Chapter 267
Dad answered the door. When he saw Colin and I standing next to each other by the entrance, there was only one word to describe his look- 

His jaw almost fell on the ground as if he had just made a groundbreaking discovery. For once, he forsook the gentility he wore as a teacher and ran toward the kitchen so wildly that his slippers shot across the room. He dragged Mom out. 
Mom was holding a cleaning rag in one hånd and a bottle of dishwashing liquid in another. She, too, was rendered speechless by what she saw. Her mouth was agape. Were it not for the pair of glasses, her eyes would have popped out of their sockets. 
Seeing the extent of their confusion upon seeing me with another man and understanding how disastrous the consequences could be, I put down everything and explained it to them. 
Perhaps I was being too straightforward. Colin stood beside me expectantly while my parents were squirming with embarrassment. 
I was befuddled. Couldn’t they just give me a simple yes or no regarding my decision to date Colin? Why were they hesitating? 
As the family head, Dad solemnly decided to hold a family meeting for the very first time to discuss my choice to date Colin. 
The four of us sat on the couch. Colin relayed everything that happened between us to my parents—including how he had been in love with me for 22 years, how he suffered in his lonely quest for love, and how he was afraid of going back home because it’d remind him of me. 
He spared nothing. I blushed, and my ears turned red as he told one story 
after another. 
After Colin finished his speech, he sat on the couch obediently like a 
studious student. The hands on his knees were trembling, and I saw a sheen of sweat on his forehead. I found it funny, so I snuck a few chuckles. I had never seen him this nervous before, not even during his thesis defense. 
“It’s not hot today, Colin. Why are you sweating?” My fingers swiped at the sweat beads on his forehead to demonstrate his perspiration. 
Colin grabbed my hand and tucked it into his palm without breaking his gaze. He then said in a calm voice, “Stop it. Be serious. We’re trying to get your parents‘ permission now.” 
Dad and Mom sat next to each other and exchanged looks. After 
communicating silently with their eyes, Mom sighed and uttered, “What on earth is going on?” 
“That’s right. Which of the White brothers are you dating? I’m so confused, “Dad chimed in. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, if Lulu and Felix were dating, I’d definitely step aside. I wouldn’t get in their way. But they’ve split up. I love Lulu, and I hereby swear that if I ever do anything that hurts her, I’ll be banished to hell 
It was a scary vow. I didn’t want to hear it, so I covered his mouth. Worried 
that I might trip myself, Colin caught me in his arms. 
Not wanting to deal with my meekness, Dad and Mom pouted and returned 
to the kitchen. They said they wanted to cook something delicious for us because we had had a long journey and I had lost some weight. 
Well, of course, I lost some weight. My tongue was cut, and I could only have 
oatmeal for a week! 
However, that told me that Dad and Mom approved of my relationship with 
It was up to us now to build our future together. 
+15 BONUS 
I snuck to the kitchen door to eavesdrop on my parents‘ conversation. 
“Honey, what do you think of Colin? Do you think he’ll make a good son–in- 
“He’s better than Felix, at least. If we had agreed to marry Luna to Colin back then, she wouldn’t have had her heart broken.” 
“That’s true.” 
A symphony of sounds soon emerged from the kitchen. Meanwhile, Colin still sat on his seat like a statue. Sweat glimmered on his forehead.