Chapter 49
It had only been a few days since Summer last saw Sanford, but he had already lost a lot of weight. The guilt in her heart instantly deepened.
Sanford really
the villa or see him these few days. She even moved anted to ask Summer why she didn’t got into Toby’s house with Abby and Ballard. Was she really going to find them a new daddy?
However, when the words reached his mouth, Sanford could not bring himself to say them. However, his tears became even more uncontrollable,
“Sanford, stop crying. Mommy apologizes to you. Summer carefully wiped Sanford’s tears and said patiently, “I promise you that I won’t do this again, okay?”
It was clearly a matter between her and Alick, but in the end, it was the child who was injured.
They were so innocent.
“Are you sure you won’t leave me again?” Sanford asked.
Looking into Sanford’s watery and bright eyes, Summer’s heart softened and she nodded heavily.
“Mommy will never leave any of you behind,” Summer said.
“This couldn’t go on. I have to find a way to completely resolve this matter. Only then could he truly settle it once and for all, Summer thought.
Summer hugged Sanford and coaxed him for a while before Sanford was happy again. However, he still hugged Summer and refused to let go.
This was because he was worried that if he let go, Summer would suddenly disappear from his sight like last time.
Summer had no choice but to listen to him. It was only when he was about to leave Moira’s house that Sanford reluctantly left her arms.
“Mommy, remember to come to the villa to see me tomorrow,” Sanford said.
Sanford turned back with every step as he walked out.
“Don’t worry. Mommy won’t forget, Summer said.
Summer smiled and waved at him. Sanford obediently got into the car that came to pick him up.
After watching Sanford leave, Summer returned to the manor with Abby and Ballard.
As soon as they arrived at the manor, Ballard explained the entire process of them being followed in detail. After Summer heard it, her expression became more and more solemn.
No wonder Alick suddenly went to the UnitedIslands Group to look for her today. It seemed like he had an ulterior
“Stay in the manor obediently for the next few days and don’t go anywhere,” Summer said..
Summer suddenly felt a lingering fear. If anything really happened to the two children today, she would probably
Chapter 49
want to die now.
“Don’t go to the kindergarten for now. Mommy will help you apply for leave,” Summer added.
Upon hearing this, Abby was instantly unhappy. She did not want to stay at home every day.
The kindergarten has teachers and security staff. We are very safe. Besides, we will also protect ourselves well,” Abby said as she shook Summer’s sleeve and started to act cute.
“Mommy, I’ll be bored to death if I stay at home every day,” Abby said.
Ballard also began to speak up for Abby. He did not want to stay in the manor all the time.
Moreover, he would deal with whatever came his way. Ballard was not afraid of Alick.
“Mommy, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of Abby.” Ballard patted his chest and promised. “We won’t go anywhere except the manor and kindergarten.”
Summer had no choice but to agree..
After the two children returned to their rooms to sleep in satisfaction, Summer took out her phone and opened a
This was a black website with a clean interface. Summer skillfully logged into her account and found a black icon on the friend list.
She opened the dialog box and quickly typed a line of words, [Korbin, I need you to help.]
The message was sent
Not long after, her phone started to vibrate.
The black icon in the chat interface flashed, and then a question mark appeared in the dialog box.
Summer immediately sent over the speech that she had prepared in advance. This time, she waited for a much longer time and only received a reply after about ten minutes.
[OK, but you know the reward,] the other party replied.
The other party’s answer was simple and shocking, but it made her a little excited.
[Yes, I know,] Summer replied.
After a long time, there was no movement on the other end. Instead, Summer heaved a sigh of relief.
This meant that the other party had already agreed to help her.
In Landom City, the Moonlight Bay.
“Sir, the chief designer of the UnitedIslands Group rejected your invitation,” the assistant said.
The man who was writing paused. A ripple appeared in his unfathomable eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.
“As well as can be expected, the man said.
Chapter 19
This new designer Rachel Wright had already gained some fame overseas two years ago. Previously, when she announced her return to the country, it caused a sensation in the industry,
What caught his attention was her unique design style.
And her style was just right for the current “Lyrastyle”.
Lyrastyle was now in a special bottleneck. It had to find a suitable and professional designer to bring it back to life.
“Then should we contact Ms. Wright directly?” the assistant asked.
“No need,” the man said.
As the man spoke, he seriously wrote. His handwriting was extremely good, and the scriptures he wrote looked pleasing to the eye.
“By the way, I heard that Ms. Wright and Joan have some conflicts,” the man said.
The assistant nodded.
“Then remove Joan from the shortlist of endorsers. There’s no need for her to appear at the event next week,” the man said.
Joan had just arrived at the company when she heard that she had lost a job. However, this event was something she valued very much.
“What’s going on? This is my first event this month!” Joan said angrily to her agent, “You lost it just like that?”
Although Lyrastyle could not compare to the international brand Joan had previously endorsed, it had been in the limelight in the country for the past two years. If Joan could become its brand spokesperson, it would also be beneficial to her development.
The event next week was the key to whether Joan could get this endorsement.
“Please calm down. We really don’t know what’s going on,” the agent said.
The agent kept apologizing to Joan. As soon as the agent received the notice that Joan’s schedule had been canceled, the agent immediately contacted the contact team of Lyrastyle, but the other party did not give any specific reason. They only said that Joan did not need to participate.
However, the agent naturally could not tell Joan the truth. Otherwise, Joan would definitely tear down the ceiling of her office.
“It’s fine if we don’t go to such a lousy event. After that, you should act cute with Mr. Hill. Aren’t there a lot of top endorsements for you to choose from?” the agent said.
Joan rolled her eyes at the agent, but her anger had subsided quite a bit.
“I don’t want to bother Alick over such a small matter. Continue to contact Lyrastyle.” Joan lay down on the chair and ordered condescendingly, “I must attend the brand event next week.”
The agent was speechless.
Chapter 49
“Don’t worry. I’ll settle this matter as soon as possible. The agent smiled obsequiously. “But we have to leave for the studio quickly now. It won’t be good if we’re late.”
In a while, Joan was going to shoot the cover of a magazine for next month. This magazine’s status in the fashion industry was extraordinary. There were only a few artists in the entertainment industry who could be on the cover.
If not for Alick, such a good thing would not have happened to Joan.
Joan also took this very seriously. Before setting off, she specially chose more than ten professional stylists from the company. After more than half an hour, the group arrived at the filming location.
“After being in the entertainment industry for so long, she doesn’t even know the basics of punctuality. Does this person have any professional ethics?”
“Did your editor-in-chief have to be blind to hire her for the cover?”
Joan had just arrived at the scene when she heard someone complaining.
“If you still don’t come, find another photographer to take photos. I don’t have that much time to serve this young lady!”
Joan frowned. Who’s this guy?’ she thought.