Chapter 541 
“Do you have a contract?” 
“With a contract. It can still be done. It’s just a matter of a breach of contract fee, which the Costello family can afford.” 
Colby was about to lose his patience and speak up when Sophie interrupted, “Grandpa, we’re all business people here, Business is about making sure profits are secured. I would never engage in a losing deal. Colby and I have decided to announce our engagement and get married in six months without any delay” 
Hearing Sophie’s words, Lennon finally felt reassured. 
Colby had never known his stubborn grandpa to be so agreeable before. 
“You are beautiful and a sweet–talker. I quite like you. It’s just a shame that you’re too good for Colby. I should have found someone better for you. I think that young man from the Aldridge family isn’t bad… 
“Lennon!” Colby called out Lennon’s name, his face as dark as it could be. 

How could his own grandfather suggest his future granddaughter–in–law to someone else right in front of him? 
“I’m just saying. The young man from the Aldridge family is not bad, though he’s had some health issues with his leg.” 
Sophie thought Lennon was talking about Harold, but to her surprise, Lennon was referring to Gordon, 
The smile on her face froze 
Was Gordon good? in terms of intelligence, certainly. 
His character was occasionally top–notch, but he could be truly despicable at times. 
She wondered which unlucky person would end up with Gordon 
Just as Sophie was thinking this, her phone suddenly displayed an incorning call from Gordon, making the comers of her mouth twitch. Talk of the devil, and he shall appear. 
“I need to take this call.” 
Sophie stood up and walked aside to answer Gordon’s call. 
“Mr. Gordon, what can I do for you?” 
“Come to my office.” 
“What’s so urgent?” 
“Ive sent someone to pick you up. They should be there by now” 
“But I’m currently at Lennon’s house.” 
“I know.” 
Gordon’s voice was steady as if he had anticipated all of Sophie’s movements. 
Frowning, Sophie asked, “Is it important?” 
“Bring Colby with you.” 
With that, Gordon ended the call. 
Sophie turned back and approached Colby. “Grandpa, Colby and I need to handle some work–related matters. Well be leaving now.” Colby stood up, seemingly eager to leave as well. 
Although Lennon was reluctant to let them go, he couldn’t insist on keeping them and had someone escort Sophie and Colby out. Just outside the Costello family’s mansion was a luxury car waiting beyond the gated community. After verifying it was Gordon’s car, Sophie and Colby got into the back seat one after the other. 
Aldridge Global’s headquarters was always bustling, and today seemed particularly busy. Upon arrival in the meeting room, they were faced with Gordon’s senous expression/“Odie Minton is here.” 
Sophie heard this name but wasn’t surprised. She felt a chill down her spine. 
The name Odie was known both domestically and internationally. Even in her past life, Sophie had heard of Odie. 
If Colby was a king who fought his way through bloodshed, then Odie was the dark mastermind manipulating everything from the shadows. 
Colby, even in his underworld dealings, had a strict rule for his subordinates: no involvement in prostitution, gambling, or drugs. 
But Odie was different. His enterprises wem vast whirlpools of desire. He achieved his status through the ruin of countless families 
But why would he appear in Devonport out of the blue? 
According to memories from her past life, there should have been no connection between Odia and Devonport. 
Sophie frowned. “Odie lives in Summerfield. Why would he suddenly come to Devonport?” 
“Odie is officially in Devonport for vacation, but who knows if he has other motives? Gordon’s gaze fell on Colby as he spoke, “This is an opportunity. i think we should accelerate our plans.” 
“How long will be stay?” 
“A month” 
onth? Who moves from one city to another just for a vacation? Odie 
Sophie sensed something fishy. “What kind of vacation lasts a month? can’t be that idle, can he?” 
Gordon shrugged, “Maybe he just wants to see the Devonport beaches. Summerfield isn’t by the water” 
That was even more nonsensical. Could someone like Odie want to come to Devonport just to spend time by the sea? 
Sophie looked at Gordon, asking. “Do you already have a plan?” 
“Yes, but I’ll need your help.” 
Sophie replied, “Last time, you said a company backed by Odie is what lured Uncle Perry into gambling. That means Odie might be involved in the incident that killed me and Colby’s parents years ago. How would it bother me? If anything, we should be troubling you.”