Chapter 558 
Upon hearing this, James furrowed his brow in a straightforward manner and said, “Wasn’t me.” 
“I thought as much. You don’t strike me as the type.” 
Sophie looked up at the starry sky, a rare, relaxed smile spreading across her face. 
As the fireworks continued into the tenth minute, Sophie’s expression turned somewhat serious. “This production team… sure knows how to spend money” 
As they looked up from the courtyard, the fireworks burst into a spectacular array of colors, just like in a movie, unreal in their beauty. 
At first, Sophie was enjoying the awe the fireworks brought her, but by the tenth minute, she was starting to feel overwhelmed. 
She rubbed her ears, silently counting in her head. Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand…. 
After fifteen minutes had passed, the dazzling fireworks finally ceased. Great, the fireworks were worth a million dollars. The production team was richer than she had imagined. 

Finally, as the last of the fireworks faded, James asked, “Did you like it?” 
Sophie eamestly replied, “I did at first, but not so 
She walked back into the living room without looking back. 
The fireworks had left her ears ringing. They were beautiful, but she didn’t want to see them again anytime soon. 
James remained silent for a moment, then pulled out his phone and sent a message to Colt. 
James: [Prepare fireworks.] 
Colt Mr. Burke, what kind of fireworks would you like?] 
James: [There are different kinds?] 
Colt: Mr. Burke, there are indeed many types of fireworks available] 
James: [Just make it the most expensive.] 
On a private jet, Adler was dozing off. When he opened his eyes, he saw Colby sitting beside him, seemingly not tired at all. Adler said, “Colby, go to sleep. You know what time it is? Why aren’t you sleeping?” 
till we arrive?” 
“How much longer till 
“Ms. Sophie’s island is far. Plus, we still need to find a place to stay. Roughly three more hours, I guess.” 
“Three hours?” 
That meant they would arrive in the middle of the night. 
Adler continued, “But I need to make it clear, we can’t disturb the shoot. That’s the final warning Gordon gave me! if he sees you, he’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of there.” 
Colby’s gaze turned cold. “As if I’m afraid of him.” 
“Yes, yes, you’re not afraid, but I am. I don’t want to confront Gordon head–on. Plus, if Sophie finds out you’re disrupting her work, shed be really upset.” 
Upon hearing this, Colby frowned. He wasn’t afraid of anything except for the possibility of upsetting Sophie. 
Still, the thought of Sophie and James spending over a month alone together made him uneasy. 
Colby said, “James is no good man. It’s not safe for Sophie to be with him.” 
Adler dismissed this with a wave. “There are carneras everywhere. What are you afraid of? Sophie isn’t worried! Besides, to the public, they are a married couple. Frankly, you’re just a handsome, rich guy who’s seducing Sophie. If your affair with her gets out, you might even be labeled as some modern–day Casanova…” 
At this, Adler received a sharp look from Colby, sending shivers down his spine. He quickly covered himself with a blanket, saying. “I didn’t say anything. You didn’t hear anything”