Chapter 146 
When I went in, only one seat was left. And I met someone beyond my expectations–Helen. 

There was only one seat, but two of us came. Perhaps someone did 
it intentionally, or they didn’t expect me to attend in the first place. 
Either way, it was enough to embarrass me. 
“Matt, you’re late. As usual, you have to drink three glasses as punishment.” 
It was Leo who spoke. He kept glancing at me, smiling arrogantly. 
Matthew’s expression darkened, and he threw the car keys on the 
table. The loud thud made Leo’s smile freeze. 
Helen raised her head to look at us. Her gaze was complicated. It was filled with anger, resentment, and hatred that came from 
Did she hate me? 

“Why is there only one seat?” Matthew asked calmly. 
He looked stern, and his slightly raised brows told everyone that he was pissed off. 
“Matt, I’m sorry. I originally said I wasn’t going to come, but…” 
“Helly, why are you apologizing? You’re a member of our circle. We grew up together. We won’t drive you out even if there’s one 
+15 BONUS 
more person. No matter what, no one can replace you.” 
It was Leo again. He endured Matthew’s pressure and forced 
himself to speak up for Helen. His eyes, which should have been clear, concealed throbbing emotions. 
Did he like Helen? 
“Oh? One more person? Who’s the extra one? Who’s driving anyone out? Leo, tell me.” 
Matthew narrowed his eyes. Cold anger emerged on his body, and his force was overwhelming. 
Leo turned pale, and he seemed to be trying to say something. But in the end, he was defeated by Matthew’s cold force. He lowered his head and didn’t dare to speak again. 
Others quickly asked the waiter to add a seat. They explained that they had been focused on chatting and did not notice a missing seat. They kept apologizing. 
The waiter came in time and put a small, narrow chair next to the unoccupied seat. 
“Matt, invite your guest to sit down. The food will be served soon. You have to drink more today. It’s been too difficult to invite you recently. We never expected that you’d focus on a woman one day. 
You surprised us.” 
Seeing their behavior, I understood everything. 
I was the extra one. They kept the circle tight just to isolate me. 
“Matthew, I have something else to do. I’m leaving now. Goodbye. 

It wasn’t worth staying for such an occasion. I didn’t feel awkwar 
saying it out loud. Since I was the extra one, I would leave. I 
wouldn’t have come to this gathering if it weren’t for Matthew’s 
Those people were all arrogant. Relying on the support of their predecessors, they thought that they were omnipotent and despised others. 
It was a pity that no matter how good their world was, I had never been envious of it. I had my principles and way of life. I never 
wanted to rely on anyone. 
There was an idiom–birds of different feathers didn’t flock 
I turned around and left, but Matthew grabbed my arm. “I’m 
leaving with you.” 
He glanced at Leo and said coldly, “Don’t invite me to this kind of gathering in the future.” 
I was about to say he didn’t have to do that, but he gloomily pulled 
me to the door. 
“Luna Lawson, I want to compete fairly with you!” 
I was stunned to hear that. 
What did Helen want to compete with me for? I studied watercolor while she studied management. Was there any need to compete?