Chapter 54


“We must make them pay. Logan must pay for this humiliation and also what he has done to you. I won’t be tolerating him anymore.” My father said.

I was in total support of his actions. Why? Because if I cannot have Logan then he doesn’t deserve to be happy. I haven’t come this far only to lose him to some useless girl.

my father. He doesn’t want to look at me, he doesn’t care about me and his mind is set on that girl and it hurts me more than ever. I’ve done everything in my power to have him yet that wasn’t enough and what did he do to get me off him, he took

“The only reason I didn’t do anything to him was because he was your husband and now that he isn’t anymore then he’s useless to us. I’d have to get rid of him for only then will I be at peace. My dad said through his teeth and from the tone of his voice, it was evident that he was angry.

My father isn’t one to let things go. When he says he’d do something, he does it and I knew the reason he had not taken Logan out was because of me. My father never liked Logan for me simply because Logan insulted me a lot of times and didn’t show any regard for me.

I pleaded with him to help me get Logan instead of going against the relationship and because I was his precious daughter, he allowed it and helped me.

Logan crossed the line and for that, he’d pay. Hurting him wouldn’t do any damage but I knew who exactly to hurt to make sure he was hurt and that’s Isabel. She’s the reason for everything and I will not rest until I see her downfall.

“I know what exactly we can do Dad,” I said to my dad.

“If it’s about sparing Logan’s life then forget about it. I will not be doing any of that and he must pay for all his actions. He made those men keep me in the dark with no food or water and looked down on me. He threatened me and promised to make me go through all but do you know what I did?” He pushed to exhale deeply.

nd his life.”

“I told him that the biggest mistake he’d make is letting me leave that place alive because I will make sure to end

I didn’t know how to react to my father’s statement. If he wants to kill Logan, he would and nothing would stop him because whenever he sets his mind on something he gets it done and nothing can stop him.

As much as I wanted to say something to convince him not to kill Logan because I still wanted Logan for myself and if he didn’t want me then I’d make sure the person he wants doesn’t want him too.

I decided not to tell my father any of that because saying all of that would make I’m furious and decided to make sure it was Isabel regardless that we hurt.

“I will make sure he crumbles and for that lady, he hurt you, I’d make sure she’s hurt.” My father said.

“She’s not worthy to hurt my dad but I’d make sure she regrets existing.” I uttered firmly.

“Logan. I will make you pay!” My dad slammed his palm on the desk.

He was infuriating, it was obvious from the look of his face and I didn’t know how to pacify him because if there was anything my father doesn’t accept, it’s someone ridiculing him and humiliating him.

“I served his father for years and while I worked as his father’s right hand, I protected my husband’s father and this is what he does to me. I must be the one to end him and nothing will stop me at all.”

I said nothing to my father and let him continue pouring out his worries and anger. While he spoke, I Unconsciously zoned



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Chapter 53

“Close to the kids and getting to know them? Yes and for me, we will think about that.”

“I am so relieved! You don’t know how happy I am to hear this! Thank you so much!” He sounded excited.

hug you?” He asked and I thought deeply about it.

I got off my seat and opened my arms for him, a sign that he could.

I didn’t fail to notice how happy he was as he stood up to hug me

He held me firmly while I slowly wrapped my arms around him

I have honestly missed his warm hug and it made me feel calm,

“Thanks so much, Isabel. Thanks for giving me a chance. I promise that I won’t make you ever regret it.” He said.

“You better don’t.” I replied.

“I love you.” He said but I said nothing in return.





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Chapter 54


“We must make them pay. Logan must pay for this humiliation and also what he has done to you. I won’t be tolerating him anymore.” My father said.

I was in total support of his actions. Why? Because if I cannot have Logan then he doesn’t deserve to be happy. I haven’t come this far only to lose him to some useless girl.

father. He doesn’t want to look at me, he doesn’t care about me and his mind is set on that girl and it hurts me more than ever. I’ve done everything in my power to have him yet that wasn’t enough and what did he do to get me off him, he took


“The only reason I didn’t do anything to him was because he was your husband and now that he isn’t anymore then he’s useless to us. I’d have to get rid of him for only then will I be at peace.” My dad said through his teeth and from the tone of his voice, it was evident that he was angry.

not taken

My father isn’t one to let things go. When he says he’d do something, he does it and I knew the reason he h Logan out was because of me. My father never liked Logan for me simply because Logan insulted me a lot of times and didn’t show any regard for me.

