Chapter 7 
I placed a flower on top of my father grave. I heaved a sigh. 
“I saw him yesterday, dad, i saw him,” a drop of tears slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it off. 
I sniffle a little. “I don’t know how to feel about it. I thought my past would stay in my past, but I didn’t know that it wasn’t going to be so 
Tears streamed down my cheek as I began to narrate to my dad how I felt seeing Logan and how much he still affected me although it has been four years. 
“I knew I’d find you here. I quickly wiped my tears when I heard Adelines voice. 
“You left so early in the morning. The twins were looking for you. What’s wrong? Are you… Adeline trailed off when she saw my face. 
“Is that tears in your eyes? What’s wrong, Isabel? Why are you crying? Did something happen?” She asked inquisitively, concerned laced on her tone. 

“No, it’s not. Something got into my eyes,” I lied. 
“Don’t lie to me, Isabel. I know when it is that you are lying, and now I know you’re are. What’s wrong? Come on, share with 
Adeline and I have been close for some years, and we’ve even become best friends, but there were a lot about me that she doesn’t know about. She knew who my father was although she never saw him in person, and she knew about my twins since ske literally watched them gr, w but she doesn’t know who their father is 
I never spoke about the twins‘ father because I wanted the past to stay in the past. I didn’t want to open up the wounds that never healed. Adeline, on the other hand, isn’t force conversations or ask anything that I didn’t tell her, and I was grateful for 
“You know you can trust me, right? Speak to me, Isabel. That’s wrong? I can help,” she cupped my face in her hand. 
I burst into tears. I just couldn’t hold it anymore. It’s been four years, yet the memories were still fresh. It’s been four years, yet the words he said to me still hurt so much as if he said to words to me yesterday. 
“What’s wrong, Isabel? Speak to me. What’s happening? Did something happen yesterday? You are staring to scare me. please speak to me,” she sounded worried. 
“He’s…I…..I….” I tried off in tears. 
“Okay, keep calm. Take a deep breath and exhaled,” she said to me. 
It took some seconds before I finally caught my breath. “He’s back. 
“What? Who’s back, and what are you talking about?” Adeline asked frantically. 
“My… the twin farher” 
“The twins father? Who is he and why are you crying because of him? Is he a scary person? Is he dangerous?” She inquired “He’s my ex mate and the man whom I loved the most beside my father and the man who shattered my heart,” I answered. 
10:58 Fri, 10 May Mu 
Chapter 7 
“Wow!” She uttered. 
“Wh… what happened to you, Isabel? What happened in the past?” Adeline asked. 
“He jilted me, betrayed me and rejected me. On the day of our wedding, he got married to another without remorse.” 
“Oh my goodness, that’s devastating,” Adeline gasped. 
“That’s so wicked. Why did he do that? That must be so terrible, she sighed. 
“It was horrible. I was in my wedding dress. I arrived at the garden expecting for everyone to he there and my mate but there was none. It was until later I realized he was getting married to another that same day,” I placed my palm on my chest. 
It hurts remembering what happened that day, I was struggling to speak without wanting to break down. 
I loved Logan with all my heart. I dreamt of only good memories with him but in the end, he burned everything, leaving ashes behind and I was yet to heal from it. 
Adeline pulled me into a hug. “You don’t have to keep going on if you don’t want to. I can already tell what it was that you went through and how horrible that day must have been from you. It’s going to he fine Isabel, she patted my back. 
“He’s a piece of trash, and I do not want to imagine how he looks because all i feel for him this moment is disgust,” she remarked. 
I stood still on that same position for some seconds before pulling away from Adeline. She really did help me. 
My phone began to ring in my bag. I took it out to see that it was Leah who was calling 
I exhaled deeply before answering the phone. 
“Where are you Isabel? You are supposed to be here!” Leah shouted through the phone. I pulled my phone away from my car to avoid hearing her shout. 
“I’m on my way,” I replied, before ending the call.n 
“I have to go to the restaurant. Can you drive me?” I asked. 
“Sure.” Adeline nodded her head. 
I arrived shortly at the restaurant. When I reached the door, Leah was there already waiting. “You do realize you have a lot of explanation to do, but for now, you are free as I have a meeting to attend so later.” 
Leah walked out of the restaurant, and I sighed. 
“You sure have a lot of explanation to do, Adeline muttered beside. 
“I…” I trailed off in shock my eyes landed on someone seated in one of the tables with a magazine in his hand. 
What was he doing here? I thought, and just then he lifted his head up and out eyes met. 
I almost lost my 
balance as my weeks became weak that moment. 
“Are you alright?” Adeline asked beside me. 
No. I wasn’t alright. What was he doing here? Why did he come here? 
“Are. oh my goodness, who is he? Is he… Adeline trailed off. 
10:59 Fri, 10 May M 
Chapter 7 
Just then, Logan got up from where he sat and began to walk towards me. 
“Don’t fret. It’s alright. Don’t let him have an effect on you. You better stand strong,” Adeline muttered beside me as she held my arms firmly. 
I swallowed the invisible lump that formed in my throat as I thought of what to do. I didn’t want him around him neither did I want him to know that I was yet to heal from what he did to me four years ago. 
“Hi.” Logan said now standing in front of me. 
I’mentally scoffed in disbelief. What does he want and why was he causality greeting me? 
I decided to walk away as that was the best thing to do. If he thought four years was enough for me to forgive him, then he was wrong because I could never forgive him not even if I wanted to. 
“Isabel,” he called my name just as i attempted to walk past him and I froze on the spot. 
It has been a long time I heard him call my name. I shuddered from the sound of my name coming from his mouth. I detested it. 
“Can we talk?” 
Talk? I hope I heard him wrong because it didn’t seem like it. 
“Talk about what? Who are you and why do you think you can speak to her?” Adeline interjected and I thanked her mentally for coming through because I honestly had nothing to say to him and I didn’t want to say anything. 
What I needed was for him to stay as far away as possible from me. 
“Isabel, some minutes would be nice. Please give me some time to speak to you.” He sounded like he was pleading for me to speak to him but I didn’t believe it because I refused to. 
It reminded me of the night before our wedding thagbnever took place. We spoke on the phone with excitement while looking forward to the next day only for him to jilt me. 
There was no truth in his mouth. All he knew how to do was lie. 
“Didn’t you hear me? Why are you?” Adeline chided. 
“Isabel,” he called my name 
I opened my mouth to speak but just then someone appeared. 
“Hey,” Tim said with a smile on his face as he walked closer to me. 
Hey Tim, you came just the right time, Adeline walked towards Tim. She wrapped her arms around his and pulled him. 
“Hey,” I smiled at him realizing what it was Adeline was trying to do and I couldn’t be more grateful 
“Isabel, Logan called again. 
“You are just on time. Can we go now?” I’walked past Logan to go hold Tim’s arms, hoping that he just went with the flow and not give me out. 
“Oh. Lalright,” he said frantically buf went along eventually and I heaved a sigh of relief. 
I tilted my head a little to glance ay/Logan. He seemed confused and as much as i didnt want to care about what was going on 
Chapter 7 
in his mind, I still wanted to know.