Chapter 69


Both father and daughter indeed fit themselves because they were both funny and st upid. How can your child take another person’s child and you ask for them to be released for the safety of both of you? He doesn’t seem disappointed in her and her actions and I’m disgusted by the sight of the both of them.

“Princess listen to me, do this for your dad please.” He pleaded but she wasn’t making a move.

“I can’t and I won’t Dad. I have lost everything so there’s no need for the result. Logan would never love me. He said that already and I have accepted my fate.” She replied.

“Have you gone mad? Why do you think you’ve lost it all for someone that doesn’t deserve it? Listen to me, princess. Please I’m begging you. Just do as I said and you know I will do what you want right? Don’t do this to dad. Please listen to me.” He pleaded.

She shook her head. “There’s nothing to be done, Dad. Let’s embrace it because trust me when I say this is a much greater pain than you could ever think. While they think they are winning. I know they are crumbling. They don’t deserve anything good and this is just the start.”

She sounded so firm and the dad didn’t seem pleased by it. I wasn’t surprised because she already belittled her dad so even if she was in front of him, it wouldn’t make her change her mind.

“You want the both of us to die? Is this how you end it? Princess you don’t want to do this, trust me.” He said to her.

“I have made up my mind and you can’t change it.” She replied.

“So this is how you’d repay me for all I’ve done for you? You know I would do anything to make you happy and would go to the end of the earth for you and once again I’m assuring you that I will make sure that you are happy yet you wouldn’t do this one favor for me?” He asked.

She opened her mouth to say something but kept shut. It was evident on her dad’s face that he was hurt and disappointed i her. He bit on his bottom lips in pain as he stared at her.

“I cannot believe you.” He uttered.

“Enough with the chit-chat. It’s evident that your daughter doesn’t care about you and I just wanted to let you see for yourself before you die. She doesn’t give a f uck about you so I shall end your pain quickly.” Logan said as he went behind Jade’s dad.

“Everyone leaves the room except for you Isabel,” Logan ordered leaving just me in the room.

Everyone did as told leaving the room, leaving just me, Logan, Jade, and her dad alone.

“You shall watch your dad die in front of you and then you’d know how it feels like to lose someone and that’s if you even care about his death,” Logan said before revealing his fang finger about to slit Jade’s dad’s throat.

Jade’s dad closed his eyes anticipating his death while my heart raced in my chest wanting to know if Logan would kill Jade’s dad or not but I hope he wouldn’t.

He might have done horrible things to me in the past but I don’t have the mind to see him die.

“Wait!” Jade finally spoke up just as Logan was about to do the needful.

I heaved a sigh of silent relief.


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Chapter 69

“Don’t kill him. I will do as you want. Just don’t kill him.” Jade finally spoke up.

I didn’t fail to notice how her father heaved a sign of relief.

“Are you saying you don’t want him dead and in exchange for his release, you will give me my kids?” Logan asked.


“You heard me right, didn’t you? I’d give your kids back to you in exchange that you let me father and I go.” She replied and I smiled.

“Where are my kids? Tell me the location and as soon as I locate them and find hit that they are safe and sound then I will let you and your father go.” Logan informs her.

She scoffed. “And you think I’m a fool to believe you? You must be kidding then. You think I’d let you know the location of your

kids and once you get them you won’t let us go? Oh, come on Logan. I’m not that st upid and I know you know that too.”

“You don’t know that do you? Besides, why did you ask me not to kill your dad if you want to act this way? Kindly explain to me because I don’t understand.”

“You shouldn’t have stopped him you know. This is just a waste of time and I’m tired of your sick games, they are exhausting.” I interjected.

“Just shut up.” She said to me.

“I won’t be speaking to you anymore. Since you don’t want to do as told and want to keep stalling then watch your father die Logan attempted to slit Jade’s dad’s throat but Jade’s scream stopped him.

“Fine! Fine! Fine! You won! If you want them then you’d get them. I will take you to the location of your kids but you also have to make a promise to me so I know you don’t come back to kill me.” She spoke

“Promise me that once I take you to where I kept your kids then you will let my dad and I go?” She asked.

“And you are hot to go back on your words at all.” She added.

“As long as it doesn’t end up a trick then why not? It’s a deal then Logan said.

“Alright then. You better don’t do something else once your kids are with you because I will make sure that you regret it.” She threatened.

“There you go again threatening. Don’t you get tired? I already said I’d release you and I don’t go back on my words.” He replied.

“Just take us to them already and don’t worry about getting released because you and your dad are already free once we see the twins in good health,” I assured her.

She rolled her eyes at me which was nothing new because she doesn’t like me and she doesn’t hide her dislike for me.

“Alright then. Let me go and follow me.” She said.

Logan called for the attention of the men he had sent outside to come and release Jade and her dad but they made sure to still have their hands tied so they wouldn’t do anything funny. We all got into the car and they began to drive with Jade leading the way.

My heart was beating faster than normal as I anticipated seeing my kids. A lot has sure gone down in just a night and I don’t think I’d ever forget this day. To think I have planned so much and expected the start of something new.

Everything got ruined once again thanks to Jade and I’d make sure that she regrets it.



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Chapter 69

Even if Jade was freed by Logan which was the deal, I’d still make sure to attack her because she doesn’t deserve anything good in this life. She only deserves torture and pain for what she has caused and I’d make sure to give it back to her twice the number of times she gave it to me because she’s bitter, wickel, and mean..

“This is it,” Jade said to Raymond and he stopped the car. He parked the car at a good place before we all came down from the car. Logan held onto Jade’s arms firmly while Raymond did the same for her dad so that they didn’t plan any escape


We walked into Jade’s house. So that was where she kept them. In her house. No matter how hard I would have thought, her house would be the last place I think about. Why? Because I wouldn’t think she was foolish to bring them here as it would be easy to find the kids.

I’m so foolish for not thinking that at all. I felt stup id that I didn’ think of that. We wouldn’t have made any bargain with her in the first place because knowing her, you cannot trust her with anything

“Your kids are in here and once you get your kids, I want you and your stu pid fellow to leave this house without harming me. Remember that’s the plan.” She reminded us again.

“Just shut up and show us our kids already!” I snapped.

“Alright then. If you say so.” She remarked before entering her mansion.

There were a lot of men in the living room while my twins were sleeping on the couch. The minute my eyes saw them. I heaved a sigh of relief. They were fine and sleeping well and that made me feel at ease.

Her men quickly took up their guns and pointed at us.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to shoot them. Just let the kids go, that’s all” Jade said to her men.

They hesitantly dropped their guns. I ran past them to go touch my kids. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I saw them again. It felt like forever since I last saw them




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