Chapter 45


“What is it, Tim? I have nothing to say to you so please leave.”

“Please don’t say that. At least listen to me too before you start ignoring me. Please, Adeline. I need your help.” He pleaded. but I kept walking. I have nothing to say to him.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to listen to it, it was that I couldn’t because Isabel and I had a fallout yesterday and we said hurtful words to one another.

I’m hurt by that. I felt like a bad person for wanting the best for her yet she thought I couldn’t tell her what she has to do because I have also refused to have a man in my life.

If I saw someone as persistent as Tim was to her, maybe I’d consider but I wanted the best for her because she’s my best friend. I want to see her happy again. I’ve heard her story and I’ve seen how she lived and I knew what she went through.

Tim wants her even with her kids and he has been showing effort but she doesn’t get why I want him for her. Unlike her ex, this man has proven to be a better person.

*Please, Adeline. Please let’s talk, at least let’s talk. I’m begging you. You can’t do this to me, please. You are the only one I have left to talk to her for me.” He pleaded.

I exhaled deeply, halting on my track to listen to him. I should have done that but it doesn’t seem like he’d leave me and he’d keep following me.

– 1 folded my arms across my chest. “What is it?”

“Thank you for wanting to give me a chance.” He said.

“Enough with that. Just get to the point.” I demanded.

“I know that Isabel already told you about what happened the other night but I want you to know that I didn’t do it because I wanted to hurt her feelings or make her feel some type of way. I did what I did out of jealousy.”

He moved closer. “I saw her with her children’s father and they hugged. I don’t know what was telling her but they were having a conversation and from afar it felt like a good conversation and I didn’t like that sight so everything I did was out of jealousy.” He explained.

“I know that doesn’t excuse my behavior but I love Isabel. I know you know that. I don’t care about the number of me in her life or about her past. I just want her in my life and I’d do anything to have her in my life. Can you help me please?” He asked.

I ran my finger through my hair, unsure of what to say to him, so I thought deeply.

*Please say something, Adeline, Please I’m begging you.”

“I honestly don’t know what to say to say to you. I know I said I’d try my best and I want you for my friend but… I trailed off.

After leaving Isabel’s place, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get involved anymore. It’s obvious that she was yet to heal and she still had a little soft spot for her ex even if she refused to admit it. I see no reason for her to refuse Tim unless something was holding her.

She was really in love with Logan so she may want over him but if only she knew that going back to him would only make things worse.



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Fri, May 10 M

Chapter 45

“What do you mean?”-


I exhaled deeply. “I don’t know what to say to you because I cannot tell you it will turn out well and it ends up not turning

out well”

“What do you mean? Are you trying to say that it won’t turn… turn out well? Are you… saying that… she doesn’t… want me?” He stuttered, evidence of hurt laced in his tone.

I’m not one to feel bad for someone but I did feel bad for him. I felt bad for him because I could tell that he was sincere about his feelings for Isabel and he wanted her not because he didn’t have anything at all.

Tim has the looks, the money, and the height, and any woman would want him. I want the best for my best friend but it doesn’t seem to be what she wants and I cannot force her.

“You can keep trying or you can give up but I’d advise you to keep trying if you know you want her. She just has a lot that she’s going through and she has so many thoughts too. You can’t expect someone with a child to just get into a relationship. I mean considering what happened to her in the past, it won’t be easy for her to let down her guard, would it?” I stated.

“You are right. I mean she already had two kids whose fathers aren’t present in their lives. It won’t be easy for her to let another into her life. That I should understand. But please help me.” He pleaded.

*I will give her space and time but all I want is for her to give me a chance. Please help me out.”

“I want to make this clear to you Tim. At the end of the day, Isabel is the one who has the power and will determine if she wants to be with you or not. That’s not in my hand but I will try my best for you, okay?” 1 said to him.

Alright. Thanks so much.” He said.

. He adjusted his suit jacket before walking away. I heaved a sigh of relief before turning to continue on my path. My phone

rang that moment.

I dug into my bag to take out my phone. I took out my phone to see who it was that was calling. It was Isabel. I wasn’t sure I wanted to speak to her after what happened last night.

I might have crossed the line but I felt offended being told those words by her because I cared about her. I only want the best for her but it doesn’t seem that way.

I wasn’t sure if I should answer or not but ended up putting my phone in my bag. I continued on my path again bu phone began to ring again. I ignored it until it stopped ringing because I knew it was Isabel and I wasn’t ready to spea


My phone rang again for the third time and I decided to answer the call. By the time my phone rang again for the third time, I was already at a coffee shop.

I answered the phone but I didn’t say anything. She was the one who called so she should be the one to start the conversation because I have nothing to say.


I heard her voice and I immediately melted. I was angry but hearing her voice only made me soft. I wasn’t sure if I was angry with her anymore or if I was hurt by the words she said to me last night.

“How are you?” She asked.

I replied, “I’m fine.”

“Can we see and talk?”



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OPEN >>>

11:14 Fri, May 10 MGM.

Chapter 45

“I” I trailed off.


I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t available and ignore her but I didn’t have it in me to do that so I decided to see her. She’s my best friend after all and if she’s making an effort to see me then I should try and see her too.


“Where do you want us to meet?” She asked.

“I’m at a coffee shop close to where I work. You can come and meet me,” I answered.

“Alright. I will meet you in a second,” She replied before ending the call.

I sighed. I decided not to order my coffee until she came. It took Isabel about twenty minutes before she came.

I waved my hand so that she’d see where it was I sat. She walked over to me and I adjusted my seat.

“Hi” She said, pulling back a seat for herself.

“Hi,” I replied with a smile on my face. At least I tried because I didn’t want to make things awkward between us.

“I thought you’d have ordered some coffee. Or did you drink already?” She asked.

“No. I was waiting for you, that’s why. What do you want so I can make the order for us?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Can I get a latte? Just like I ordered it,” she informed me.

“Sure,” I replied before getting up from where I sat to go make an order. I returned shortly with our drink.

“Here you go.” I handed her a latte to her.

“Thank you.” She replied.

“So..” she began after taking a sip of her latte.

“About last night. I want to talk about it. I haven’t slept all through the night and that’s because I feel bad about how last night was.” She continued.

“I am

sorry about last night Adeline. I know you were only looking out for me and that was why you did all you did so please forgive me for how I acted last night and the words I said to you I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” She said sincerely.

Hearing her say those words made me soft. I wasn’t angry anymore at her.

“I couldn’t sleep last night after you left. It was hard for me Adeline. Please forgive me.” She said,

“How can I stay mad at you for long?”



