Chapter 19


I can smell her before I hear approaching from behind. I inhale sharply as I prepare myself for the inevitable.

“Baby,” Lilith purrs as she slides her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. “Why did you leave lunch?”

I place my hands in my pockets and I do not turn around. I instead watch Ariella’s car drive off back to the place.

“I wasn’t very hungry and besides, I was the only man there. You should have told me it was a ladies luncheon,” I say curtly.

I’m usually not this short with Lilith but I am finding myself growing bored of her.

I hear the click-clack of Lilith’s heels walk over to the valet. I turn to watch as she smiles seductively to the poor s***r. He fumbles the valet ticket and turns bright red. She laughs, I can tell that it is fake but the valet attendant is falling for her game **k, line, and sinker.

I fell for that, too.

The thrill of the chase and the attention from her was intoxicating. I felt special…till I realized that she was like that with everyone.

She saunters back to me once the valet rushes off to fetch our car.

She throws her arms around my neck. Her heels make her at eye level with me, I don’t like it. She leans in for a kiss and I oblige.

I kiss her back but it feels more like a chore than a pleasure.

“What’s wrong?” She asks as she takes a step back. For a brief moment, she wrinkles her eyebrows in confusion before they return to their normal place, her vanity wouldn’t allow for any facial expression of emotion.

I flick my nose with my thumb and look down the street. “Nothing,” I lie.

The truth is that I miss Ariella. There was something about her now that made her irresistible to me.

Our divorce was never properly finalized. She is still mine regardless of what she thinks.

“Marcus,” Lilith’s tone is cautious. “Is this about her?” She says “her” like it is a curse.

Where’s the f**g car?

I sigh in annoyance. “No.”

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Lilith stomps her foot and pouts her tip. “I can tell you’re pulling away”

“I’m not doing anything other than waiting for this f**g valet.”

Ariella never nagged me like this.

Lilith crosses her arms against her chest and begins to rub her exposed arms to warm them up. I warned her earlier that she needed a jacket. I know she expects me to give her mine. I have no desire to.

The car finally arrives. The valet pops out of the driver’s side and sprints to open the passenger door for Lilith. I roll my eyes as she purposely places her hand on his as she enters the car, She flashes him a bit of her thigh as he closes the door for her. It’s all a game. She’s trying to make me jealous.

I put the car in drive and speed out of there causing the tires to squeal. Lilith flashes me a dirty look.

I ignore her for the entire drive back to the palace. I’m fuming. It was one thing when she was at her **d pack but now she’s King Ethan’s fiancee. What the **k?

She’s pregnant with my baby and she’s engaged to another man.

Fine, it’s not my kid.

Ariella and I never… consummated the marriage. At first she was still recovering from her memory loss. But d**n, how long does it take? It was like a reset every time the sunset, it was like there was an invisible block between her and I, so it never happened. I don’t think anyone would blame me for selling her off, a man has needs.

Once we arrive at the palace, I’m not in the mood to help Lilith out of the car, so I head straight to the majestic building in front of me. D**n royals. They have too much money in their hands.

Lilith scoffs behind me as I run up the palace steps and into the building. Obviously, she isn’t happy with me. ignoring her, but like I said, I’m not in the mood,

“Marcus!” she cries out but I am on a mission. Arjella is here and she is mine to reclaim.

We haven’t been assigned rooms yet but that’s something Lilith can take care of. She doesn’t need me and I plan on spending my time getting Ariella back.

I work my way through the palace toward Ariella’s room. Yes, I can still track her down by her **g lucious scent, but I stop dead in my tracks when I see King Ethan hovering, as if he has been waiting for me.

“Alpha Keenan,” his tone is blunt. I want to roll my eyes but he is my king. King Ethan holds up his hand as I slowly approach him. “What are you doing so close to Princess Ariella’s room?”

“The Princess and I are old friends, was paying her a visit.” There’s no point lying to him. I’m not doing anything




11:25 Tue, 23 Jul

Chapter 19

He pushes me back with his hand. “She doesn’t want to see you. You’ve seen her enough at lunch.”

What the fuck? My fists clench. “I would like to hear it from her, Your Majesty,” I snap back.

Just because he’s my king doesn’t mean he has the right to stop me from talking to my mate. Fiancee? Legally, he can’t claim her as his fiancee as long as our matebond is still there.

“I think not,” Ethan scoffs and two guards appear at both my sides.

What the f**k? I have to bite my tongue to not curse out aloud.

He nods his head slightly and the two men each grab an arm.

“She isn’t who you think she is,” I protest, “She’s my-Ah-!”

F**k it hurts!

Ethan’s **g beta just punched me in the gut!

“Ou-“I double over in pain and I fall onto my knees. One of the guards pulls my head up by my hair.

Ethan takes a step towards me and bends down toward me.

“She’s your what?”

I would usually be more respectful but my wolf is now kicking into hyper gear. I’m only thinking of reclaiming what is mine.

“She’s my mate,” I sneer, trying to straighten myself.

“Is that so?” Fury burns in his eyes.

I nod my head with a taunting smirk.

That’s right, there is nothing he can do about it. The Goddess gifts me Ariella, and she is mine, whether the king likes it or not! “If you don’t believe me v

What the f**k is this freaking man doing?


can ask Ariella yourself! Uh-”

Before I know it, he grabs me by my neck and kicks open Ariella’s door.



Chapter 19

My door bursts open and Ethan storms in, dragging Marcus along.

“E-Ethan! What is going on?” I almost shriek..

Ethan throws Marcus at my feet.

“Reject him,” he says to me.

“What?” It take

“What?” It takes me a moment to realize what he means.

“Do it, Ariella.”

Ethan orders again while Marcus shakes his head no.

“Ariella and I are a happy couple,” Marcus protests as he winks at me, making my stomach turn, “Right? Sweetheart?”

I stare at him expressionlessly. How could he still think I have even a speck of liking for him after all he’s done?

“-” Marcus opens his mouth, but before he’s able to make a sound, Ethan scoffs, “Shut up! The moment you sold her, you’ve already betrayed the Goddess’s blessing!”

“Reject. Him,” he orders me again. “You’re mine, remember?”

Whether I’m Ethan’s or not is up for discussion, but one thing is certain: I want nothing to do with Marcus! Without any hesitation, I declared firmly and loudly, “I, Prince Ariella Loveta of the Crystal River pack, reject you, Alpha Marcus Kennan, as my husband and mate!”

“I don’t-“Marcus shouts out aloud but his sentence is cut off again by Ethan.

“Do you want to die?” The king narrows his eyes.

It isn’t an empty threat. Ethan meant it, and I’m sure Marcus knows it too.

“F**k this. This **h isn’t worth it!” Marcus finally shouts from his kneeling position, “Not like this. I, Alpha Marcus Keennan, accept your rejection!”

Something breaks inside me, it’s painful, but so worthy! All I can feel is relief. It’s as if I just dropped a hundred- pound weight from my chest, and I can finally breathe freely again.

Macus, on the other hand, being the recipient of the rejection looks extremely pale as if he was stabbed by hundreds of knives. However, I don’t feel the slightest sympathy for him. Not after knowing what kind of s**g he really is.

He falls forward and catches himself with his hands before he’s kicked to the floor.

11:26 Tue, 23 Jul

Chapter 19

“Get the f**k out of here. If you dare to even look at the Princess, I will personally rip out your eyes.” Ethan bellowed.


The guards come in to drag Marcus’ broken and bruised body out of my room. However, before he’s gone, I see the venom filling his eyes as he mouths to me silently, “This isn’t over yet. Ariella!”

11:26 Tue, 23 Jul