Chapter 328 
“It’s okay. He’s an adult. He knows what he should and shouldn’t do,” Colin 

reassured me. 
I fervently prayed in my heart with my hands clasped together. 
The supervisor of our dorm was in a good mood. Seeing my huge luggage, she surprisingly agreed to let Colin escort me upstairs. 
My apartment unit was on the third floor. The door was open, indicating that 
Helen had returned. 
“Helen! You’re back early…” I bounced to the door, but before my words could reach her, I had to forcibly swallow them back. I turned around to look at Colin with a silly grin. 
Both of us had a knack for jinxing things. 
I was worried about what would happen if Lilac and Felix bumped into each 
other, and they actually did in front of the school gate. 
Colin had been worried about what would happen if I bumped into Matthew, and 
he was actually in my apartment. 
What kind of drama was this? It was torturing. 
Matthew was bending down to pick up the suitcase and put it on the cabinet above when he heard my voice. He froze for a moment, almost letting go 
of the 
Helen reached out to help, preventing Matthew from being hit by the falling suitcase. If it had fallen on him from that height, he would have been injured for 
Matthew stared at me intently, his face showing unabashed longing and sorrow. – It left me at a loss for words. 
I never expected to meet him like this. I wasn’t mentally prepared! 
Helen noticed the change in Matthew. Sadness welled up in her clear eyes as she 
+15 BONUS 
smiled at me with a hint of bitterness. “You’re not too late yourself.” 
I scratched my head and forced a smile. It was too awkward. 
Helen liked Matthew, Matthew liked me, and I liked Colin. Colin was the only winner in this love story. 
“What are you standing by the door for? Go in,” Colin said in a deep voice. 
Matthew hesitated for a moment and asked, “Is this Felix’s brother?” 
The situation was a mess, and decisions had to be made quickly. 
There was no way to avoid or hide our relationship. So, I confidently took Colin’s hand and walked in. “Yes, and he’s also my boyfriend.” 
The light in Matthew’s eyes dimmed slightly, and his tall figure trembled slightly. He awkwardly greeted us before turning to tidy up Helen’s bedding. His 
movements were nervous and disordered. 
I… had hurt this man who had loved me for many years. 
The fact that I had a boyfriend would eventually become common knowledge. I hadn’t expected to meet like this, but it was also unavoidable. 
It was just that it was never my intention to hurt him. 
It had always been my principle not to give anyone false hope if I couldn’t return. their feelings. My methods might be too direct and harsh, but they allowed people 
to heal faster. 
“Colin, let me introduce you. You know Matthew, so I won’t say much. This is my roommate, Helen Johnston. Helen, this is my boyfriend, Colin White.” 
Helen suddenly realized and pointed at Colin. She said in a somewhat complaining manner, “Lulu, is this the handsome guy you video call every day? When did he become your boyfriend? Why didn’t you tell me? I treat you as my 
best friend.” 
“Well, I was going to tell you. But during that time, a lot of things happened, and things got messy. I ended up forgetting about it. How about this? Let me take you to dinner as an apology, alright?” 
+15 BONUS 
Matthew’s movements stiffened for a moment. He turned and sat down on the chair before smilingly saying, “There’s no need to apologize. Let’s just have dinner together. My treat.” 
“Allow me. I’ll help Lulu unpack while you two ladies can decide what to eat. We’ll go right after we’re done unpacking the things.” 
After that, Matthew and Colin went out for a smoke. 
Grinning, I leaned over to Helen while pointing outside. “Helen, things are moving pretty fast for you, huh? He’s even here to help you move your things.” 
“He was forced by his mother.” 
“Who cares? He came despite that, right? You just need to get along well with Matthew’s mother. I can see that he’s a good son who’ll listen to his parents. His mother really likes you. With her support, you’ll definitely be able to marry him.”