Chapter 45
Sanford got nervous immediately after hearing their plan, thinking, ‘Yeah, my dad is cold and arrogant, but he promises me that he will get Mommy back.
“Don’t worry, Toby’s manor is safe for us to live here. I bet you’ll like Toby as well once you meet him. Abby used to think Toby was inferior to Alick, but now she appeared completely on Toby’s side.
She thought. “Toby is handsome and treats Mommy nicely. He is absolutely the perfect new daddy for us. As for the cold and mean dad, we can leave him away!
“We’ve got to go. Mommy is calling us,” Abby said.
After hanging up the phone. Sanford kept repeating Abby’s compliments for Toby in his mind. He pondered. Tve never met this man, but Abby and Ballard have mentioned him several times before me.
For no reason, Sanford felt a crisis was coming, murmuring inside, “When will Dad win Mommy back? Doesn’t he know his wife is leaving him for another man?’
Someone knocked on Sanford’s door. “Mr. Sanford, it’s time to go to school.” It was Mary. “Your father is waiting for you downstairs.”
When Mary finished her words, Sanford prepared himself, opened the door, and walked out.
Alick was in a navy blue suit, waiting for Sanford at the door.
These days, Alick was the one taking Sanford to school and picking him up afterward. However, Alick’s every arrival at the kindergarten caused a huge fuss. Naturally, Sanford found it annoying a few times later.
“You don’t have to take me to school or pick me up,” Sanford said casually. “If you’ve got some free time, focus on finding a way to bring Mommy back.”
Alick was at a loss for words.
However, Sanford walked straight outside as if he could not be bothered having one more look at Alick.
He thought, “No wonder Ballard and Abby want Toby to be their daddy. Dad is always putting a poker face.”
Alick followed up confusedly, wondering, ‘Does my son hate me again?’
Sanford carried his schoolbag and jumped out of the car when they arrived. He warned, “Don’t follow.”
Afraid of Alick following him, Sanford ran to Aria, who was standing at the gate to welcome Sanford.
Sanford said cool y, “I’m going to the classroom.”
“Humph?” Before Aria could react, Sanford had walked into the kindergarten without looking back. Aria looked at Alick’s car and hurriedly followed Sanford, wondering, “Do they fight again?”
Several female teachers waited at the gate, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alick. Their excitement turned into disappointment when they realized Alick did not step out of the car. Nevertheless, they kept waiting until the school bell rang.
The parents left the kindergarten one after one. Soon, Alick’s Bentley was the only car stopping in front of the
Chapter 45
Sanford got nervous immediately after hearing their plan, thinking. Yeah, my dad is cold and arrogant, but he promises me that he will get Mommy back!
“Don’t wony. Toby’s manor is safe for us to live here. I bet you’ll like Toby as well once you meet him.” Abby used to think Toby was inferior to Alick, but now she appeared completely on Toby’s side.
She thought. Toby is handsome and treats Mommy nicely. He is absolutely the perfect new daddy for us. As for the cold and mean dad, we can leave him away!
“We’ve got to go. Mommy is calling us,” Abby said,
After hanging up the phone. Sanford kept repeating Abby’s compliments for Toby in his mind. He pondered, I’ve never met this man, but Abby and Ballard have mentioned him several times before me!
For no reason. Sanford felt a crisis was coming, murmuring inside, ‘When will Dad win Mommy back? Doesn’t he know his wife is leaving him for another man?”
Someone knocked on Sanford’s door. “Mr. Sanford, it’s time to go to school. It was Mary. “Your father is waiting for you downstairs.”
When Mary finished her words, Sanford prepared himself, opened the door, and walked out.
Alick was in a navy blue suit, waiting for Sanford at the door.
These days, Alick was the one taking Sanford to school and picking him up afterward. However, Alick’s every arrival at the kindergarten caused a huge fuss. Naturally, Sanford found it annoying a few times later.
“You don’t have to take me to school or pick me up,” Sanford said casually. “If you’ve got some free time, focus on finding a way to bring Mommy back.”
Alick was at a loss for words.
However, Sanford walked straight outside as if he could not be bothered having one more look at Alick.
He thought, “No wonder Ballard and Abby want Toby to be their daddy. Dad is always putting a poker face!
