Chapter 248 
My mood was inexplicably affected, and even the delicious ravioli lost their original taste. 

Colin had always been wise and sensitive. He quickly noticed my discomfort and asked me 
what was wrong. 
I didn’t want to ask, but learning from the adverse consequences of my previous baseless speculations, I decided to tell him the truth. 
Unexpectedly, he didn’t say anything after hearing my words. 
With a sparkle in his deep eyes, he joyfully grabbed my hand and took a close–up shot with his phone. Then, he found a rose background frame and added the freshly taken photo. Colin then showed me his phone. He suggested I take a look with raised eyebrows. 
With just one glance, my face turned red again. 
The two photos were almost identical. It turned out that those were actually Colin’s and my hands. That meant I had been competing with myself all along. 
I couldn’t even recognize my own hand, which was truly embarrassing. 
“Why would you post such a misleading photo?” I grumbled a bit. 
Even I misunderstood it. Wouldn’t others do the same? 
The ravioli today suddenly tasted delicious. 
“I just wanted to tell you that as long as you haven’t found the person you love, I’ll wait for you every day. No matter how long it takes, I’ll wait as long as the person is you. 
“I didn’t expect it to cause a misunderstanding. It was my approach that was wrong. I’ll change it in the future.” 
Could there be any sweeter words than these? 
Colin had given his first to me. It felt like my days of falling completely in love were not too 
far off. 
After gobbling down a plate of ravioli, I started to wonder if this was really his first shot at love. His techniques seemed too polished. 
After breakfast, I went back to the dorm to pick up some books needed for class. Upon entering, I saw three of my classmates squished on my bed, excitedly discussing something. 
+35 BONUS 
Helen was leaning against the headboard with headphones, Indifferent to the three frenzied women on my bed. 
Seeing me enter, the three collectively dragged me into a chair and thrust a phone in front of my eyes. Their excitement was as if they had won a jackpot. 
“Ms. Lulu, you’ve made the headlines.” 
I took a glance and saw that it was the school’s internal forum. The name Luna Lawson was firmly at the top. 
“Graduate school’s prettiest wowed the crowd with a guitar.” 
“Graduate school’s prettiest is taken, shattering numerous men’s dreams.” 
“The heart of the watercolor grand artist is taken, personally picks flowers to express his feelings.” 
“The most compatible couple in the history of Jesselton College makes a joint appearance, come and see.” 
Every post was filled with photos of me and Colin. In just over an hour, the posts had accumulated hundreds of comments. I personally experienced the immense power of the internet for the first time in my life. 
The photos were taken in the morning when Colin tucked the flowers into my arms. He was looking down with deep tenderness in his eyes, while I was looking up at him with brimming with affection. 
“The angle of this photo is good, but I remember I was looking down the whole time. Did we make eye contact? I don’t even remember.” I scratched my head, unable to recall a moment when I looked up. 
My classmates looked at me like I was a lost cause. They poked me on my forehead with their fingers and lamented that I was blissfully unaware of the good things happening around me. They urged me to firmly grasp Colin and not let any other woman snatch him away. 
The three women, like concerned mothers, earnestly advised me. They scared me into grabbing my books and fleeing from the room. My roommate even reminded me, “Why are you running? Mind your image!”