Chapter 229 
I wanted to ask but was afraid. I was such a coward. 

Feeling like this made me so uneasy. 
I was having a severe mental struggle. Even so, I forced myself to ignore the pressing need to ask Colin what had happened eyen though I knew it would drive me to tears. 
I didn’t have the right to do that because he didn’t grant it to me. 
As for why I was feeling this grief that I couldn’t get rid of despite my best attempts, I didn’t ponder too much about it. 
Perhaps I had become very possessive of Colin as he had taken such great care of me in the 
When he asked for my answer to his confession, I said I would consider it. Perhaps 
consideration wasn’t equivalent to a promise. He could do anything he pleased since he was a free man. It wasn’t my place to meddle. 
Yes, it wasn’t my place to meddle. So, should I still be considering giving things a go with Colin? 
Also, why was there an aching in my heart? It felt like my eyes were searing too, and it hurt so much. I felt like I was about to cry. 
I tossed and turned for a long time before finally nodding off. But my dream that night was 
a chaotic mess. 
From a distance, I could see Colin grinning and reaching his hand to me. I wanted to run over, but he turned into a tiger with gleaming teeth. I was so frightened that I fled while the tiger chased me frantically. 
Even after losing my shoes, I couldn’t escape it. Panicked, I ran to the edge of a cliff, where I was forced to stop. I found myself between a rock and a hard place. A tiger was chasing me, and in front of me were precarious shoals and cliffs… 
I had dark circles under my eyes when I got up in the morning. I had no choice but to conceal them expertly with my superb makeup skills. 
The performance was scheduled for tomorrow, but I could already tell that my guitar playing was getting worse. I was even singing several notes out of tune. 
+35 BONUS 
My self–esteem took a dip, making me entertain thoughts of submitting my withdrawal from the performance to Hannah. But I hadn’t told her yet because I hadn’t come up with a good enough reason. 
Luckily, she was preoccupied and missed my gaffe. 
Although I was aware that Lilac would show up, I didn’t expect her to approach me at such a late hour. 
I thought she would’ve started bawling in front of me the instant I met Felix. But the puzzling thing was that she never showed up. Even when Felix and I spent a few days practicing our guitars together, there was no news from her end. 
When we met, I realized it wasn’t that she had been indifferent. It was just that she had taken time off to return to Southsville and had only recently returned. 
She asked to meet me at the college’s beverage area. 
“I heard about you and Felix in Southsville,” Lilac muttered as if she were daydreaming while staring at her tea. 
About me and Felix? What was there about us that made her want to meet me while still 
pulling along her suitcase and despite her fatigue from her long travels? 
“I have nothing to do with him.” After taking a sip of my iced coffee, I set it down and gave her a detached glance. I then turned to face the window. 
The sun was setting, making for a gorgeous sight. Half of the sky was covered in a lavender 
Lilac’s eyes reddened as her face turned fierce and menacing. She clenched her hands, and her red eyes seemed to glow like a ghost that was trying to devour me. But she appeared frail and gentle despite her deadly intent. 
Regardless of how I thought of her, she appeared to be a helpless victim of bullying. 
I had a strange feeling when I discovered that the opposing forces of ferocity and weakness coexisted on her. 
Luckily, I knew her well enough. I wasn’t surprised by the inconsistency between her words and deeds because I was already mentally ready for it. Conversely, I would find it strange if she didn’t show herself and kick up a fuss.