Chapter 278
Felix smiled bitterly, followed by a prolonged silence. 

His parents came at night. When Melinda saw that Felix was bandaged from head to toe, she burst out in tears. She kept saying that she had known Lilac would break his heart one day and that Felix had it coming for choosing her. 
Meanwhile, Austin began chain–smoking in the corridor. 
Despite her discontent, I was sure Melinda must be upset that her son was in so much pain too. Her chastising was just a way of showing how much 
she cared. 
Colin and I went out to get some food and let Melinda and Felix have some 
time alone. 
As it was New Year’s, restaurants were closed as many went home to spend 
time with their families. There were no take–out options either. Colin and I 
walked for a long while before we found a fancy restaurant and got some takeaway there. 
When we returned, we saw Melinda, with her back against the corridor, reproaching Felix. 
“If only you saw what I saw in Lilac! Lulu is so nice. She loved you, yet you 
chose someone who played with your feelings. You never listened to me. I 
know this may sound harsh, but you deserve this for what you’ve done to 
“I don’t even want to talk about what you did to her because I’m mortified. I don’t know how to face her. She’s such a sweet girl, and you broke her heart. Thank god Colin is here. I was so relieved when I heard that she was dating Colin now. 
“And look how happy Colin is now. If you had picked Luna, you wouldn’t, have had to deal with this world of pain. You brought this upon yourself, 
Felix peered outside the window and said glumly, “I know.” 
I didn’t like how Melinda kept bringing me up. Colin squeezed my hand and shot me a comforting smile. 
He pushed open the door and pretended he had not heard the conversation prior. After he placed the bag of food on the table next to the bed, he uttered, “Mom, Dad, wash your hands and have some food.” 
Felix was depressed and badly injured, so he only had half a bowl of chicken 
Melinda saw that and continued reprimanding him, telling him that he 
deserved to be brokenhearted. 
Felix endured the insults silently. I couldn’t bear to see his suffering, so I asked Melinda to stop scolding him. 
When I returned to the hospital the next day, there was no one in Felix’s ward. Felix fumbled to grab his phone and made a call. It seemed like no one picked up the call, and he stashed his phone underneath his pillow in disappointment. 
He must have called Lilac. 
She was quite the problematic person too. She went MIA after she left with Shawn that day. She was nowhere to be found. No calls, no texts. 
As Felix spiraled downward, his wounds took longer to heal too. 
On the morning of January 3rd, Melinda and Austin went back to work. They had a job, so they couldn’t stay by Felix’s side to take care of him. 
Before they left, Melinda grabbed Colin’s and my hands, telling us to look past Felix’s mistake and to take care of him. She then entrusted him into, 
our hands. 
To be frank, I had already moved on from the whole incident since it happened a long time ago. Besides, Felix was Colin’s younger brother. I was willing to take care of him just to help Colin. 
Colin stayed at the hospital for four days. He couldn’t change his clothes, so they were all wrinkled and dirty. He couldn’t shave too, so he looked more unkempt than usual. 
I told Colin to go back and bathe, that I’d briefly take over his role in the hospital. 
When Colin left, Felix was asleep. 
Bored, I scrolled on my phone on my chair. When I lifted my head, I caught Felix staring at me.