Alick followed up confusedly, wondering, ‘Does my son hate me again?”
Sanford carried his schoolbag and jumped out of the car when they arrived. He warned, “Don’t follow.”
Afraid of Alick following him, Sanford ran to Aria, who was standing at the gate to welcome Sanford.
Sanford said coo l l y, “I’m going to the classroom.”
“Humph?” Before Aria could react, Sanford had walked into the kindergarten without looking back. Aria looked at Alick’s car and hurriedly followed Sarford, wondering, ‘Do they fight again?’
Several female teachers waited at the gate, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alick. Their excitement turned into disappointment when they realized Alick did not step out of the car, Nevertheless, they kept waiting until the school bell rang.
The parents left the kindergarten one after one. Soon, Alick’s Bentley was the only car stopping in front of the
10:48, Sat, 27 Apr MM
Chapter 45
“Mr. Hill, are we heading to the company now?” Bill kept holding his laughter since the morning. He had never seen Alick be so thoroughly unwelcome. Alick’s upset face amused him every time.
“Any update on the investigation of Aria Fryer?” Alick asked.
Bill was so nervous that he felt his heart ski p a beat. After cotation, he reported his latest work, “Still nothing.
“Alick asked Bill to check Aria’s background after he saw Aria and Summer talking last time. Unfortunately, he still had no information about Aria until now.”
Alick tried to convince himself that he must be overthinking, but his instinct told him something must be wrong, and that feeling got stronger these days.
“Go inside. Alick ordered.
“But Mr. Sanford asks you not to do so,” Bill said.
Alick glared at Bill, and the latter immediately shut up.
Bill complained inside. It’s not my fault! I just tried to remind you’
Several kids were late for school and were standing outside of the classroom. Meanwhile, Aria was teaching other students how to read Onpiraric words.
One kid complained, “Sanford never reads with the class. Why hasn’t Ms. Fryer ever punished him?”
“I heard his dad is somebody, so Ms. Fryer doesn’t dare to punish him.”
“My dad is also somebody. Look at me now. I’m taking the punishment and standing outside,” the kid who first spoke retorted, “I bet Ms. Fryer doesn’t punish Sanford because he looks the same as Ballard.”
“That makes sense. Ms. Fryer likes Ballard a lot.”
Alick and Bill appeared from the corner, interrupting the kids’ conversation. “Who’s the Ballard you were talking about?” Alick asked.
Bill murmured inside, ‘I swear to G o d we didn’t mean to overhear the kids’ conversation.’
The stair was the only way to Sanford’s classroom. When Alick and Bill walked upstairs, they heard someone mention Sanford and slowed down.
The two kids got nervous because they did not expect someone to overhear their conversation. What was worse, Alick’s cold face looked scary to them.
Noticing the kids were about to cry, Bill flashed them a warm smile and explained, “Cuties, don’t worry. We’re not bad guys…
“No!” The kids burst out crying before Bill could finish his words. Their crying instantly alarmed Aria.
Aria cuddled the two kids and gently comforted them, “What happened?”
Chapter 45
That man looks so scary. The kids were sobbing in Aria’s arms. Sensing Alick’s cold gaze, they u deeper into Aria’s hug.
Alick was speechless, thinking, “Am I that intimidating?”
Sanford’s expression darkened when he saw Alick and Bill standing outside, complaining inside, I’ve told him not to follow me. He causes trouble for me as soon as he arrives.”
Thinking of that, Sanford turned his head and could not be bothered looking at his dad.
Alick and Bill went to the principal’s office and requested some files. Soon, Travis handed over the files with trembling hands, saying. “Mr. Hill, these files should have the information you want.” With that, he lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with Alick. That was because Alick appeared even more intimidating than the last time. Alick opened the folder and saw a photo of a smiling child. He looked the same as Sanford.
He murmured inside, Ballard Wright. This kid looks like a twin to Sanford. Sadly, I’ve never seen such a big smile on Sanford’s face
“The document shows Ballard has a sister. Is that true?” Alick inquired.
Travis nodded and hurriedly handed over another file, saying, “They are twins.”
Seeing Alick stare at the photo on another document with a dark expression, Bill curiously leaned forward and peeked. At a glance, he recognized the girl.
