Chapter 195 
The Loxleys‘ white–haired butler came to take Brenda away. Her cussing only stopped when 

she entered the car. 
I faltered out of exhaustion, almost falling to the ground. 
It was mortifying to be the subject of nasty insults in public. My mentality wasn’t strong enough to endure the ordeal. Moments ago, all I could think about was to clear my name so 
that people wouldn’t view me as the villain. 
Now that Brenda was gone, so was the strength in me. 
Would I resent Matthew for it? Truth be told, I would. 
Matthew’s frail body swayed in the wind. In a hoarse voice, he uttered, “Sorry, Lulu. I 
promise this is the first and last time you’ll hear from my mother. 
“To everyone present, please accept my apology for the scene and inconvenience my mother has caused. Luna has the purest soul I know. She cares not about money or fame. All she wants is a genuine romantic connection. 
“My behavior has caused her a lot of trouble, and I’d like to apologize sincerely to her. I hope all of you will forget this incident. Let Luna go back to her carefree life. Thank you.” 
Matthew then lowered his head, his large movement tearing the wounds on his back in the process. The back of his white T–shirt was mottled with red spots. 
How could I ever resent Matthew who had apologized to me so sincerely? I couldn’t. 
I wasn’t a heartless person. And he wasn’t at fault here. I had no reason to hold a grudge against him. 
Helen returned to the scene. She stood behind Matthew and gazed at me, feeling conflicted. 
As we locked eyes, she gave me an apologetic smile. 
As for Leo, he was silent during the whole debacle. His eyes brightened when Helen came 
The people in this love triangle were all wounded. I wondered who would heal their wounds 
in the future. 
The crowd slowly dispersed. I wanted to walk away too and cut ties with Matthew for good. But seeing his vulnerable frame in the autumn wind and his pained expression, I didn’t have 
+15 BONUS 
it in me to be cruel. 
“Forget about this, Matthew. You should recuperate in the hospital. Your health is more important.” 
“Lulu, I…” Matthew’s sentence trailed off. He had so many things to say, but in the end, only one sentence came out of his mouth. “Sorry, I promise I won’t let what happened today repeat itself.” 
“Mmm, I trust you.” I nodded with a smile. 
“Matt, let’s go back,” said Leo. 
After what had happened, the contempt in his eyes had vanished slightly. He now looked at me with a mix of emotions. 
I believed many people in high society, including him, thought I was nothing but a gold- digger who had wished to buy an express ticket to nobility via Matthew. 
I had never cared about what they thought of me anyway. They were insignificant in my life. 
Matthew took a few steps toward me and paused. Then, he said bitterly, “Goodbye, Lulu.” 
I heard the finality in his voice. I replied, “Goodbye, Matthew.” 
Matthew then went back. There were only Helen and me before the apartment building. I 
stood and stared at her in silence. 
What happened just now reminded me of Georgina’s sarcasm at the birthday party. I’d be lying if I said I did not hold a grudge against Helen. 
She came closer and held my hands. Then, she said sincerely, “Lulu, I can’t believe my mom colluded with Mrs. Loxley to do this kind of thing. I’ve chastised her and made sure this won’t happen again. Will you forgive me? I still want us to be friends.” 
The heiress of the Johnson family was asking for my forgiveness. I bet no one would believe 
me if I told them.