Chapter 16


“Are you kidding?” Although I was asking a question, I mean it more as an accusation. “That isn’t what happened and you know it!”

C**a scoffs and then really lays the puppy dog eyes on Ethan. “See! See how she is! She’s trying to deny it.”

Ethan sighs. “Did you or did you not throw a vase at my stepsister?” He asks me ruthlessly.

I feel like I am on trial but I am not going to be intimidated. “I did no such thing. Ca*a kn**ocked the vase off the table. I was cleaning it up.”

“She’s lying!”

I roll my eyes. “Why would I still have the towel? Why would I throw a vase at you and then clean up the mess?”!

hold the towel up towards them.

“Because you’re trying to cover your tracks!”

Something within me snaps and I have had enough. I take a step forward, sandwiching Ethan between her and I, and say in my most threatening voice, “If I was going to throw a vase at you, I wouldn’t miss.”

Ethan chuckles causing C**a to stomp her foot like a child.

“Also, wouldn’t the water be all over the wall behind you and the vase **d over there? Not here by the table?”

C** makes a noise that can only be described like a whining dying piglet before she stomps out of my room.

Ethan shakes his head at me as he flicks his nose with his thumb. He is still chuckling to himself as if all of this is

amusing. I don’t see the humor.

“There’s the **nk I saw.” He isn’t saying this to me but it’s about me.

I’m more confused than anything else. “What do you mean?”

He looks me up and down before he replies, “Don’t worry about it.”

give him a suspicious look by raising my right eyebrow at him. I really hope he’s not making some crude reference and my cheeks turn bright pink at the thought. My pregnancy hormones are everywhere and they want him. Bad.

But my actual brain knows better and I take a small step backward and pour all of that energy into cleaning up the mess. I am stacking the bigger broken pieces on top of each other when I realize that Ethan is still standing in front

of me.

11:23 Tue, 23 Jul u

Chapter 16

“I will send someone in to clean this, you don’t have to do it,” he says with a slight annoyance in his voice.

Hlook up at the floor and I am absolutely confused by this man before me. His moods are quick to change and often leave me in a state of emotional whiplash.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

“But I do.” He offers me his hand to help me to stand up. I take it as I am praying to the Goddess that I can keep myself under control.

What the hell is going on with me?


As soon as I am up on my feet, I drop his hand and place both of mine behind my back. I can still feel the heat of his hand on mine. I drop my eyes and give him a little bow. I can’t tell him to leave but I hope that this is enough for him to get the hint.

A soft knock comes from my door causing both of us to jump.


I know that C**a would never knock so I sigh with relief that it isn’t her. Ethan looks more upset as he quickly turns and opens the door. Lucy and an older woman are standing there with shocked expressions on their faces. It is clear that they were not expecting the Alpha King himself in my room, but he is my “fiance”. They awkwardly bow once it completely registers that it is really Ethan standing there. Ethan nods his head and then without a word pushes through them and leaves us all confused, shocked, and a little annoyed.

“Princess Ariella,” Lucy says a few moments after Ethan’s exit. “I wanted to introduce you to my mother, Sylvia.”

I give Sylvia a polite smile and small courtesy. She does the same to me.

“We were wondering if you had lunch plans, Your Highness?” Sylvia has the same kind eyes and gentle voice as her daughter.

“I don’t have any lunch plans,” I find myself replying happily.

Lucy claps her hands together and then grabs her mother’s forearm. Sylvia laughs airily as she smiles at Lucy. “We were hoping you would join us and some of the other ladies of the court for lunch at Florintine’s?”

“I would love to join you.” I say as my eyes look at their fancy clothing. I am under dressed. “Let me change and I will meet you in the foyer.”

They both give me a quick smile before they leave.

C**p. I don’t have anything nicer than, what I was wearing.

211623 TUR, 23 Jul

1 hobbled something together. I am put together and not wearing jeans but as I am looking around the restaurant, my nice ish dress pants and light blouse are still very understated compared to the other patrons.

Florentine’s is one of the best restaurants in the capitol and is world renown but I had never heard of it till today.

There are too many forks at the table and too many differently sized plates. I don’t remember which fork to use when. The entire menu is in another language. I am feeling overwhelmed and lost. I am seated with ten other ladies of the court and Lucy. The ladies are talking amongst themselves in little cliques and i am completely out of the conversation. I continue to stare at my menu in the silly hope that it will magically be in a language I can read so I can order.

Lucy leans over and whispers, “I can’t read it either but this one,” she points to a random item, “It’s really good. That’s what I always get.”

laugh lightly, “Is it that obvious?”

She smiles, “Yes, Your Highness but it’s okay!”

I squeeze her hand as I thank her. We are seated by a big window that looks out to the street. I notice the red hair before anything else and I feel sick.

“Is everything okay?” Lucy asks. She turns her head and looks out the window. She scans the crowd of people on the busy metropolitan street. “What are you looking at?”

I try to speak but my mouth is completely dry and it feels like it has been glued together. I nod my head towards the direction of the red hair.

“Oh, Lady Lilith?” She says casually.

“How do you know her?” I am shocked by her familiar tone.

“She’s Lady **a’s sister. I didn’t realize that she was back in town.” Lucy turns back to the table and begins. to snack on a roll of bread.

Sisters? You have got to be f**g kidding me.

I should have seen it sooner. They both have the same fire red hair. They both have beautiful faces and ugly personalities.

“I don’t know who that man is with her, though,” Lucy adds between bites of her roll.


I was too caught up on her to notice that she was pulling Marcus behind her. Kill me. Goddess damn it. What the hell is he doing here?


Chapter 16

Lucy looks over her shoulder and then makes a sour face. “Ugh, she is bringing him to lunch. It’s girls only.”


My heart begins to race and I immediately begin to panic. I don’t want to see Marcus and I definitely don’t want to have lunch with him or his mistress. I frantically try to stand up before I hear his voice.

“Well, well, well, where are you going? Are you too good to have lunch with us, Princess?”