Chapter 51


I looked away from my computer when I heard the sound of my office door. I was about to reprimand who had entered my office without asking my permission when I saw Jade walk in.

I expected her to come back because she had a decision to make but I didn’t expect her to come back this fast because of her response yesterday.

“Do you have to do this to me?”

“Have you made up your mind?” I asked, going straight to the point as I had no business with her other than for her to sign the divorce paper so that we could both go our separate ways.

“Is that all you care about? Do you have to make me decide?”.

“You said you won’t divorce me so if you are here, I’m guessing you already thought things through and you love your father so have you signed the divorce?” I ignored her question,

She scoffed “1..”

“Logan. We grew up together and all I’ve ever wanted…”

“This talk is not necessary. The girl I grew up with is dead and the one I married is someone I didn’t know and was forced to marry. I have nothing to say to you, alright? Have you signed the papers? That’s the only answer I want. If you have then you will get your father back safe but if you haven’t then forget that you have a father.” I cut her off, telling her my mind.

She opened her mouth to say something but didn’t. She closed her mouth and took out the paper from her bag.

“This is what you want right? You want me out of your life right?

I watched her and for a second 1 thought that she wanted to tear the divorce paper because she had done it a lot of times but to my surprise and ease, she took a pen, placed the paper on the table, and proceeded to sign it.

Just as she was about to, she stopped. “Do you have to do this?”

I hissed. “Do you have to keep asking knowing well that I won’t change my mind? Or perhaps you come with some magic powers to make me change my mind? If so, it didn’t work so go ahead and sign.”

She glared at me for some seconds before signing on the papers. The minute I saw that she had sighed, I smiled.

Atlas! I was free from her and free to go back to the woman I’d always wanted to be with. I’m free to be with my kids and live the life that I’ve been wanting for a long time.

“You will pay for this. You will pay because I will make sure that you are never happy. As long as I can’t have you then you won’t be with anyone. I better see my father as soon as I leave this place or I’d fight back.” She spoke through her teeth with her fist clenched.

“You make a lot of noise for a woman. If that’s a threat or whatever then you made the wrong choice Let me know because I will make sure I end your pathetic life if you come for my woman.” I snarled.

“I know she’s the one you’d go for but you’d be stu pid to think I’d sit down and let you have your way because trust me, you won’t succeed. I will make sure that you go through ten times what you planned and this is not just me warning you Jade, this is me telling you what I’d do.”

I walked closer to her. “If I were you, I wouldn’t mess with me because I’m not a forgiving person anymore. Both you




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father have done me wrong and I am

n so angry that you cannot imagine. I’m warning you. Stay oll.

“I don’t care about the result. I will make sure you never be happy with another because while we were together you made me happy and now you made me…”

“Shut the f uck up!” I snapped.


“You want to keep talking about it? Are you st upid? Are you the victim? You forced this whole marriage thing and talked about not being happy! Then you should have been with your mate. You found a mate yet wanted someone else’s mate and want to be happy? Let this be the last time you try to act the victim, alright?” I warned.

She glared at me and I glared at her too. She turned to leave afterwards and I smiled in satisfaction.

I took the divorce paper in my hand to stare at it once again. I smiled harder. She signed it.

“It’s over. It’s finally over!” I heaved a sigh of relief.

I went back to sit, taking in a deep breath and exhaling deeply. I looked at the divorce paper in my hands once again and my smile grew wider.

I’ve been wanting to be free from her for a long time and at least I am.

“What’s happening? I saw an angry Jade on my way here.” I heard Raymond’s voice.

I look up to see him. I was so lost in excitement that I didn’t hear the sound of my door opening.

And you look happy? I’m guessing you got what you wanted. Did she sign the divorce papers?” He asked.

My smile was enough for him to get the answer he wanted and for more proof, I showed him the paper in my hand with her signature on it.

“Finally! She agreed. She’s divorced. Oh my goodness! You are now a single man! Finally! I cannot believe this. She agreed? 1 thought ahead refused to and decided to look for another means to save her father?” Raymond stated

“Oh well, I won. It seems the plan worked. If I had known, this should have been done since. I would have done this to make

my kids. I her leave me. I have never felt so happy. I’m a free man and now free to go back to the love of my life and also told him excitedly.

“I can feel the excitement in your tone. I can tell that you are very happy and I am happy for you. So what are you going to do now?”

“What do you mean?” I asked frantically.

“Are you going to release Jade’s dad?” He asked and I shrugged.

“Exactly I’d do just that after all that’s the bargain.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea?”

“What do you mean by that?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Jade’s dad is t just a small person he has always been a troubling man whose presence was made known. If he’s freed, he won’t sit back and do nothing. I mean you divorced his daughter, kidnapped him, and kept him in a dark room, he’d want to retaliate.” Raymond explained.

I smiled. “I know what it is that you are talking about Raymond and that’s why you don’t have to worry okay? I have planned my every move and I expect something like that to happen. I know they’d want to fight back but that would be the worst mistake they’d make because it would only make it easy for me to strike back.”



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Chapter 51

“Strike back? What do you mean by that?” He asked.

I pulled him with me to sit down as I wanted to explain to him properly. I have thought about my every move for a long time and I expect Jade and her dad to react. I’ve known them ever since I was young and I knew that she’d agree for her father to be saved so she can plan their next move.

1 couldn’t kill him or torture him and I wanted to because I had my plans and what I wanted to gain but now if they attacked first and I reacted, I wouldn’t have a reason to not attack them.

I’d charge them for treason against their alpha and sentence them to death.

Jade and her father would plan their next move in three to seven days if my calculations are correct and the minute they do, that would be the worst mistake of their life.

“If they react, they’d fall into my trap. One way or the other they’d react. It might not be soon but they’d react and the moment they do, I’d have a solid reason to arrest them. I’d sentence them to death for treason.” I explained.

“So you mean that you knew they’d react and that’s why you decided to let him go?” He asked.

“Exactly that’s it. Jade and her father would react no matter what just to make sure I pay but that would be the worst move they make because no matter what, they’d fall into my trap and I’d finally get rid of them.” I explained.

“That makes sense. Jade’s father has been doing too much and feeling like he’s the bigger person. I will do anything to fight by your side Alpha,” Raymond said, pledging his allegiance to me once again.

1 smiled. “I’m so happy I’m free and now that I’m free, I think now is the right time to see Isabel again and the twins, don’t you think?”

“You have to do something for me, Raymond. I have a job for you and you are just the perfect person for him.” I told him with a smile on my face.

I don’t think I’d be able to sleep that night because I had so much excitement in me.



