Chapter 244 
425 BONUS 

“Don’t change the subject. You were the one who stood me up first, and now you’re falsely accusing me of liking someone else. 
“Everyone from the Whites thinks I’m easy to bully, huh? You come to bully me as you 
please. I can let it slide when you broke your promise, but now you’re turning the tables on 


“If you have a girlfriend, just admit it boldly. It’s not like I’d do anything to you. Is there a need to lie to me? You have the courage to act but don’t dare to take the responsibility, hmph.” 
As I yelled angrily, my eyes had turned red. 
Colin had always appeared dignified and gentlemanly, while I would always embarrass myself in front of him. It was so humiliating. 
And what did I just say? Even someone as emotionally clueless as me could detect the jealousy behind my words. How could he not notice? 
Just as I was considering whether to run away again, Colin reached out and firmly grasped my shoulder with his right hand. His thick, dark eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he asked me in confusion, “Explain it clearly. What girlfriend are you talking about?” 
With just a few simple words, he easily brought tears to my eyes. 
I secretly pinched my thigh, hating myself for being so weak. 
Why was I crying? It was clearly him who broke his promise to me, so why was I the one crying? 
Thinking about this made me even more aggrieved. We had agreed to wait for my decision, so why did he break his promise? It was clearly his fault, yet now he wanted to question me? How unfair! 
Fine, if he was going to play dumb, then I would enlighten him. 
I adjusted my expression and said, “I saw your post on Instagram. Since you’ve already found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, there’s no need for me to make a decision anymore. It’ll save me some trouble, and I can focus on my painting.” 
The melancholy in his eyes gradually dissipated and was replaced by a hint of amusement. Out of habit, he reached out to rub my neck, but I angrily dodged. 
+35 BONUS 
He had found the love of his life, so he should just go and rub her neck. Why would he rub mine? He had taken enough advantage of me. I wouldn’t let him touch me anymore. 
I threw 
my guitar behind me, crossed my arms, and provocatively lifted my chin. I tried to appear nonchalant. 
“Why do you care so much about the post?” Colin mimicked my posture and crossed his arms as well. It seemed that he was trying hard to stop himself from smiling. 
Seeing him act so indifferent and mockingly made me even angrier. 
Due to that post, I couldn’t eat or sleep well, yet he was still smiling so happily. Was he treating me like a monkey to play with? 
I was not a pushover who would just let people bully me. 
“It’s not about whether I care or not. It’s about you wanting me to consider being your girlfriend while publicly declaring your affection for another woman. It’s a slap in the face 
to me. 
“You already have a woman by your side, but you’re still eyeing another. I’m beginning to doubt your integrity as a role model. And this is completely unfair to me. 
“I don’t have a girlfriend. As for the post, I can explain. She’s Emma White, and I’m nice to her just because…” 
“Don’t bother explaining,” I interrupted, holding my hands up to stop Colin from continuing to make up stories. 
“I don’t want to hear your random stories. What you do is none of my business. From now on, don’t come looking for me, and I won’t go looking for you either. I’ll treat you like how I treat Felix. 
“I appreciate your past kindness to me. If you need anything from me, I’ll do my best to help. But that’s it. Goodbye.” 
Hearing the name of another woman from Colin’s mouth made me feel extremely bitter. Ignoring his attempts to stop me, I ran into the apartment. Closing the door, I shut him and his unfinished words out. 
He had said something, but I was so flustered and confused that I didn’t hear a single word. Once again, I ran away like a coward, unable to face the truth.