Chapter 14


F**g C**a.


Ariella’s cheeks quickly turn bright red as she pushes herself out of my grasp. **n it. I have the most physical hunger for her and I want a taste now. But it will have to wait, as much as I hate to admit it, C**dra has a point. cannot keep my guest waiting. I sigh in frustration then turn to return to the dinner.

“She should really go back to bed,” C**a says with disdain and condescension. “She looks like literal pig s**t.” C**a’s lips turn in a twisted wicked smile as she juts out her hip. Her entire body was dripping in smugness.

I see red. I know C**dra can sometimes be a bit of a b**h but this was downright vicious and embarrassing. I glare at her and curl my lip into a snarl. She has no reason to be this aggressive toward Ariella.

I’m not even thinking, I am just reacting. I step in front of Ariella to protect her from Ca**ra’s bad energy. No one will disrespect what is mine.

Ariella is mine.

But I cannot tell C**a the truth that I bought Ariella at a breeder auction and cause embarrassment to her kingdom, my new allies.

“Ariella is my guest and one day, your Luna,” I say roughly.

C**a’s jaw drops and she begins to glare daggers at Ariella and me. “Okay,” she says slowly as she vigorously nods her head. She looks like she’s about to do something drastic like attack Ariella or set something on fire, her eyes are crazy.

I can’t look away from her to check on Ariella but 1 can feel her energy. She’s nervous and maybe a little scared. I reach behind and grab her wrist, her pulse is racing. She places her other hand on top of my hand.

C**ra’s face looks like she is sucking air through a straw. The tension is filling the lanaia am at a loss of what I need to do but my wolf has only one goal, protecting what is mine.

C**a pops her lips and then says eerily softly, “I see.”

an alarming rate. I

What’s your next move, C**ra? What are you up to? Especially after her sudden and random announcement.

Like what the **k was that?

I narrow my eyes in preparation for her next move but she is acting erratically and she turns quickly on her heel and goes back into the dinning room. I start to follow her when Ariella pulls me back

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“May I please go back to my room? I really don’t feel very good,” she asks as she lowers her eyes.

I nod my head and then snap my fingers for a servant to take her back to her room. She looks up at me and gives me a grateful smile..

“Feel better,” I say as she leaves. I am watching her go almost remorsefully because my wolf wants her to stay. My wolf wants her close but she isn’t fragile, she doesn’t need my constant protection.

Ariella has a fire in her eyes even if she doesn’t realize it. It makes her irresistible on a physical level.

But I can’t focus on any of that. There’s a bomb about to go off in the dining room, I can feel it.

lenter the room and I see Ca***a whispering in the ear of Elric Everton, my father’s old Beta and my head royal advisor. Elric is like a father to me and someone I respect. He was the one who really took me under his wing and taught me everything I knew when my father had other responsibilities to tend to.

What the f**k is she saying?

I can tell by Elric’s stern disappointed look that it wasn’t good. I walk slowly back to my seat, my eyes are glued on Elric and C**ra.

“I’ll handle it,” I overhear him tell her as I sit down.

This isn’t going to be good. F**k.

“What the hell are you thinking?” Elric asks in a harsh tone the next morning. Every morning I meet with my advisors in my office but this was the first time I dreaded going.

“Sir Elric,” I begin with an exasperated sigh. “For the good of our kingdom, I have set up this marriage between Ariella and I.”

“Your Majesty! Forgive my tone but this is a decision that you should have run by us before proceeding.” Elinor began before Elric cut her off.

*You went to secure a land purchase and came home with a bride!”

This was really starting to pi**me off. I am not a child. They would have never spoken to my father like this.

“Everstone has no need to become allies with such a puny and weak pack like hers,” Elric finished. It was clear to the other advisors that Elric was going to dominate this meeting.

“Puny or weak, we were in need of their ports. We did have a need,” I snap back. “We have now increased our defenses and we can now focus on building up our navy.”

Chapter 14

“But marriage! Think with your head and not your penis for once,” Elric raised his voice. “You were too hasty!”

“Hasty?!” I stand from my chair. “Need I remind you that I am your Alpha and King? Do you question my logic?”

Elric sighs as he sits back in his chair. “Questioning your logic is why you have us, a wise king works with his advisors to see all sides, not just his.”

“Fine, I’ll humor you,” I say as I take my seat once more. “Why is this a terrible idea?”

Elric leans against his elbows on the table, “For one, there are no advantages for us to become allies with them. They are vulnerable in terms of defenses, their numbers are dwindling, and they have next to none economic resources. Give it five years and they will be a rogue state.”

I cross my arms against my chest and nod my head. “Yes, all of that is true.” Elric smiles as if he has won the argument but I’m not done. “And what happens then? We share a border. These rogue groups are bold enough to attack them, after they gain actual land, what will stop them from moving onto us?”

Elric’s smile fades from his face and the room becomes silent as my other advisors look around at each other with awkward looks. Has no one else considered this? Or are they only focused on the short-term ramifications of this marriage?

“No one has anything to say, I see.” I take another moment to wait to see if anyone else will speak up. “Yes, the short term benefits their pack as their ally, we will support their defenses and come to aid. But the long term benefit of building our territory and expanding our naval forces outweighs this minor inconvenience.”

I stand from my chair and leave the room. My word is final. There is nothing more to discuss, not that this was up for discussion.

I can hear footsteps behind me struggling to keep up with my pace. I know immediately that it is Kyle, my beta. I slow my pace to allow him to catch up..

“Sir,” he begins but something has attracted my wolf and is pulling all of my attention.

I stop completely and look out the window. Out in the peony garden, Ariella is sitting with a small group of girls aging from as young as ten to late teens. They are all laughing as she takes a small misshapen wreath of flowers from one of the girls. She expertly fixes the mistake and holds up the wreath and begins to show the girl how to braid the flowers correctly before she places it on the girl’s head.

She has a fire but there also this, a softness and innocence that I feel with every fiber of my being the need to protect.

“Sir,” Kyle repeats as he awkwardly stands behind me.

“Yes?” I am annoyed to be interrupted from my thoughts of Ariella.


11:22 Tue, 23 Jul 4

Chapter 14

“I mean no disrespect but are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, she’s a very beautiful woman but,”

I glare at Kyle and begin to walk away.

He sighs and I overhear him say under his breath, “Goddess, I hope she’s worth it.”

11:23 Tue, 23 Jul