Chapter 107 
Before I reached home, I saw a red spot around my home. It was Felix. He was leaning against a wall, 

smoking. It was a dark corner, so dark that unless you glanced over, you wouldn’t have noticed that 
someone was there. 
The cigarette flickered in the dark. The lightless environment concealed Felix’s face from everyone’s 
“It’s late. Your mom will be worried about you,” said Felix as he blew out a perfect smoke ring. 
Colin raised his brow. Before I could say anything, he blurted out, “Why? Are you worried that Lulu will be 
abandoned once more? Not everyone is as heartless as you.” 
Felix snuffed out the cigarette and stood upright. He looked at Colin and then at me. After that, he left 
without saying a word. 
I wasn’t sure if I saw it wrongly, but Felix’s silhouette looked so… lonely. So, he felt lonely when Lilac 
wasn’t with him, huh? They must be a match made in heaven. 
Colin knocked on my home’s door and returned me to my mom, “Aunt Harper, Luna’s here.” 
He grabbed my hand and placed it in my mom’s grasp. For a moment, I thought I was in a TV show where the bride’s father entrusted the bride to the groom. The father would then ask the groom to take 
good care of the bride. 
But this time around, the roles were swapped. It was quite fun. 
That night, I told Mom the details of my outing. After I bathed and went to bed, it was already midnight. I was tired, but my mind was still hyperactive from the excitement. I couldn’t help but text Zara. 
As we engaged in a fun conversation, Felix suddenly sent me a short message. “Did you enjoy the outing? 
I shrugged. Why was he asking such an obvious question? Couldn’t he tell I was very happy just now? Was he trying to hear a confirmation from me? 
I recomposed my reply many times. In the end, I only texted, “Yes.” 
Felix sent another text message almost immediately. “Lulu, Colin and you are…” 
My heart sank into an icy pond as I read Felix’s message. I was lost, unsure of how I should interpret his 
+15 BONUS 
Chapter 107 
Before I reached home, I saw a red spot around my home. It was Felix. He was leaning against a wall, 
smoking. It was a dark corner, so dark that unless you glanced over, you wouldn’t have noticed that 
someone was there. 
The cigarette flickered in the dark. The lightless environment concealed Felix’s face from everyone’s 
“It’s late. Your mom will be worried about you,” said Felix as he blew out a perfect smoke ring. 
Colin raised his brow. Before I could say anything, he blurted out, “Why? Are you worried that Lulu will be 
abandoned once more? Not everyone is as heartless as you.” 
Felix snuffed out the cigarette and stood upright. He looked at Colin and then at me. After that, he left 
without saying a word. 
I wasn’t sure if I saw it wrongly, but Felix’s silhouette looked so lonely. So, he felt lonely when Lilac 
wasn’t with him, huh? They must be a match made in heaven. 
Colin knocked on my home’s door and returned me to my mom, “Aunt Harper, Luna’s here.” 
He grabbed my hand and placed it in my mom’s grasp. For a moment, I thought I was in a TV show 
where the bride’s father entrusted the bride to the groom. The father would then ask the groom to take 
good care of the bride. 
But this time around, the roles were swapped. It was quite fun. 
That night, I told Mom the details of my outing. After I bathed and went to bed, it was already midnight. I was tired, but my mind was still hyperactive from the excitement. I couldn’t help but text Zara. 
As we engaged in a fun conversation, Felix suddenly sent me a short message. “Did you enjoy the outing? 
I shrugged. Why was he asking such an obvious question? Couldn’t he tell I was very happy just now? 
Was he trying to hear a confirmation from me? 
I recomposed my reply many times. In the end, I only texted, “Yes.” 
Felix sent another text message almost immediately. “Lulu, Colin and you are. 
My heart sank into an icy pond as I read Felix’s message. I was lost, unsure of how I should interpret his 
“What do you mean?” 
+15 BONUS 
Felix then left a voice message. It wasn’t long–just ten seconds or so. But I deleted it instead of listening. Then, I blocked his number. 
A few days later, Felix came to my house, saying that Colin was hanging out with his friends. He didn’t want to talk to me, nor did he mention the voice message. That meant that after that night, our online 
interaction ceased completely. 
I liked that. Now, we could part ways and move on with our lives. 
“You should hang out with Lilac, then. Don’t come here. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea again,” I 
said impatiently. I only let Felix in out of courtesy. 
Felix lounged on the couch, resting his head on the upholster. “She went back to North pool to visit her 
I was bewildered. The scene where Lilac and Shawn kissed emerged in my head and refused to leave. Normally, people went back to their hometown before Christmas, not after. It was hard to tell why Lilac 
went back to Northpool all of a sudden. 
I felt sorry for Felix because he had misplaced his love on someone like Lilac. I had seen with my own eyes what Felix had done for Lilac. He would defy his parents‘ wishes for her.