Chapter 183 
+15 BONUS 

“Sure, you can do what you want, but I don’t want this relationship. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being doubted, belittled, and insulted. And I dread to see the day you regret the decision you make now.” 
Matthew wanted to continue arguing, but I silenced him by shaking my head. 
I had made up my mind and would not be dissuaded. 
This birthday party had killed the relationship between Matthew and me before it budded. 
Unfortunately, I couldn’t help Matthew anymore. There was no future for our love. 
“Trust me, Matthew. I’ve truly considered being with you. I considered loving you like you loved me. But there’s a gulf between us. I don’t want to be an accessory to your successes, nor do I want you to abandon your family for me. 
“If you do that, we can never be truly happy even if we’re together. So let’s end things here. No need to chase after me. You know me. Once I make a decision, I’ll never change my mind.” 
Something inside his eyes shattered into a million pieces. 
I wasn’t in love with Matthew, but saying goodbye still hurt a lot. 
For once, I gave Matthew an embrace. I hugged him as tightly as I could to convey all my guilt and lament to him. This was the final hug. 
Matthew responded to my hug with his own. He held me tightly as well, as if he was melding me into his body so that we could be together forever. 
Then, he rested his head next to my ears and whispered, “Oh, Lulu, my dear Lulu. I can never love another woman as I love you. If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t have made you meet my family this soon. I regret it so much, Lulu. So, so much.” 
He planted a kiss on my hair. Then, I felt warm liquid on the skin near my ears. 
It was his tears. 
“I’m leaving now, Matthew. Take care.” Fearing that watching Matthew suffer would make my heart go soft, I fled the scene. 
Goodbye, the chubby boy in my high school life. 
Tears came gushing out of my eyes. 
+15 BONUS 
Leaving the main gate, I bade farewell to the boy who once wrote 11 love letters to me. 
I felt sorry for him. His devotion was denied the chance to develop into something fruitful. 
But the fault did not lie in us. The fault lay in the difference between our worlds. 
Matthew did not chase after me. But I could feel that his gaze still lingered on me even when 
I was far from his house. 
Goodbye, the chubby boy who used to follow behind me. 
The apartment was empty and soulless. Helen was at the party. She probably wouldn’t come back tonight. 
After I bathed, I buried myself under the sheets and texted Zara. 
“Why are you sulking?” 
“I lament the relationship that was snipped off before it could bud.” 
“Don’t be cryptic.” 
I relayed what had happened between Matthew and me to Zara. She laughed at me instead. ” 
I can picture it already. A chubby boy was trying his best to catch up to you on a running 
track. When he finally reached you, you turned around and kicked him back to where he started. Luna, you’re so cold.” 
Was Zara even my friend? Urgh. 
During my slumber, I heard someone open the door. Helen staggered into the room groggily. She reeked of alcohol. 
She stood before my bed as if she wanted to tell me something.