Chapter 352 
I wanted to help Felix, so I tailed him. 

He lived in an old but well–maintained apartment building. I went in after Colin ran inside the establishment. However, he was nowhere to be seen when I arrived at the corridor. 
There were a lot of units in the building. Not knowing where he was and not wanting to call, I could only try my luck on every floor. 
As I reached the sixth floor, I heard a muffled cry and smelled the scent of blood. 
I tried to locate the sound. The door of the innermost unit on the left was left ajar. The sound was coming from that direction. 
Trodding lightly, I approached it. Indeed, Colin forgot to close the door. Perhaps he was in a hurry or he had seen something scary. 
I peeked inside from the door slit. Just one look and my eyes turned glossy. 
A wheelchair had flopped to the side. Felix sat motionlessly on the floor with his back against the couch. His body was lifeless, and his eyes were empty. There was a huge cut on his forehead, where crimson blood came gushing out. It dripped down his porcelain face like a scene in a horror movie. 
Colin was kneeling before him. He wanted to carry Felix in his arms. But the next moment, the sedentary Felix thrashed violently. He rained fists upon fists on Colin’s face and body before screaming. 
Every shriek he made sliced through my heart, filling my existence with pain. 
This shouldn’t be Felix’s first hysterical episode. No wonder Colin wouldn’t allow me to visit them. He didn’t want me to feel bad for him or feel even more guilty and distressed. 
Colin, that dummy. He was trying to protect me in his own ways. 
“Felix!” Colin hollered. His hand seized Felix’s indiscriminate punches, and his voice was hoarse. “Felix, what do you want? I’ll get it for you. Don’t do this, please. Mom will be worried about you. Do you want water? Come, I’ll put you back in the wheelchair first. 
“If it’s boring to stay at home all day long. I’ll bring you with me to work tomorrow, okay? Felix, I know you’re upset now. I wouldn’t be able to take the news calmly either. But this is the reality. You have to face it. 
“Besides, the situation’s not completely hopeless. I’m asking friends to find us experts from 
abroad. Once we extract the blood clots, you’ll become normal again” 
Felix then cried. For the first time in my life, I saw him shed tears, 
He raised his arms to shield his eyes. 
Even when he felt helpless, he didn’t want anyone to witness his vulnerability, 
“Your friend called back. He said it was impossible. Impossible!” 
Colin was stunned. My heart sank into an icy pond, 
So that was why Felix was hysterical. I might have figured the whole thing out. 
Colin must have left his phone here by mistake. Feliz then picked up the call from Colin’s friend and learned that he could never be cured. That must have upset him so much that he became violent. 
“But it’s not the end. This expert said it can’t be cured, so I’ll find another expert. There must be someone in this world who can help you. Besides, medical technology is so advanced. For all you know, they might find a cure tomorrow. 
“I promise you that I’ll find you a cure. Don’t give up on yourself, Felix.” 
Suddenly, Colin’s phone rang. He located the phone he had left behind at home amidst the clutter–the phone that upset Felix. Since he wanted to carry Felix back to his wheelchair, he put the call on speaker. 
“Mr. White, congratulations. They’ve approved your research topic. They love it so much. Congratulations on winning another prize. The school might throw you a celebratory party. Be ready because you’ll need to deliver a speech.” 
Colin was not thrilled by the news. He loosened his tie impatiently and thanked the caller tersely. 
“Oh, Mr. White, there’s also another dinner party the day after tomorrow. Prepare for that too. By the way, that mixed–raced woman keeps asking me about you. I think she fancies you. Anyway, I shouldn’t take up too much of your time. 
“Once again, congratulations on your successful career and a potential budding relationship. Bye.”