Chapter 259 
When we reached the hospital, Colin carried the bloodied me and rushed down the corridor. People passing by avoided us, speculating behind our backs about what had happened. They wondered how a young woman like me ended up covered in blood. 

Colin glared at them, his icy demeanor shutting up their mouths. They did not dare say 
another word. 
No one wanted any trouble just for some gossip. 
The doctor on duty in the emergency room was a man in his 30s. He asked me to open my mouth. When he saw the wound, he sucked in a cold breath. I didn’t know if it was my imagination, but there was admiration in his eyes as he looked at me. 
He calmly tried to stop the bleeding. But when the cotton touched my wound, a sharp pain shot through my brain. I was dizzy just a moment ago, but my head suddenly cleared. 
The doctor said the wound was slightly deep and needed stitches. He said that I had sharp 
teeth and a fierce determination to have inflicted such harm upon myself. 
How could I tell him that at that moment, I would rather die than lose my innocence? 
Besides, it took a lot of courage to bite my tongue to death! If it weren’t for the desperate situation where death was the only option, who would do such a thing? Nobody was that 
Colin coughed disapprovingly. The doctor, being a smart man, shrugged and stopped talking. Instead, he instructed the nurse to prepare the instruments needed for the 
From the corners of my eyes, I saw a tall figure in a white coat holding a disposable needle. He stood in front of me, asking me to open my mouth. The next moment, a sharp pain 
stabbed at the base of my tongue. After that, I lost consciousness. 
When I woke up, I found myself lying in a hospital bed with an IV drip on my hand. Colin was sitting beside me, holding my right hand with his left. Our fingers were intertwined. 
In recent years, I had more intimate encounters with hospital beds than in the first 18 years of my life. 
After becoming an adult, it seemed like I encountered more troubles and dangers, especially 
+35 BONUS 
with my involvement with the Whites, I was constantly facing life–threatening situations. 
Dealing with the Whites was truly unpredictable. Now, it seemed that the bad outweighed the good. 
Colin’s fingers were nice and strong, holding me firmly but without causing me pain. But it was enough to prevent me from breaking free. 
I didn’t know why, but I suddenly remembered the post he shared a few days ago. It was the same intertwined fingers, but a few roses were missing from the background. Remembering the jealousy I felt then, I couldn’t help but chuckle. 
Colin, who had been sitting quietly, heard my laughter and turned to look at me. His bright eyes were bloodshot. 
My laughter tugged at the stitched wound, causing me immense pain. I broke out in a cold sweat, my eyes reddening, 
He rubbed my thumb tenderly, but his words weren’t very pleasant. “The doctor said no sudden movements, and you can only eat liquid food with a straw for now. Otherwise, it’ll affect the healing, and there may be complications in the future. So, keep quiet.” 
“What complications? Are they serious?” I tried to raise my voice, but it came out small and hoarse. Every word I uttered sent a clear pain signal to my brain, intensifying the agony. 
Colin looked serious. “They’re not too serious, but it’s likely that because the base of your tongue is injured. You might not be able to speak clearly in the future. If it doesn’t heal properly, you might end up having slurred speech. 
“But even if you can’t speak, you can still write. You’re an artist, after all. There’s nothing you can’t express through your art.” 
Slurred speech? Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps. 
I didn’t want to become like that. It would be terrifying. 
Perhaps my expression looked dreadful, Colin smiled helplessly. He ruffled my hair as he said dotingly, “Alright, don’t be scared. I was just teasing you. But the part about liquid food 
is correct. 
“You were quite ruthless to yourself. Didn’t it hurt to bite your tongue so hard?”