Chapter 26

Ireally didn’t like that we left her alone with six guys. They looked like they needed a whole week of just showering and sti wouldn’t centie clean. Not to mention the smell that came from them!

But Lalith promited that they wouldn’t hurt her. Just scare her cough so she leaves and goes right back to her brothers. Honestly, she has an entire Kingdom to herself already, and the brothers. What does she need to be here for anyway?

Just then, I hear sounds from the bushes behind me. Is it Lillie Why is she coming this way?

And then the scent hits me, and I am frozen to the spot.

In the dark. I can make out the shape of a massive wolf bursting through the trees. The scent of blood thick on it.

My mouth drops open in shock. I want to scream and run, but my legs betray me.

“Please don’t hurt me!” I scream as I close my eyes and fearfully wait the wolf’s jaws upon me…

But nothing happens.

“Princess Cassandra!” A familiar voice calls me and I almost burst into tears. I open my eyes and see my brother’s beta shifting from wolf into man.


“The king will be so glad you’re okay.” Kyle says, sighing in relief “I’m so glad you escaped the kidnappers. What they did to Ariella…

What did they do to her? The look on Kyle’s face suggests he saw something terrible.

They weren’t supposed to have touched her. Just to scare her. Oh Goddess, what happened in that cave?

“They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Kyle asked again.

And this was my chance. I knew what I had to do.

“Yeah…yeah,” I nod, taking shaky breaths. “I got away. They were so busy with Ariella that they didn’t pay attention to me and I ran. I…I was coming to get help. I…I hated leaving her but, but-”

“No, no, Kyle comforts me, “You did the right thing. They would just have attacked you too. You wouldn’t have lasted a second against them. You were right to come for help.”

Attacked me too? I swallow hard.

“What happened to them?”

“Ethan killed them, a tone of awe and fear in his voice, I haven’t seen him like that in years. It was terrifying. Anyway, let’s get you back to the Palace.”

with great speed out of the woods.

Kyle offers me his hand. When I take it, he lifts me into his arms and begins to run w “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“… I’m fine,” I stutter. “I got away before they could do anything bad to me.”

“You’re probably in shock though,” Kyle insists. “We need to get you to a doctor quickly so he can check you out.”

Ma Aes i

Islay silent and buty ne face in his shoulder so that he can’t see the guilt in my eyes.

How did everything go so wrong?

Yes, I put some sleeping pills in Ariella’s rea, but I didn’t mean to Ariella to get hurt.

What if Exban finds out in involved somehow

I take a deep breath to calm myself. Lillith promised that no one would know we had done anything.

“How is Ariella” Lask Kyle, trying to sound as concerned as I eld

Kyle’s face becomes grim “Not good,” he says eventually. “It looks like her legs are broken, her breathing was off so maybe tew broken ribs and a punctured lung also.”

Oh Goddess. None of that was supposed to happen. How did that happen?

“What happened to her?” I ask him softly.

“They were beating her up when I got there,” Kyle says. “All six of them, all at once. And that was just the beginning. I can’t even think of what they were going to do afterwards… a lot of her clothes were shredded. She was bleeding and bruised everywhere

Lillith promised they would be gentle. Did they ignore her orders?

“Someone else was involved, someone from the palace who knew you two had gone out,” Kyle continues. “Ethan is determined to find them. And if we both know your brother, there will be hell to pay.”

A chill climbs up my spine and I shiver.

“Don’t worry,” he says a little bit more gently when he sees the look of fear on my face, “He will make sure nothing happens

to you.”



“NO! NO!

I wake up screaming, but then I shut up because it hurts so much… My body is on fire. Every cell in my body burns like an inferno. Even breathing is unbearably painful.

I’ve only been awake for a few moments, but now all I pray is someone knocks me out again so I don’t have to suffer.

Everywhere hurts. My face, my eyelids; I still can’t open my eyes I don’t even want to know what the rest of my body looks


My baby! I panic. Those bastards had kicked, clawed and punched my stomach. A knot forms in my already swollen throat. Is my baby still alive?

1 try lifting my hand to my belly, but it’s so heavy that my hand drops back on the bed after I’ve only lifted it up for a couple inches.

“Shh shh, it’s okay! You’re safe now.” Someone comes close and gently holds my hand.

It’s Ethan.

“Healer!” he yells at someone with an authoritative voice. “Do something to relieve her pain!”


Chapter 26

I feel someone rubbing medicine on my skin. A burning sensation. And then the pain begins to slowly ebb away.

Will he be okay Ethan asks.

She’s badly hurt, but she’s stable,” a woman replies. “Thanks to er pleasantly fast self-healing

My healing is fast?

How so? My wolf is dormant and I remember Crystal River’s royil healer Talia said that my healing was slow due to my trauma five years ago. So why did the healer say I’m recovering it?

Tug tug.

What’s that odd but comforting sensation from my stomach?

Tug tug

Could that be my baby?!

Suddenly, a wave of strength enters my limbs. The source of the strength is from… my stomach?

My heart catches at my throat. Without any reason, I just know that my child is still safe inside me!

Goddess above, thank you for saving us.. for saving my child!

I don’t know whether it’s just my imagination, but even the pain seems to be lessened.

Hold on. Just now, the healer said I was healing fast. Would it be the baby? He or she must be the reason why I’m recovering faster than before!

My eyes are warm and moist at the thought. Knowing that both my child and I are safe, I can no longer fight the exhaustion and drift off once more.

How long has it been? One hour? Maybe more?

This time I try to open my eyes. It’s still painful but I’m able to see blurred outlines, one of which sits at the end of my bed.

“Ariella, you’re awake?” Ethan’s voice sounds relieved.

“Your Majesty.”

“How do you feel?”

“Better..” I whisper, my voice dry. The horrifying memories rushing back to me and I croak, “Thank you for saving me… I…”


“Shhh,” he says, his hand gently covering mine. “Don’t be afraid. You’re okay, I’m here. No one can harm you now. Those bastards, I ripped them limb from limb before finally making the leader choke on his own blood.”

The darkness in his voice chills me, but I’m not afraid. Had Ethan not there to save me, I can’t imagine what could have happened to me! I suddenly think of something.

“And Cassandra?”

“She’s safe. She managed to escape and was on her way to get held when found her. She’s resting in her room right now.”

I sigh, glad that she had not gotten the same treatment I had, or worse

“If there is anything you need, Ariella, simply ask and I will make it happen. Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this. I won’t let you get hurt again.”

Chapter 26

Get to the bottom of this? Did he not already kill the kidnapper

As if he reads my doubt, he explains, “There’s no way this is just it may take a li

planned assault. Since I killed all of the p

I swallow painfully.

That means someone in this palace wants me dead. Marcus, Lili unborn child that lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike.

“So sorry Your Grace,” the doctor comes in and taps Ethan’s sho she’ll need to rest again.”

Ethan scowls but obliges the request.

“We’ll speak again,” he says before leaving the room. “Please just you need.”

1 nod.

The doctor sets up a drip and gives me some pills. I swallow then

She turns to leave but I quickly grab onto her coat with what little

“I need my attendant,” I tell her.

The doctor nods, “Surely, Your Highness.

When my maid who I brought from Crystal River enters, she alm so… broken?”

“Please do me a favor,” I croak. “I need to send a message.”