Chapter 70 
He cried, “Disgusting Clusian Stay away! You aren’t welcome here! 

After saying that to Evangeline, Kent suddenly looked at the person behind her with a fawning expression on his face 
He exclaimed. Jeffrey, come sit here. We haven’t seen each other for ten years. Let’s catch up on old times!” 
As soon as Kent had finished speaking. Norbert of Japrium also said. “You’re amazing Jeffrey, I admire you so much. Please sit next to me! 
Jeffrey glanced at Evangeline gloatingly, then snorted proudly and boarded the helicopter Norbert was in, 
Norbert handed a Japriumian sword, which he had received earlier, to Jeffrey in an obsequious manner. 
All of a su 
a sudden, a voice could be heard to the left of Evangeline “Evangeline, come sit with us. There’s 

Evangeline turned around and saw three pr 
people sitting in one of the helicopters 
Two men and a woman were 
voman were looking at her in a friendly manner 
a still an empty spot 
Evangeline approached them and got into the helicopter. 
After she sat down, the helicopter began to take off. 
The other woman in the helicopter introduced herself, “Hello, Evangeline. I’m Marian Gibba Term Epria.” 
She proffered a hand to Evangeline. The later sh 
anned Marian from top to for 
Marian looked like she was either 22 24 She was nearly five feet eleven inches tall and had an athletic figure. 
The two men also introduced themelven 
One of them said. Tm Leigh Doyle from Rendik. 
The other spoke Tm Riley Danvers Trony Gergan 
Leigh from Rendik was tan and was nearly six feet three inches tall. 
and seas about st 
Meanwhile, Riley from Gargan had a fair completion and 
was about uk feet there inchetul 
Both of them were stocky and did not look like prople to be trified with 
Evangeline asked, “Do you know each other?? 
Marian similed. “Yes, we arrived in Nandor half a month earlier and met each other then. In fact, n carlier to overcome jet lag and adapt to the local climate You’re the last to arrive 
Evangeline nodded. 
most contestants.come here about h 
Marian blinked and said, “Before I came here, the president of my country came to see i Clusia’s assistance over the past two years.” 
ee me. He told me to protect 
me to protect you for he was grateful for 
Leigh chimed in, “The president of my country also met me. Without Clusia’s help, t 
things would have been tougher for Remdik. We are very 
grateful to Clusia.” 
Riley added, “I haven’t had the honor of meeting our president yet, but when our country was in trouble last year, other countries followed Atharia’s lead in sanctioning our country. Clusia was the only country that supported us. Furthermore, Clusians also helped us a lot and supported our country economically by buying things through our embassy’s live room. I just wanted to repay your kindness 
Various comments appeared in the live roorn again. Wow, they are people from Remdik. Gregan, and Upria. They know how to show gratitude, and this proves that our country has helped the right people!] 
(Rensdik is the most grateful country I’ve ever seen. When I traveled to Remdik, the locals refused to charge me for food and finding out I was Chusian. In the end, I had to leave my money behind and run away. They even chased after me relentlessly. As a result, I lost ten 
transportation after pounds.] 
[Hahaha! Seriously? I’ll go to Rendik sometime! 
Where is their embassy’s live room? I’m going to buy their product 
12:30 PM d 
Wow, the nice ones have arrived. I’m not used to it. How could Evangeline scold people indiscriminately in the future!] 
[Hala, don’t be ridiculous!] 
After flying for more than an hour, the helicopter finally arrived at a dense old–growth forest, 
Instead of landing, the pilot lowered a rope ladder for the contestants to climb down. 
As soon as the contestants were on the forest grounds, the helicopter flew away 
At the same time, several drones Blew around them. 
Evangeline also noticed a few tiny robot bees flying around the forest. 
A red light was blinking in the center of each bee. 
She thought. They must also be part of the production team’s filming equipment 
All of the contestants did not land in the same place. Thus, when Evangeline and her teammates landed, nobody else was around 
Marian suggested, “The production team will dispatch some supplies, and they won’t be too far from us. Let’s look for them first. It’s difficult to explore the forest withour toolsTM 
Leigh said, “Yes, I hope we can find a lighter, or we have to eat raw meat. I dont want to try it unless I have to 
Evangeline had no objections and continued. slking with them 
At the same time, at the ridge of the forest, the production tram quietly transported a dozen iron cages covered with black cloth using a massive helicopter. 
The black cloth was removed only after the cages had been lifted. mit of the helicopte 
The cages were filled with ferocious beats such as black bears, tigers, and wolves 
One of the cages was extraordinarily huge 
There was a white tiger inside, which several times larger than a regular figer 
Its ferocity could send chills down ones spine 

Unfortunately, it did not have testicles.