cups së war und are down next to me. Herr, drk water frut Hyleation is important” 
Ahker viking a sip. I put the cup down and meet his gare Us We Majesty. I don’t think I’ll start physical therapy here” 
He frowns hin be she’s interrupt me 
“Never Tim going home soon I tell him directly. The seamage to my brothers. They will come to collect me. Your 
I’m I Majesty, thank you for your hospitality in the past week or so, but I dont think our marriage is going to work.” 

rind my frech, biring down on my back teeth as I listen to her. She isn’t asking my permission or anything of the sort, she is simply informing me of what is going to happen. 
Does she forget that she belongs to me? That she bares my brand on her arm 
Take a deep breach and press down the fury and frustration burning inside me. However, arguing with her right now won’t help 
You are a guest in my kingdom, not a captive We have a two–week agreement, so should you choose to return home following your brothers visit, you are free to do so.” 
Arielia is silent for a moment and then nods tersely. She probably is surprised that I didn’t push back. 
“Thank you. Your Majesty,” she answers. “That would be greatly appreciated. I expect my brothers to be here in a day or 
I be my lip to keep myself from saying anything else and offer a short nod instead. 
“I’ll check back on you later, princess 

stride right into my office, where I know I will find my Beta. 
“Something wrong?” Kyle asks as I storm into the room, standing up from the side couch 
“She wants to leave,” I growl at him. 
“She has just gone through a kidnap” Kyle says calmly. “It’s understandable.” 
1 narrow my eyes on him “Say something useful” 
Alpha you’re obsessed with her,” Kyle says casually. “We’re givnig land away to keep her with you. We canceled our trip that we lud planned for two months to come back to save her, which, thank Goddess we did, but still, your reaction that day was stary, especially you tore six rogues apart. I’ve seen you get angry before, but that was a whole different level–You didn’t even leave one of them alive to interrogate, now we have to play guessing games as to who their accomplice was.” 
(your point?” I snarl at him. 
“My point is, if we are going to change her mind before her brother arrives, Alpha, you might want to consider buying 
Chapter 27 
yourself some more time to spend with her,” he grins at me. 
Please allow me to remind you that the heater mentioned Priess Ariella was given a sedative herb to help her sle 
I smirk. “Good thinking, Kyle,” 
“You’re welcome. Your Majesty 
1 let out a groan, gradually waking from the drug–induced slumber and blinking my eyes open. As I squint, the bright sunlight streaming through the window catches my attention.. 
Wait a second, the hospital wing faces west, so sunlight shouldn’t be pouring in this early. 
I sit up quickly and look around. This is not my room! 
Where am I?! 
The room is luxurious, but I’m certain I’ve never been here before. Getting out from the bed, I limp to the window. A1 mountain range greets my eyes. 
This isn’t the Everstone Royal palace. Suddenly, realization settles in and rage fills me as I clench my fists. 
“ÉTHANI” I shout, no longer care to keep my manners in check 
The door opens and the king strolls in, calm and controlled as ever, a tray of breakfast in his hands. 
“Good morning,” he greets me calmly as though everything is perfectly fine, “How was your sleep?” 
“Your Majesty, I hiss, barely containing my frustration, “Really? Don’t act as if nothing happened! Where have you taker 
Ethan places the tray down. “We’re at my estate in the northern mountains. We’ll spend a few peaceful days here, away fr anyone who might disturb you from our recovery.” 
I grind my teeth. I don’t want to be here. I told you I want to go home with my brothers” 
“When your brothers arrive, Kyle will welcome them on our behalf, and extend an humble invitation to enjoy the comfor of my palace until we return. Now, please, you need to eat something” 
He places the tray on the table next to the bed. I am starving and the food smells so good, but I am in no mood for his gan This is kidnapping. Ethan.” I protest. 
“No, this is me saving your life again. His tone reverts back to his usual authoritative mode. “What do you think your brothers will do when they see you in this state! Do you think they will still want to be allies? I was not being condescending when I said that your kingdom will be overrun without my support. In addition, it’s best for you to be away from the palace until we get to the bottom of who actually abducted you and Cassandra.” 
-I glared at him but said nothing more. 
Ethan, sensing my defeat, pushes the tray closer to me. 
“Eat You need your strength if you want to heal.” 
I want so much to defy him but I think of my baby, my unborn child who has been using their powers to heal me. I have to 
16:38 Tue, Jul 23 
Chapter 27 
eat for my baby’s sake. 
I pick up a fork and dig into the delicious meal Ethan prepared f 
is divine. 
“Three days,” he says as he sits down in an armchair, “Three days Then I’ll take you back to the palace and you can decide what 
For me?” 
my eyes. 
I roll “Do I really have an option?” 
He smirks, “Nope, not really.” 
“You’re not going to get a “Thank You‘ from me for taking me he 
“Your will might change by the end of the week,” Ethan says, gett as he leans closer, close enough to kiss… 
“One thing,” he whispers, “Your scent is different from what it wa