Chapter 48


“I didn’t think you’d go ahead with it but hearing that you did makes me happy. You have done well. So what will you do with Jade

“I will be dealing with her in no time. Now that I have her father, I’d use him against her. She’s divorced me whether she likes it or not if she wants her father alive.” I replied.

“Are you going to kill him?” Raymond asked.

“I’d need be, I will but I don’t think it would get to that point I will make sure to torture him so he never forgets

in this life. I also asked my men to record and send a video of her father being tortured. I will forward it to her and ask her to choose. Either she saves her father and divorces me or she stays with me and watches her father suffer.” I explained.

“Now we’d get to know if she loves her father as much as he loves her.”

“Exactly. We’d get to know that she’d but I know she’d agree. This is the only plan I have for now. I have to end all of this even if I have to use brutal methods so that I can get back to Isabel and the twins.” I exhaled deeply.

The thoughts of the kids every day filled my mind and I longed to reunite with them again. I want to see them and be a father to them. I want to make things right. I want to be happy and I know I will when I finally reunite with my family.

“When are you going to inform Jade of her father?”

“I will soon but first, I have to make sure that he suffers a little. If Jade doesn’t want to divorce then I’d do worse to make sure. she leaves me alone. She has been doing too much to the point she came to my hotel room.” I informed Raymond.

“What? How did she get access?”

Now that I thought about it, I realized that I hadn’t found out who it was that helped her get into my room because I would not leave them and make sure to punish them.

“That, I will find out soon,” I replied.

“Alright then.”

Later that day. I went back to the hotel where I was residing to find the person who had given Jade access to my room.

“I was the one who gave her access.” A man stepped forward and unmediately he went on his knees.

“She said she was your wife after I told her that I couldn’t allow her into the room. She also threatened to deal with me when you show up and I thought I might get into trouble and to avoid that, I had to do the needful and gave her an extra key.” He confessed.

1 ran my finger through my hair, unsure of what I should do. He had just confessed he was threatened and that was something that I knew that Jade could do.

“I wouldn’t have allowed it if I knew that you’d be against it. Please forgive me.” He apologized.

I exhaled deeply. I put my both arms in my pants pocket. “It’s alright. It’s fine. You can go now.” I ordered them to leave.

I went back to my room to sleep. I needed to sleep early so that I could prepare against tomorrow.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I wondered who it could be and why they had decided to disturb my sleep.



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11:15 Fri, May 10

Chapter 48

I looked at the alarm beside me and it was too early for me to be disturbed. I decided not to answer the person because didn’t see any reason to.

When they were tired, they’d leave, I thought to myself but I was wrong as the knocking wouldn’t stop.

1 decided to go see who it was that dared to disturb my sleep. The minute I opened my door, I frowned,

“What are you doing there?” I asked Jade, irritation laced in my tone.

“I need your help, Logan.” She cried out.


I creased my brows in confusion because I couldn’t believe that heard her right. It couldn’t be considering that Jade would never come to me in tears and need my help.

“Please help me. Logan. I haven’t heard from my dad and I can’t reach him. I’ve called his mansion but no one seems to know where is he and I went over to look for him but couldn’t find him. Please help me, Logan. Please help me find my dad.” She cried out.

I wasn’t sure how I should react in a situation like this but now that it has come to this point then I might as well drop my ultimatum.

I didn’t expect for me to notice her father’s absence that fast as planned to later inform her today but I don’t have to do that anymore as she has made it easy for me.

Instead of replying to her, I allowed her to come into my room.

Please help me, Logan. I think someone took my dad or something happened to him. Something is wrong because it’s not like my dad to go a day without speaking to me or reaching out to me,” she cried out.

I sighed deeply. “So you came to me to help you reach out to him?”

I never thought that she had that kind of relationship with her dad. A relationship where she has to call him every day.

“Please help me, Logan. I know that you don’t like me and I haven’t been making your life easy but this is the first time I’d be asking for your help and for old time’s sake please help me,” she pleaded, holding onto my arms.

“I will help you in a condition,” I answered.

“A condition? And what’s that condition?” She sounded frantic.

“Will you agree to my conditions or not?” I asked.

“What… conditions?” She stuttered.

“If you want me to find your father then you’d have to agree to my condition, don’t you think?” I remarked.

“What is this condition about and if it’s about me divorcing you then you might as well just forget it because I have made it clear to you that I won’t ever divorce you. It’s death do we apart, she stated firmly and I smiled,

“It seems you don’t care about your father as much as you claimed then,” I replied.

“So it is indeed me accepting to divorce you?” She scoffed in disbelief.

“I just cannot believe you. Like are you serious? Do you want to divorce me? Because of that Isabel girl and you think that divorcing me will give you happiness? You have got to be kidding me.”

I smiled at her words. “You woke me up in the morning crying that you haven’t heard from your father and you feel that something might have happened to him and now that I offered to help with a condition, it doesn’t seem well with you. Since



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Chapter 48

you already know what you want then you might as well leave.”

“Are you seriously asking me to leave?” She asked.

I didn’t reply to her but my look was enough for her to get the answer she wanted. Whether she wants it or not, she’d have to divorce me because I’d be sending a video of how her father is doing to her later today so that she knows exactly what’s happening to him and she’d get to decide if her father life is important or if her obsession with me is more important.

“If you cannot make up your mind on what you want then you right as well leave. I cannot have a conversation with you after all you do not need my help or do you?”

She glared at me. “You can’t even do this for old-time sake? Even if you hate me, you can’t ask me to divorce you. You know how much I love you yet you want to hurt me. Is that how much my presence annoys you?”

“You might want to leave all by yourself or I’d have to force you and you would not want me to take you out or would you?” I asked.

*Please… please help me. This is unlike my dad. He said we’d speak and suddenly he’s missing. I don’t know who to go to and you are the only person that can help me so help me.” She pleaded.

“I have said what it is that I can do. If you want fny help then you have to also give something in return, don’t you think? Unless you don’t want to.”

“Now leave.” I kindly said.

“I won’t ever divorce you, Logan. I have said this a lot of times and if you don’t help me now, that’s fine. I find husband myself but you won’t ever see me agreeing to leave you alone so you can be with that witch Isabel!” She raised her voice. It was evident from the sound of her voice that she was angry.

I smiled at her. “That’s not up to you to decide and sooner or later we shall see. For now, you are free but I assure you that you’d give in.

“Keep dreaming. It won

ever happen. That day won’t ever come and you know that.” She replied.

“Alright then.” I smiled at her, gesturing for her to walk towards the door.

“This isn’t over Logan.” She said before walking out