“Is she the girl we met at the zoo last time…” Bill began.
Alick’s cold gaze sent a shiver down Bill’s spine.
Alick grabbed the folder tightly, and uncontrollable anger appeared in his eyes. His breath seemed slower than
He thought, The two kids are four years old. Their mother is Rachel Wright, but their father’s information is null. That’s enough to prove the assumption.”
Alick gritted his teeth and ordered, “Find the two kids by all means.”
Fooling me again and again. She is the only woman in the world who dares to do so!” Alick thought. He felt his blood was boiling due to the anger and could not wait one more day to punish Summer.
Meanwhile, Summer was preparing lunch in the new home. She had planned to have a meal with Toby on the first day of the month. However, she was busy moving into his house and missed the appointment. Thus, she resolved to fulfill her promise and prepared a lunch at Toby’s home to thank him for everything.
Abby extended her neck to look outside and asked, “Mommy, why hasn’t Toby arrived yet?” Her face was brimming with excitement.
Toby was gentle with Summer but also affectionate toward Abby and Ballard. He brought their favorite snacks and toys whenever he stopped by. Therefore, Abby liked her new daddy every day more than yesterday.
“He’ll be here soon.” Summer threw the chopped food into the pot and grabbed her phone to check the time. ‘It’s
Chapter 45
only half past ten. Still early.”
About ten more minutes later, the roaring of an engine arose in the yard. Abby immediately jumped off the sofa and ran out without wearing her shoes. Toby, you’re finally here! Mommy has been waiting for you!”
Summer was preparing the food when she heard that. She raised her head and coincidently looked into Toby’s eyes. Feeling awkward, she looked away.
Toby apologized. “I’m sorry. I should’ve arrived earlier to help out.”
Toby put down things in his hands, held Abby, and explained, “I went to buy something before I came. Sorry for being late.”
Until then, Summer noticed Toby had brought many things over. There were snacks and toys for kids and two boxes of her favorite food, crabs,
Time always seems to run slowly in kids’ eyes. It’s still carly. Don’t worry.” She wiped her hands with her apron and left the kitchen, saying. “Please, no more gifts. You don’t have to. I don’t want you to spend so much.”
Summer thought, Toby has already done me a huge favor by inviting me to live in his manor. Now, he’s being incredibly kind to me and my kids. I’m not sure how to repay his kindness.”
However, from Toby’s perspective. Summer seemed like a wife complaining to her husband, and her words only made him grin. He playfully reached out to touch Abby’s nose. Abby giggled and buried her face into Toby’s arms.
“It’s okay. I love to see the kids’ happy faces,” Toby said.
Summer felt frustrated. She checked her food and realized it should take one more moment, so she asked Toby to rest in the living room. To her surprise, Toby offered help to handle the crabs.
She asked shockingly, “Can you cook?”
Toby nodded with a smile, replying. “Sure.”
Then, he gently set Abby down and headed into the kitchen, carrying the boxes of crabs. He smoothly took another apron from the wall and put it on. His natural movements suggested that cooking was a routine for him.
Toby’s smile widened even more as he gently squeezed Abby’s nose, appearing that he sincerely adored her.
Summer was stunned when watching the scene. Soon, a smile appeared on her face. She thought, I almost forgot this is Toby’s home.”
Summer and Toby were cooking in the kitchen while Abby and Ballard were joyfully playing with their new toys in the living room.
Toby prepared limited-version figures for Abby and Aeje building blocks for Ballard.
Those figures sold out immediately after they were released. Abby had wanted them for a long time, so she looked thrilled when she finally collected them all.
“It’s fantastic!” Abby carefully put the figures in the glass display box and locked it. Clapping her hands in excitement, she shouted, “I’ve finally got the complete collection!”
At the same time, Ballard placed the last building block in the castle. He felt a sense of achievement for completing
Chapter 45
a high-level castle.
Ballard and Abby stared at Summer and Toby working seamlessly in the kitchen and felt Summer and Toby made a perfect match.
Abby held her chin and murmured confusedly, “Toby is such a nice person. Why doesn’t Sanford like him?”
Then, she thought of something. “Wait. Sanford rarely talked to us since we mentioned that we moved into Toby’s manor, is he mad at us?”