Chapter 555 
The conversation ended, and Sophie Immediately stood up from the couch. 
James was sitting in the chait, unaware of why Sophie suddenly got agitated, only to see her approaching him and asking. “Are you 
James was confused. He wasn’t a big eater and didn’t particularly enjoy fast food. He had only taken a few bites earlier and hadn’t 
eaten any more. 
He wasn’t hungry at all right now, However, looking at the eamest expression on Sophie’s face, James lied without a guilty conscience, 
That’s great.” Saying so, Sophie pulled James into the kitchen, “Help me wash the vegetables,” 
James hesitated for a moment. He looked down at the tomato in his hand, then at Sophie rummaging through the fridge for ingredients, and obediently went to wash the tomato. 

Sophie found the beef but nothing else. However, the kitchen was stocked with all kinds of spices. 
Sophie planned to make a tomato and beef stew, which would be perfect for dinner. 
According to the script, today was their first day here for the pilot episode, and they didn’t have any tasks. They just needed to casually chat together. 
Sophie quickly started cutting the meat while James stood still, unsure of where to place his hands: 
“Move over a bit 
James obediently stepped aside. 
Sophie said, “Don’t block the way. Step out a bit.” 
James obediently stepped out 
Watching Sophie busily working in the kitchen, James mustered the courage to ask, “Is there anything I can do?” 
Just don’t talk.” 
Sophie had made her highest request of James. So, James stopped talking. 
Sophie carefully chose her spot but realized that if she had zero interaction and communication with James, the shooting would still take longer than a month. 
So, Sophie took a couple of steps back and asked, “Why don’t you chat with me?” 
James hesitated. He wasn’t good at small talk. And now, he only wanted to ask Sophie about her current relationship with Colby. 
As the words reached his lips, James asked, “How have you been doing recently?” 
“Good,” Sophie casually asked back, “And you?” 
“Not so good.” 
When Sophie heard this response, she paused, then looked up at the camera and said, “Cut this part. I’ll ask again.” 
Sophie then casually 
ually asked again, “How about you? How have you been recently?” 
ry well: 
James watched Sophie cook, and he realized that she was gathering material for the shoot. He smiled and said, “…very 
“Good, that’s good.” 
Sophie finished preparing the stew. It was already afternoon, with a few hours left until dark. 
The place was near the coast, where the night sky was beautiful. 
Sophie and James sat in the corridor, and James thoughtfully covered Sophie with a blanket. 
In front of the camera, the production team watched the cozy and comfortable scene and nodded in approval. 
“Ding ding-” 
A crew member glanced at the buzzing phone on the table and immediately called out to the director not far away, “You have a call!” 
The director hurried over, saw the call was from an unknown number, and answered with a puzzled tone. “Who is this?” 
Chapter 555 
The director hung up immediately. 
The crew member asked, “Whose call was that? Why did you hang up?” 
“Scam call! Do not answer” 
Colby was a big shot. Why would he make the call? 
Scammers these days really are something else! 
Colby was inside the Costello family home. When the call had been hung up, his expression darkened. 
Adler glanced at the increasingly grim–faced Colby and coughed, saying, “Ah, you should have let me handle this. I could have had my secretary call. Everyone would think you’re a scammer If you directly called them.” 
Adler nervously looked at Colby, who coldly said, “Book a flight. I’m going to the island.” 
“No.” Adler flatly refused, saying eamestly. “Gordon has made it clear. Under no circumstances are you to fly there!” 
“Are you afraid of him or me?” Colby’s cold gaze swept over Adler. 
When it came to scheming. Adler naturally feared Gordon. But in terms of brute force, he was more afraid of Colby, 
Adler cleared his throat and said, “Colby, calm down… Don’t you trust Sophie? She’s truly devoted to you. She wouldn’t change her heart!” “Change her heart?” 
Realizing the phrase he used was not quite right, Adler thought for a moment and tentatively changed his wording. “Rekindle an old flame?” 
“Rekindle an old flame?” Colby’s gaze became even more dangerous. He placed a hand on Adler’s shoulder and said, “You have ten minutes to put a plane ticket in front of me. Otherwise…“