Chapter 536 
“Come on, come on! It’s a couple’s matter, What’s the use of you stopping it?” 
“No buts! Let’s go already!” 
Adler grabbed Jenna’s hand and started walking towards the door. 
Inside the boxing gym, Colby’s punches were fast, accurate, and ruthless. Sophie could barely dodge with her ngin figure. Colby frowned deeply. He then stopped holding back and aimed straight for Sophie’s throat, his fingers stopping just an inch away. A little further and Sophie would have been in mortal danger. 
Sophie’s breathing became rapid. In that moment, the murderous aura emanating from Colby almost made her freeze in place, too scared to move an inch 
“Sophie, an enemy won’t show you mercy like I do. You can’t just dodge every time I attack. If this continues, you’ll just wear yourself 

“I know let’s go again!” 
That day, Colby’s training had Sophie completely exhausted. She eventually collapsed into his arms. 
Colby whispered, “That’s enough for today.” 
Despite the exhaustion, Sophie found joy in it. She knew this was the only way she could learn to protect herself. 
The next moming. Sophie took the initiative to visit Burker Intemational 
The receptionist, seeing Sophie as a newcomer, couldn’t help but ask, “Excuse me, miss, who are you looking for?” 
Tm here to see Mr. Burke.” 
“Do you have an appointment?” 
“No, I don’t” 
Tm sorry, but Mr. Burke’s schedule is very full. Without an appointment…” 
Before the receptionist could finish, Sophie handed over her business card, saying, “Ts an appointment still necessary?” 
The receptionist looked up in surprise. She hadn’t expected the stunning woman before her to be James‘ wife! 
The couple’s news had been all over the internet these days, but Sophie was even more beautiful in person than in the news! 
“My apologies, Mrs. Burke. I’ll notify Mr. Burke right away!” 
The receptionist quickly called Colt, and upon hearing that Sophie was here, Colt immediately went downstairs to greet her. 
In no time, Colt hurried over, and upon confirming that it was indeed Sophie, surprise was written all over his face. It was rare for Sophie to visit, and he wondered why she was here today. 
“What? Not happy to see me? 
Faced with Sophie’s question, Colt quickly said, “No, Mrs. Burke, this way, please.” 
Colt led Sophie to the CEO’s private elevator, saying, “Mr. Burke was just in a meeting. You might have to wait in the reception room for a 
little while.” 
Sophie stepped out of the elevator and saw James in a meeting room. Their eyes met for a moment before Colt opened the door to the reception room, saying, “Mrs. Burke, please wait here.” 
Sophie sat on the sofa, quietly waiting for James to finish his meeting. 
After a while, the reception room door opened. Sophie, who was looking down at her phone, asked without looking up, “How much longer will Mr. Burke be in his meeting?” 
When Sophie didn’t receive an answer, she looked up to see James already sitting in front of her. He said, “It wasn’t an important meeting, so I came out.” 
They hadn’t seen each other for a few days, and James looked the same as ever. Sophie asked, “Have the divorce papers come through yet?” 
James replied indifferently. “According to the agreement, the divorce papers will be handed to you on the day the contract expires.” 
As Sophie remained silent, James continued, “Did you come here just to talk about this?” 
Noticing the coldness in James tone, Sophie shook her head, saying, “I came to ask you to join me on a show.” 
What show?” 
“Once Upon on Ex” 
Hearing these words, James calmly picked up the coffee cup from the table, saying leisurely. Tve heard about it. The proposal from Aldridge Global was well–written.” 
“So… will you go?” 
“Will you?” 
1 will” 
James agreed, and Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. 
James then asked, “What’s your relationship with Gordon?” 
“Mr. Gordon and I have no relationship beyond him being a business partner, so we’ve had some dealings in business.” 
To prevent James from doubting her identity. Sophie casually found an excuse. 
Clearly, James believed Sophie’s words. He had never doubted that Sophie was indeed Blake and preferred to believe that Reece was Blake after the last time Reece attended a dinner in her place. 
James said lightly, “Gordon is a dangerous man. It’s best you stay away to avoid getting bumed.” 
“We’ve said it’s just a business partnership. How could someone like Mr. Gordon get close to me?” Sophie said with a light smile, “Mt. Burke, you’re overthinking it. 
to you this afternoon. I hope we have a pleasant time filming 
“I’ve delivered my message. Since you’ve agreed, the contract will be sent to you the show.”