Chapter 157 
“All that’s in the past. Why bring it up? I’ve never blamed you.” I smiled faintly. 

Indeed, it was all over now. Now that I looked back, I could no longer remember the humiliation and pain I felt back then. 
Felix smiled bitterly, took out a cigarette, and asked me if he could smoke. 
We were at a public place. It was not like we were at my house. He could do 
whatever he wanted. 
“Getting together with Lilac was purely accidental. I remember it was 
raining heavily that day. She didn’t have an umbrella, and she had even injured her leg. I saw her sitting on the ground alone, wiping her tears. She was drenched. 
“Since we were classmates, I figured I should help her. I didn’t know why, 
but I was moved by her tears. She wasn’t popular in class, and no one liked her. During gatherings, she’d always sit alone in the corner, looking like a pitiful sight. It made me want to protect her. 
“After being with her for so long, I know she uses her tears as a weapon and pretends to be weak. She’s often mean, especially to you. She harbors hostility against you. 
“I’ve noticed it and even warned her about it many times. But she always. says that I’m the only thing she has. On the other hand, you’re so dazzling that she can’t compare to you, which makes her feel inferior. Worried that I’d abandon her one day, she cried like a baby. 
“Lulu, I’ve wondered whether my feelings for her are love or pity. I still can’t tell. But no matter what it is, protecting her has become my obsession. and responsibility. Can you understand me?” 
“That’s your own affair. You don’t need my understanding. You don’t need 
to care about other people’s opinions if you think what you’re doing is right. 
He didn’t need to tell me this at all. That was his own affair, and I wouldn’t relate to it. Why was he telling me this? He acted so superfluously. 
Felix looked into my eyes as if he wanted to see my thoughts. I only gave him a faint smile. Regardless of his purpose, it had nothing to do with me. 
“Lulu, were you sad during that time?” 
He softened his voice. It was a gentle and caring voice that I had never heard 
from him before. 
How was that possible? I must have heard it wrong. 
We were long–time neighbors and childhood friends. I could still talk to him calmly just because of this relationship. There was nothing else between us. 
Moreover, things had changed. There was no point in saying this since we had left these things in the past. 
“It’s been so long. I’ve forgotten.” 
I really did forget. 
Felix was stunned for a moment and then smiled bitterly. He said nothing more as he concentrated on smoking. 
“Lix, since you’ve decided to give Lilac your whole life, love her well. I believe love will be able to move even the most heartless people.” 
He hid behind the smoke, not letting me see his face. After sitting for a while, I was the first to leave. 
That was all I wanted to say. He could take his time to think about it. Whether the outcome was good or not, that would depend on him. 
Felix’s expression was still bad when he got into the car. 
Colin secretly asked me what happened. I shrugged, telling him that I knew 
☐ +15 BONUS 
I wasn’t lying. I didn’t think the change in Felix’s emotions was from our previous conversation. 
A few days later, I got up early and invited Colin out for a meal. Mom always said that he had taken care of me for many years, so it was time to repay his 