Chapter 148 
“But I still held on to hope. I told myself that if I can’t make my dream come true when I’m 30, I’ll just marry a woman randomly. I’ll just have to accept my life. It’s rare in my circle to get married for love. It’s just an exchange of benefits. 

“I thought I’d live such a miserable life, but I was lucky to meet you again. God must have heard my prayers and gave me such a big surprise. Lulu, I would’ve given up if I hadn’t seen you. But you’re here, right next to me, alive. I like every part of you. I almost go crazy with joy. 
“Lulu, can you say something? I’m afraid you’ll reject me.” 
Matthew’s narrow eyes were full of anxiety and anticipation. He stared at me steadily, like a criminal waiting for the judge to pronounce his sentence. 
His words left me feeling bitter. I knew the feeling of liking someone sincerely but not being able to get their love. It was very 
He kept talking, but I had no intention of listening anymore. What he said just now was enough. He didn’t need to say much more. 
I admitted that his words moved me. 
“She’s cute,” I said with a smile. 
“What? Are you praising your love rival?” Matthew asked me in disbelief. 
Maybe he thought that I should’ve rushed up to Helen without 
hesitation, scratched her face, and then pointed at her and yelled at her for being shameless. 
“I don’t treat her as a love rival. She’s really cute. At least she’s 
much stronger than those scheming women who play dirty tricks behind me. I like her very much.” 
“So? Do you want to compete with her?” 
I smiled. “With you here, do I still need to fight?” 
Matthew grinned, and he looked a little proud. “Of course not.” 
The farce passed away peacefully. 
When Helen came back that day, she was a little drunk and unsteady. I kindly went to help her, but she shook my hands off. Go away! I don’t want to be friends with my love rival!” 
She was so fierce! 
I felt a headache coming on. I planned to put her down and let her 
fend for herself. 
“But what should I do? Luna, you’re a good person. I don’t want to fight with you. I just can’t control myself. I would rather be a bad woman to get Matthew.” 
She clutched my pajamas, muttering that she didn’t want to be a mistress and didn’t want to make me sad. But she also liked 
Matthew. Everything was too contradictory. 
“You’re also a good person. Although you’re always against me, I 
also like you. I want to be fries with you. Are you okay with that? 
I helped her lie on the bed, took off her shoes and socks, and covered her with the blanket. “Stop talking and sleep. If you’re thirsty or uncomfortable, just wake me up. I won’t sleep too deeply.” 
I had been seeing Matthew for more than half a month. He kept asking when he could become my boyfriend as he wanted to hold my hand and kiss me. But I always felt that it wasn’t the right timing, so I rejected him every time. 
His hope lit up and dimmed repeatedly. 
But he cared for me even more. He’d follow me around constantly 
if I didn’t have to go to classes.