Chapter 173 
+15 BONUS 

Matthew came to pick me up just after one in the afternoon on the day of the birthday banquet. He stood tall and handsome outside my apartment, saying he would take me to get styled. 
He handed me a long, rectangular, flat box from the back seat and urged me to open it. “This is a dress I had custom–made for you. See if you like it. If not, we still have time to buy another one.” 
“Can’t I wear my own clothes? Do I have to change into a formal dress?” 
Upon opening the box, I saw a pure black dress with a hint of silvery pearl luster. The knee- length dress combined conservatism with liveliness in its design. The material and style matched perfectly, making it beautiful and valuable. 
I didn’t care for luxury goods and wasn’t well–versed in them. But I could tell the value of the dress was significant, just from Matthew saying it was custom–made. It couldn’t be less than 30 or 40 grand. 
His actions made me a bit uncomfortable. 
He kept saying he just wanted me to go as his companion, with no other implications. It seemed like a spur–of–the–moment idea to bring me into his life. 
But custom–making a dress wasn’t a day or two’s affair. This meant he had planned for me to accompany him well in advance, but he just didn’t tell me about it. It was because he was certain I would agree. 
I wasn’t sure if this was some kind of manipulation on his part, but it definitely made me extremely uncomfortable. 
“Of course, you need to. Today is a formal occasion. The guests are reputable politicians and businessmen. It’d be rude not to wear a formal dress. Oh, and the shoes are in the trunk. I’ll 
get them for you later. 
“After getting styled, the stylist will help you change into the dress and shoes. After that, we can head back to the Loxley family mansion together.” 
I held the dress box without speaking, wondering if it was too late to return. 
I wasn’t scared. I just felt I’d be out of place at such an event. I couldn’t find a reason to look forward to it. 
+15 BONUS 
Moreover, I thought the banquet wouldn’t be as simple as Matthew described. It would likely end unpleasantly. 
Matthew seemed to notice my hesitation. He clenched his jaw and didn’t say anything further. He just pressed the gas pedal down. 
The stylist’s eyes lit up when he saw me. Despite being a man, Roger Thompson giggled flirtatiously, circling me twice and exclaiming exaggeratedly, “Matthew, I thought Ms. Lockwood was the best, but this lady is divine. Such a slender waist. Oh, and such tender skin. You’re a lucky man.” 
Being scrutinized like that made me uncomfortable. I stepped back and moved away from his cologne’s reach. 
Roger’s gaze made me feel like an item up for auction. 
It felt genuinely unpleasant to be disrespected like this. 
His words clearly told me that I was just one of Matthew’s many companions, no matter how attractive. Who knew who would be next? 
“What nonsense are you talking about, Roger? She’s my future girlfriend. We’re going to my father’s birthday party together.” 
Matthew interrupted Roger with displeasure, his explanation hurried and formal. It felt a bit like he was trying to cover something up. 
I felt even more stifled, and my desire to skip the birthday banquet grew. I mulled over when 
would be the best time to express my reluctance. 
The thought of backing out crossed my mind again. Yet, after much deliberation, I still encouraged myself to go. I had to experience some things to let go completely without 
Before I could voice my refusal, Roger had already called over two assistants. They began to work on me without any discussion, seating me in a chair for styling.