I pleaded with him to help me get Logan instead of going against the relationship and because I was his precious daughter, he allowed it and helped me.

Logan crossed the line and for that, he’d pay. Hurting him wouldn’t do any damage but I knew who exactly to hurt to make sure he was hurt and that’s Isabel. She’s the reason for everything and I will not rest until I see her downfall.

“I know what exactly we can do Dad,” I said to my dad.

“If it’s about sparing Logan’s life then forget about it, I will not be doing any of that and he must pay for all his actions. He made those men keep me in the dark with no food or water and looked down on me. He threatened me and promised to make me go through all but do you know what I did?” He pushed to exhale deeply.

“I told him that the biggest mistake he’d make is letting me leave that place alive because I will make sure to end his life.”

I didn’t know how to react to my father’s statement. If he wants to kill Logan, he would and nothing would stop him because whenever he sets his mind on something he gets it done and nothing can stop him.

As much as I wanted to say something to convince him not to kill Logan because I still wanted Logan for myself and if he didn’t want me then I’d make sure the person he wants doesn’t want him too.

I decided not to tell my father any of that because saying all of that would make I’m furious and decided to make sure it was Isabel regardless that we hurt.

“1 will make sure he crumbles and for that lady, he hurt you, I’d make sure she’s hurt.” My father said.

“She’s not worthy to hurt my dad but I’d make sure she regrets existing.” I uttered firmly.


I will make you pay!” My dad slammed his palm on the desk.

He was infuriating, it was obvious from the look of his face and I didn’t know how to pacify him because if there was anything my father doesn’t accept, it’s someone ridiculing him and humiliating him.

“I served his father for years and while I worked as his father’s right hand, I protected my husband’s father and this is what he does to me. I must be the one to end him and nothing will stop me at all.”

I said nothing to my father and let him continue pouring out his worries and anger. While he spoke, I Unconsciously zoned



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Chapter 54

of what to do to Isabel.

out as I thought

An idea came to mind at that moment. The first thing I’d have do to is find out more about Isabel. I needed to know where she was and I’d make sure to use the same method Logan had used to divorce me to marry me back and that way we can only harm Isabel and not hurt Logan.

“Till death do we part Logan? If you think that you can break my heart and go free then the biggest mistake you made was that.” I muttered silently.

“What did you say?” My dad asked and I quickly shook my head

“Nothing.” I smiled proudly at my thought,

He who lives by the sword will die by the sword and Logan can’t be anyone else if he’s not mine. Since he got me to divorce him by kidnapping my father then I’d get him to marry me back by kidnapping Isabel.

“What have you gathered so far?” I asked the private investigator that I hired two days ago to do the findings on Isabel.

“I haven’t gotten much and I’ve been doing my best ma’am. I’m sure by tomorrow should have enough details to fill you in.” He replied,

“What? Are you that incompetent? What do you mean by one more day to get your job done? What’s the need of paying you then if you are that useless!” I spat out annoyance.

Usually it takes a little longer to gather all the information that her confirmed and it’s just two days…”

“Oh shut it!” 1 cut him off.

“Just shut it. You can’t speak to me in that way okay? I hired you and there should be no excuse coming from you considering I paid you for this job. You should know how to handle your job well if paid for it!”

“I asked for the details of just one person and you need three days for that? I bet you are useless and who the help referred you because you are useless!” I complained bitterly.

“With all due respect ma’am, it doesn’t make it easy. I cannot get all the information in two days. I have gathered some information but I cannot deliver unless they are complete and one hundred percent confirmed. This is my job and I’ve been doing it for a long time and better than you, I know my job.” He explained making me more pi ssed.

“You are so rude.”

“How dare you reply to me? Do you know how much I paid you for this job? Alright. You said you already gathered some?” 1 sighed deeply.

I raised my arms in surrender when I realized that there was nothing I could do in this situation other than wait.

“Fine. It’s fine. I will let this go for now and give you some more time to gather a little more and if by tomorrow I don’t get the needed information then be ready to refund me.” I warned.

“Hopefully by tomorrow, we will…

“Don’t use the word hopefully for me. I need assurance so don’t use that word.” I cut him off.

“Alright then. By tomorrow you will get the needed result that you want.” He replied and I smiled.





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