Chapter 166 
Felix glanced at me with his phone in hand. He was visibly torn about whether to answer the call. In the whole world, only Lilac could put Felix in such a dilemma. 

“Go back. I’m fine. Don’t worry, I’ll call you if anything comes up.” 
Felix left, but not before repeatedly reminding me to call him if I needed anything. 
I agreed, but I knew I wouldn’t do that. He probably understood that too. Given my stubborn nature, I wouldn’t turn to him no matter what, hence his repeated reminders. 
“Lulu, you didn’t eat last night or this morning. You must be hungry. What would you like to eat? I’ll go get it for you.” Matthew sat beside me. 
He was guilt–ridden like a schoolboy who had erred. He continuously muttered apologies. 
Truth be told, I didn’t blame him. I had no expectations for him to begin with. So, I had no grounds to feel resentful. 
However, this incident somewhat diluted my desire to give him a chance. 
Matthew tried to hold my hand several times when he sensed my coldness, but I avoided 
him each time. Eventually, he resignedly placed his hands under the blanket. This severed any chance of contact. 
Had he not insisted on me getting out of the minibus to wait for him, I wouldn’t have suffered last night’s ordeal. 
Now, his sweet talk was the last thing I wanted to hear. 
Why did apologies and remedies always come after it was too late to change anything? Not everything could be mended. Not everyone looked back after being hurt. 
Matthew felt defeated and rubbed his temples. “This is my fault. I broke my promise to 
protect you. I’m sorry Lulu. I don’t have the right to ask for your forgiveness. But I’m begging for a chance to make amends.” 
“I don’t blame you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Shit happens. It’s unavoidable. It’s nothing. 
I was really tempted to tell him to leave. 
“I’d prefer it if you weren’t so understanding. I’d rather you hit me or yell at me than rationalize everything away. Saying it’s okay makes me feel like you’re distancing yourself 
+15 BONUS 
from me. 
“I had my phone on silent during the meeting. I didn’t notice it had run out of battery. When I charged it and saw all your missed calls, I realized my grave mistake. I immediately drove to find you. By chance, I ran into the taxi you were in. 
“On the way to the hospital, I kept thinking that if anything were to happen to you, I 
wouldn’t want to live either. I’d join you. If I don’t deserve to be with you in this world, then I’d join you in the afterworld. 
“Thank goodness you’re okay. I’m overjoyed. Lulu, please give me one chance. Just one. Don’t ignore me. Don’t look at me with those cold eyes. Please, I beg you!” 
Matthew rested his head on my shoulder. I felt a warmth there. Something was wetting my 
“Lulu, don’t be so harsh on me. Give me a chance to redeem myself. Please, I beg you, Luna.” 
His voice was choked with sobs. It was filled with endless guilt and regret. “I regret it so much. What does it matter if the contract is signed or the plan is wrong? Nothing is as 
important as you. 
“I was out of my mind to forget you were waiting for me. It’s my fault. I’m not asking for forgiveness, Lulu. I’m just begging for a chance to make amends. Please don’t leave me.” 
The dampness on my shoulder grew, and his shoulders trembled slightly. The hands that were holding me through the blanket tightened. It was as if he was protecting a treasure he had lost and found again. 
“I’d like some cornflakes.” I finally relented. I was a kind person, after all.